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sometime sun
Reply Sat 24 Apr, 2010 11:21 pm
Khethil;155022 wrote:
Absolutely not! Boredom (to me) is the resulting condition when I simply don't know what to do. It's just at times like this that asking others - as you've done - is awesome therapy.

But no, I was just on a roll for different things to do that involve engaging the world and living outside of computers and TV.

So boredom is confussion, indecision, a mental disability?

I loved your responce but because of the amount of alternatives available one must try to understand that it is not the world waiting for them that is the problem it is that you are waiting for the world.
Perhaps boredom is a fear of some sort? inadequecy?

---------- Post added 04-25-2010 at 06:28 AM ----------

wayne;155031 wrote:
True happiness and contentment is not, having what we want, it's wanting what we have. A life to experience.

Where does NEED come into this?
What are the similarities between contentment and happiness for surly they are different beasts to train or set free.

I like your responce alot, recognition of what you have is often to know what you dont need or want.
Knowing your self requirements means not having to be overwhelmed by not knowing the requirements the rest of the world has of you.
Reply Sun 25 Apr, 2010 01:03 am
@sometime sun,
sometime sun;156267 wrote:
So boredom is confussion, indecision, a mental disability?

I loved your responce but because of the amount of alternatives available one must try to understand that it is not the world waiting for them that is the problem it is that you are waiting for the world.
Perhaps boredom is a fear of some sort? inadequecy?

---------- Post added 04-25-2010 at 06:28 AM ----------

Where does NEED come into this?
What are the similarities between contentment and happiness for surly they are different beasts to train or set free.

I like your responce alot, recognition of what you have is often to know what you dont need or want.
Knowing your self requirements means not having to be overwhelmed by not knowing the requirements the rest of the world has of you.

Our basic needs are food ,shelter, clothing, and probably companionship. Anything beyond that becomes a matter of comfort and convenience. Nothing wrong with that at all, up to a point. The problem comes about in our minds, when we fail to descern between needs and superlatives. We can have those superlatives but quite often we lack gratitude, failing in our assessment of our needs.

It's mostly a matter of the viewpoint inside of ourself, some people are never happy with all they have, yet others can be very happy and content with just the basic needs.

Maybe contentment is what slows us down long enough for happiness to find a perch. Smile

By the way, I have to work at all this constantly, thanx for bringing it up.
Reply Sun 25 Apr, 2010 01:07 am
Escaping boredom is the only legitimate reason to do anything.
Reply Sun 25 Apr, 2010 01:10 am
Deckard;156313 wrote:
Escaping boredom is the only legitimate reason to do anything.

That sounds good, but it doesn't put bread on the table. Smile
Reply Sun 25 Apr, 2010 01:21 am
wayne;156314 wrote:
That sounds good, but it doesn't put bread on the table. Smile

Starving is boring after a few days. :bigsmile:
sometime sun
Reply Sun 25 Apr, 2010 01:26 am
Deckard;156313 wrote:
Escaping boredom is the only legitimate reason to do anything.

Can you tell me why i just laughed at this?

---------- Post added 04-25-2010 at 08:32 AM ----------

wayne;156314 wrote:
That sounds good, but it doesn't put bread on the table. Smile

Surly the legitimate is for those who have the time to legitimize. Smile

Those who have time to think about it have to much time on their hands.

Boredom is decadence?

---------- Post added 04-25-2010 at 08:39 AM ----------

Deckard;156316 wrote:
Starving is boring after a few days. :bigsmile:

Yeh so why not go outside and smell the roses and bird watch,
Hunger keeps you busy,
Hunger keeps you interested.
Hunger makes you interesting?
Hunger makes you boring?
Is hunger predictable?

Is boredom only predicatble when it is a want not a need?
Is not a predicatble want greed?
Reply Sun 25 Apr, 2010 01:52 am
@sometime sun,
sometime sun;156318 wrote:

Boredom is decadence?

---------- Post added 04-25-2010 at 08:39 AM ----------

Yeh so why not go outside and smell the roses and bird watch,
Hunger keeps you busy,
Hunger keeps you interested.
Hunger makes you interesting?
Hunger makes you boring?
Is hunger predictable?

Is boredom only predicatble when it is a want not a need?
Is not a predicatble want greed?

