Khethil wrote:Actually, there is no "America", though it's often used to describe the U.S. The "Americas" are 3 continents. If you're referring to Canada, the U.S.; Mexico or any individual nation-states organized from that continent; then yes, each one of those meets that definition. I've looked at several,
here's one
I saw this same statement in yet another bitter-sounding post a ways back. Would you mind clarifying? You've got my curiosity.
EDIT: Added clarification on the continents

I may be getting into trouble because I am translating the word from Hebrew.
The Hebrew word is "Goy".
Goy is most commonly translated as "Nation".
The first criteria for a Nation is a specific people.
This specific people must have a specific land
It must also have a specific language, dress, and names
I would say that U.S.A is made up of many different peoples but not a single people. Thus you could not categorize it as a Nation.
I could say that the Francs are a Nation, but France today is also made up of many different peoples, and so I couldn't call France a Nation.
I could say that the Germanic people are a Nation.
I could say that China is a Nation (however) because they are a specific people in a specific land.
So this thread about making one universal Nation cannot occur based on this definition.
Making one, big, world country would be a better title although I would still disagree because each Nation is unique and it is important that we learn to work together and work as one and still keep our separation. We can respect each other and not have a superiority complex one Nation to another without breaking down the National boundaries. We can have world peace without the John Lenon vision.
Each Nation must develop in its own way just as each one of us develops in our own way.
There is a classic analogy that I am fond of:
"Adam" in Hebrew is a name called on all of Mankind. Each nation is an organ within Adam. One Nation is a heart, another is the Liver. All of the Nations should work together just like all of the Organs in the body.
This is true unity and true globalization. The respect for differences and personal identity.