@Ding an Sich,
Ding_an_Sich;169667 wrote:Oh I still read classical poets. TV is simply nauseating to me. I cant stand recycled garbage. Anything relating to television, music, and literature for the past 90 years (aside from philosophy) is worthless. Give me Mozart's Concerto no. 21 and Faust and Im a happy camper.
I agree so long as it doesnt distort the philosophy of Kant or Hegel into a horrific abortion.
I wish I knew classical music better. I've read more about it than I have listened to it, frankly. I have given a good listen to Webern, Schoenberg, Xennakis, Nancarrow, the weirdos let's say. I love Bach. He was prob the first that grabbed me years ago. Mozart is definitely great. He wrote that little Rondo, right? Hesse works him into Steppenwolf in a great way.
I must say that I do think there is
some great rock n roll. This isn't the thread for it or I might post a few videos. TV is generally trash, but there are exceptions, I think. As far as comedy goes, the Larry David Show is hilarious. Some of the modern cartoons are viscous satires.
I agree that if a thinker pretends to expound another thinker and doesn't really address the other thinker, it's crap. Kojeve isn't guilty of this. But let's suppose that some cracked-brain but genius guy misread a great thinker accidentally, and happened to "read in" some great ideas. In this case, I would find a way to forgive him. And just think of the misreading as creative.

---------- Post added 05-27-2010 at 03:14 PM ----------
My summer reading:
more on algorithmic information theory. more philosophy of mathematics. more Kant. I've got a book now that stresses what a likable guy he was, and what a great in-person teacher he was. Not a cold fish at all. A highly social guy. Interesting.
Reading W's Investigations more thoroughly. The TLP is denser in its assertions, and easier to get absorbed in. I'm also rereading that.
I will surely pick the bible again, too. The Gospels and Revelation and all that jazz. The Tao is back on my mind. That's a sublime book.