@mister kitten,
heya thank youfor a your great replys
this 1st part is to mister kitten
boxers dont have Katas like in martial arts
we have set combinations which is a bit similar
i've won once and lost once boxing is western it evolved in england over hundreds of years
to HexHammer
thankyoufor your opinion alot of people believe that our society has moved passed violence that we are somehow better than violence
how so? violence has been such an integral part of our existence throughout our evolution
i think repression of violence is a serious problem we have
theres a village in Ghana called jamestown that has produced many very good boxers, boxing is an important part of their culture there
in this village if you are walking down the street and you want tofight someone you put your hand on your head in afist shape and if someone wants to accepts your challenge they return the gesture and you both duke it out right there
maybe we need a code of conductlike this? some way to initiate physical violence without the emotional violence, without thefightforeplay
shall we start one? what do you think?
a revolution