Perhaps boredom is the result of decadence rather than decadence itself. But only in boredom are we really faced with a choice that does not seemed forced upon us. I suppose in hunger there are instincts that eventually take over and perhaps boredom is a hunger for action...but sometimes there is nothing in the fridge and I just sit here and let myself be bored to nearly to death.

Boredom seems mundane and unimportant yet in my view, the existentialists were really talking about boredom when they describef that existential moment of angst, anxiety, dread and ennui.

Maybe boredom is decadent but I don't want to feel ashamed. Shame is an even less legitimate and less free reason to do something than boredom. I want to have nothing to do. I want to have nothing pressing on me. No job. No commitments. I want no fears to run from and no superego to reprimand me for my sloth. I want to be truly bored...and then decide what to do and do it.
Reply Sun 25 Apr, 2010 02:08 am
Deckard;156325 wrote:
Perhaps boredom is the result of decadence rather than decadence itself. But only in boredom are we really faced with a choice that does not seemed forced upon us. I suppose in hunger there are instincts that eventually take over and perhaps boredom is a hunger for action...but sometimes there is nothing in the fridge and I just sit here and let myself be bored to nearly to death.

Boredom seems mundane and unimportant yet in my view, the existentialists were really talking about boredom when they describef that existential moment of angst, anxiety, dread and ennui.

Maybe boredom is decadent but I don't want to feel ashamed. Shame is an even less legitimate and less free reason to do something than boredom. I want to have nothing to do. I want to have nothing pressing on me. No job. No commitments. I want no fears to run from and no superego to reprimand me for my sloth. I want to be truly bored...and then decide what to do and do it.

Let freedom ring.
Reply Sun 25 Apr, 2010 03:02 am
@sometime sun,
sometime sun;153673 wrote:
I am bored tonight,
It does not assist me,

So thought i would open a thread on boredom.

I do not always think it is activity based, you can have much to do and still be bored.

So what to do if one has boredom?

Is it a need to try harder or try something different?
(I dont see how becuase tomorrow i will probably be here and not bored)
(i have many interests and just 'cant be bothered')
Is it the need to rest or is it the need to be lazy?

Insert interseting question here, i am even to bored to find any.

Boredom the cure of the affliction? the affliction of the cure?

Do you think over stimulation can lead to the disinterest? rise then fall?
(could it be physical?)

How can you stay interested all the time?

Hello Sun, by far the best thing to do is get off your duff and find another flesh and blood human being and actually engage in communication after first giving them a sincere compliment. If you do that often enough, you will never be bored again. Never! If everyone did that, boredom would no longer exist.

sometime sun
Reply Sun 25 Apr, 2010 03:05 am
Deckard;156325 wrote:
Perhaps boredom is the result of decadence rather than decadence itself. But only in boredom are we really faced with a choice that does not seemed forced upon us. I suppose in hunger there are instincts that eventually take over and perhaps boredom is a hunger for action...but sometimes there is nothing in the fridge and I just sit here and let myself be bored to nearly to death.

Yes whilest in the throws of the decadent how could you feel anything other than overwhelmed, it is the as you say 'result' of decadence that leaves you realising you have had to many calories with no where to expand but the hips.
But we skipped over the part that boredom is not a choice, it comes from predicatability, what if boredom is evolutions pit stop, it is there to make us go faster in the next round.
Ought not boredom be forbidden?
Ought not evolution be enforced?
Yes a hunger boredom is, this fits well.
Because hunger can be both dismal and uncontrolable.
Some peoples interests are to be dismal and combustable,
get a bloody evolutionary interest.
Ought evolution be enforced?
But a hunger for decision over a hunger for action surly?
A cause over effect?
But there is something to be said further on the subject of why people find food such a source to ease their boredom.
Either starvation or sloth.
What is it about us who with our food needs met still need to make issue of it?
What is it with us with to much spare time making up new sins to ocupy our time.

So sin was invented to solve boredom? is that what you are saying?
A little yes.

We created greed to solve boredom?
Short shelf life to be sure, but greed and all sin is a delusion.
Time consumption
Greed created us to solve boredom?

Sin before the man, man before the sin.

Sin is delusion?
The opposite of evolution is delusion then?
Evolution is the opposite of sin?

Deckard;156325 wrote:

Boredom seems mundane and unimportant yet in my view, the existentialists were really talking about boredom when they describef that existential moment of angst, anxiety, dread and ennui.

