Can't seem to get my mind past the idea of a voluntary tax? Okay, I'll be honest, I laughted at the idea and now I'm still trying to figure out how that would work -- sort of like you've just purchased a new car and as you are paying for it you say..."Oh, and by the way, could you ad another 1% to that please and I want it to go towards education? ...then I get even more boggled when I think about how exactly would one go about insuring that that which you have collected actually goes to where you hope it to go....
Okay, if it is a tax -- properly placed on the books by acceptable means, voted into being...I do not have a choice - yes I would pay it because those I purchase things from would likely not allow me to not pay it and take my purchase out of the place of business.
Would I vote for an increase in my taxes believing it would go towards education? Certainly - education is our only hope for a better future. Of course it would not be an easy decision when I've voted in the the state lottery, past increases for education etc. etc. and I'm still not liking the results...
Okay...this idea of voluntarily paying taxes...what a little bit of heaven that would be until that first pothole damaged my car beyond the tax value if paid.