TranscendHumanit;149949 wrote:Whenever people say not to do something because it is selfish I laugh. Everything is selfish - my life is all about me.
Now you don't have to answer the question I asked you. You answered it here. Never, or at least that I can not recall, has anyone made such a statement such as this. Most will never admit they were selfish. The only thing I can do is admire your honesty.
Here's the problem you are creating for yourself. Let's paraphrase what you have said so far.
This guy you like is involve in another relationship and you want to steal him because you "think" he likes you to. Now if it's not a "committed" relationship, he will leave on his own accord if he truly likes you. You shouldn't have to think you need to steal him.
Then you say it is your right because you assume he is not happy in that relationship and it is your right because you can make him happier than the one he is seeing now can. Insinuating she is not doing that. Perhaps she is not, but that is not for you to determine.
Perhaps you mistook what you thought was an interest in you because you wanted it to be that? It is possible that he was just being polite.
The coupe de gras is the statement you made I quoted above and you think the entire world is selfish, and to much extent it is, you say that makes you too so selfish. So it is all about you as you say and you could care less about him. He is what you want..................Period.
If I am right in my assumptions, then you are a very obsessive/possessive person and that will get you in a whole hell of a lot of trouble and you will never be satisfied in any relationship and neither will anyone you are with.
If he is not in a caring relationship and he does truly care for you, just leave it alone. He will leave on his own accord.