No because these all give birth to poetry,
perhaps poetry solves all boredom?
All poets are existentialists.
Only the lazy existentialists are not poets
Deckard;156325 wrote:

Maybe boredom is decadent but I don't want to feel ashamed. Shame is an even less legitimate and less free reason to do something than boredom. I want to have nothing to do. I want to have nothing pressing on me. No job. No commitments. I want no fears to run from and no superego to reprimand me for my sloth. I want to be truly bored...and then decide what to do and do it.

You should not feel ashamed if you have earned your complacenecy, you sertainly should not feel ashamed for affording yourself the occasional decadence, everything in moderation, broad interests, broader strokes, lest room to stay still, less room to sin.
We perhaps had to give boredom a cause to conquor, a reason for its being, what better way than to make it a sin?
The inverted shame of this is that by making it a sin you legalise decadence infact you encourage it.
Mixed signals.
You want to have nothing to do, but in truth you need something to do.
As i think i have illustrated is that boredom can become an occupation in its self when in the guise of sin. Conquering or revelling.
But of course why be ashamed of the rest we earn?
Why cant we either be at peace or at cause and know that we are secure in this placement?
Why when we toil do we wish for rest?
And when we rest do we wish for toil?
Again i dont think it is boredom you are looking for to be your reward i just think it is honest to goodness peace of mind and rest of the soul.

I am really unsertain as to whether to encourage your inclination towards boredom or to warn you off?
If you call rest or peace boredom then i would say you have every reason a right to be bored out of your mind.
But that is just where boredom takes you, out of your mind, somewhere i dont think you would find much peace or rest away from yourself for very long at all.

Again i ask, is boredom really something we can control?
Does not boredom control us?
Do we not make excuses to no longer have the responsibilty of our our minds and interests and our evolution?
Do we not make excuses for our boredom just so we do not have to make a choice?
Running from the fear is never going to put it to rest.
Evolving is hard work,
Evolution is decision making,
is fear facing
and bones aching.

(sorry but not Deckard, this got away from me a little)

---------- Post added 04-25-2010 at 10:14 AM ----------

William;156334 wrote:
Hello Sun, by far the best thing to do is get off your duff and find another flesh and blood human being and actually engage in communication after first giving them a sincere compliment. If you do that often enough, you will never be bored again. Never! If everyone did that, boredom would no longer exist.


Smile and the whole world smiles with you, wish i could agree,
i smile in my neighbourhood i get nutted.

But you are correct i need to get out more and meet more people, as i said earlier i am looking into doing some volunteer work very soon, in fact i have my first garden to dig over this friday.
Reply Sun 25 Apr, 2010 03:31 am
@sometime sun,
Ought not boredom be forbidden?
Ought not evolution be enforced?
No, that's a very bad idea. To paraphrase Patrick Henry "Give me Boredom or give me death!"

The right to slack should be added to the universal declaration of human rights.

and to paraphrase Rousseau: No one will be truly free until we are all bored!
sometime sun
Reply Sun 25 Apr, 2010 03:42 am
Deckard;156344 wrote:
No, that's a very bad idea. To paraphrase Patrick Henry "Give me Boredom or give me death!"

The right to slack should be added to the universal declaration of human rights.

Boredom could be with to much slack the rope we all hang ourselves with?
Have not we (not you) given ourselves far to much slack for far to long?
Has not boredom become a profession?
And something we should if with the desire quit and still get paid?

(I meant to say something about desire, the term and meaning has come up a couple of times in my mind for it not to mean nothing, what has desire to do with evolution and or boredom?)
Healthy desire healthy interest?
Desired boredom?

---------- Post added 04-25-2010 at 10:44 AM ----------

Deckard;156344 wrote:

and to paraphrase Rousseau: No one will be truly free until we are all bored!

And no one will be truly bored until we are all free?
Reply Sun 25 Apr, 2010 03:48 am
@sometime sun,
I rarely feel true boredom. I'm usually have something I have to do or I am worried about something. Sometimes I feel paralyzed into an apathetic state but such spells of paralysis should not be confused with the divine state of true boredom.
sometime sun
Reply Sun 25 Apr, 2010 04:07 am
Deckard;156349 wrote:
I rarely feel true boredom. I'm usually have something I have to do or I am worried about something. Sometimes I feel paralyzed into an apathetic state but such spells of paralysis should not be confused with the divine state of true boredom.

