TurboLung;146183 wrote:This is a question for those who believe life is an accident.
Looking at the human body; it doesn't look like an accident to me.
Please explain.
In an attempt to not get one of your "failed, unconvinced" responses - please know I'm not going to attempt to convince you of anything, it appears that your mind is not open for any other possiblity other than your own conclusion.
I just wanted to ask you a couple of questions:
1.) Is you conclusion that life is not an accident only based on the human body not looking like an accident, or does it apply to all living things, or to all things that make up what is?
2.) Are you of the group of Darwinist who appear to think if it evolved it was because it was better then that which it evolved from?
okay, I have more then a couple questions...
3.) If you do not think it was a process of change based on placement and conditions and those best at adaptation to said place and conditions evolving into whatever, what other knowledge has convinved you someone/something had a plan?