Reconstructo;170562 wrote:I would say that the individual is an abstraction. We do have separate bodies, but these bodies came from other bodies. We do have separate minds, right? But these minds interpenetrate one another by means of language and action.
Individualism in the guise of a absolution is a modern reductionism.
Reductionism in its modern bastardised form is a subtractive abstraction. It takes out what needs to be there. It takes out the personality objective of the individual, reducing all the while the behaviour and language to a horrid excuse of 'individual' solo and simple. (Personality is first person, person is member of a people a species specific endeavour, but 'personality' has not evaded this horrid modern individualism reductionism either)
Each a God and no longer Godlike or as God. Subtractive abstractionist reductionism.
Freud an example of the ills of a subtractive abstractivator reductionist.
Poop joke. Subtractive abstractionist reductionism.
Even Darwinism does not adequately explain systemic wholeness, the individual as part of family the family as part of the individual.
Even Darwinism does not explain what evolution is for or against adequately.
Organisms; a something, a whole that is made up of parts the whole having dominion over the sum of its parts, one whole distinct above from that the parts which make it. No matter how important each part is and is what
makes the whole possible it does preclude that the parts need the whole more than the whole needs the parts, both would perish but this would happen without the whole.
A single human being, Human kind, Humanity as an individual and then species is an organism.
The matrix of development.
Line dancing.
Stop thinking you are born to conquer your family, instead try to conquer with them.
We are all tied to together, tethered to the horse called purpose (evolution), we crave it, we seek it, we taste with it, we miss it, we need it. We get sick without it the selfish individual (subtractive abstractionist reductionism) instead of a dancing family species.
This sick individual thinks it is an organ that can survive without its body.
I don't like where society is going that prefers the privileged organs more than all of them, it is this sick individualism that is infecting even the higher whole. Soon the species will be geared toward the sick individual with the subtractive abstractive reductionist purpose leaving our language arts faiths sickly individualised.
This post has gone on far to long,
A positive individual knows how rare and important its organ and organism is to the body and the more vast organism.
WE need to know we are part of a family before we start having our own.
Together as a recognised species we evolve more successfully and fruitfully, together we can grasp what evolution is truly for and finally be completed by complementation.
On what is the unity of the species of mankind based and building for?
Comparison, compatibility, companion, compassion, complement.
I am human above that of a sometime sun,
I am a sometime sun because I am human.
I am not (a) human because I am a human being,
I am a human being because I am human.
No such thing really as 'a' human.
No such thing really as 'a' individual.
I need never be alone again as long as I am available.
No one can be alone always and be healthy and survive for them selves or for others.
Society is a failure by recognising the one above the all.
I am human,
I BELONG with, as humans.
There is one type, which means there are no types.
There is no reduction,
there is no abduction,
there is evolution,
there is whole,
there is human.