What is false boredom?

Is it worry or solution seeking?
One is useless one is worthy.

I would pray for the day to be apathetic but am far to much in fear of paralysis to entertain such notions.
I have been paralysed most of my life in fear or doubt or shame or or or success.
Can one train the apathy?
Can one invite it?

Divine state of true boredom,
please do show me the light,
it makes me feel nausious,
but then i dont work nearly as hard as i could should and one day will.

I suppose after such a long sleep i never want to close my eyes again.
But my dreams far are to important for me not to.
Always need room to dream.

People under-rate their sleep and the only true state of boredom/inactivity i would feel comfortable acquiesced.

True boredom i think you are saying needs no agreement, alotment, atonement.?
Just acceptance?
Just acquiescence?
Do what come naturally until it becomes un-natural?
Reply Sun 25 Apr, 2010 05:34 am
@sometime sun,
sometime sun;156267 wrote:
So boredom is confussion, indecision, a mental disability?

I loved your responce but because of the amount of alternatives available one must try to understand that it is not the world waiting for them that is the problem it is that you are waiting for the world.
Perhaps boredom is a fear of some sort? inadequecy?

I wouldn't say that boredom is a mental disability or inadequacy; confusion, perhaps. I'd say that boredom is that state of indolence where there simply isn't anything pressing enough, on our wants or needs to motivate us towards action. It's almost a state of mental numbing, where we want to do something, but nothing rises to the level of action required to act.

We all feel it at times and I don't think there's anything unusual or aberrant about it. It's probably the time where we most need to find something new to do, force our selves to get up and act, but simultaneously the very time its the hardest.
Pepijn Sweep
Reply Sun 25 Apr, 2010 07:28 am
Boredom is your computer down...
No more Philosophy Forum;
I had to go to a multi-cultural
en-viro-ment to find internet house.
Boredom is totally gone !

Brickstreet Amsterdam:bigsmile:
sometime sun
Reply Sun 25 Apr, 2010 02:55 pm
Khethil;156361 wrote:
I wouldn't say that boredom is a mental disability or inadequacy; confusion, perhaps. I'd say that boredom is that state of indolence where there simply isn't anything pressing enough, on our wants or needs to motivate us towards action. It's almost a state of mental numbing, where we want to do something, but nothing rises to the level of action required to act.

We all feel it at times and I don't think there's anything unusual or aberrant about it. It's probably the time where we most need to find something new to do, force our selves to get up and act, but simultaneously the very time its the hardest.

Something NEW to do, yes i agree.
This lends to the fear aspect as most are afraid of change and evolution.
Reply Sun 25 Apr, 2010 03:52 pm
@sometime sun,
sometime sun;156508 wrote:
Something NEW to do, yes i agree.
This lends to the fear aspect as most are afraid of change and evolution.

I don't think most are afraid of change. Most are afraid of being weeded out for making the wrong kind of change. Since Darwin's "survival of the fittest" evolution has had terroristic connotations. It isn't change because its right or change because its good beautiful or true it's change or else you will die.
Anyway, my point is when talking about people being afraid to evolve the opposite could be just as true - people evolve because they are afraid.
sometime sun
Reply Sun 25 Apr, 2010 04:00 pm
Deckard;156522 wrote:
I don't think most are afraid of change. Most are afraid of being weeded out for making the wrong kind of change. Since Darwin's "survival of the fittest" evolution has had terroristic connotations. It isn't change because its right or change because its good beautiful or true it's change or else you will die.
Anyway, my point is when talking about people being afraid to evolve the opposite could be just as true - people evolve because they are afraid.

Again fear of inadequecy, fear of failure, fear of expression.

I would like to say people evolve becuase they are brave but you raise an interesting thought,
fear is the one thing we cannot live without.
So maybe to be truly safe is to be truly bored?
Pepijn Sweep
Reply Mon 26 Apr, 2010 01:12 pm
@sometime sun,
sometime sun;156525 wrote:
Again fear of inadequecy, fear of failure, fear of expression.

I would like to say people evolve becuase they are brave but you raise an interesting thought,
fear is the one thing we cannot live without.
So maybe to be truly safe is to be truly bored?

Exactly ! U have to take risk in live. Not irrisposible but some risk is good. You have to be at least one dronk in your live et cetera. Try things out. Not in a laboratorium of safe surroudings but in real life. Do nothing is boring.

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