@Pepijn Sweep,
HexHammer;142658 wrote: It has long been considerd social accepted with women and their shopping spree, just that in later years it has been labled as nerdy, so I wouldn't agree fully with this labeling.
Problem is accepted by whom? Men? Like I said, it is a relative thing we are trying to attribute here. And by no means is it widely agreed as nerdy for women to go on shopping sprees. What the argument is is that men (because they do not consider it as popular to themselves) find it unpopular and consequently nerdy (if to be nerdy is to be unpopular). It is an issue of relative attribution.
HexHammer;142658 wrote:Per se you are right with women and major gaming activity, but that's like comparing rap music to classical music, it involves 2 different kinds of audience, with differen age, background, lingo ..etc.
HexHammer;142658 wrote:The examplifyed games, are extremely simple, with very little rules to comprehend, no social engagemen, no enchancemen of funfactor in multiplayer ..etc. I would like a more accurate view on the distribution between complex games, simple games, social games, and solo games ..etc.
Simplicity is relative though. What I consider hard, many women would consider simple and vice versa. Sex may not be such a good factor to consider rather than the capacity to learn. Both sexes are equal in this respect and it is not debatable. And apparently, according to the IGDA, women represent roughly 40 percent of overall gamers! (1) Honestly, I thought it was a lot less, but those are the facts. Women also average 7.4 hours per week in gaming time. Obviously, they make up a huge part of the overall market, so that would mean that in turn may form a large factor in the popularity numbers of most all games. And in another interesting point, women tend to have better hand eye coordination, a must for video games in particular. (2) So nothing to prohibit a woman from playing a game as good or even better than a man. Preference may be a primary culprit, which is indeed relative.
Just stop it already: Women do play video games | The Digital Home - CNET News
Women In Combat - Free Online Library
Pepijn Sweep;142671 wrote:How are the numbers for the forum ?
Are women welcomed enough ?
I admire some woman; she's a friend to me for 30 years. She has a busy, responsable job and raises a husband and two daughters. She is chronicly tired, never complains. I just think woman carry US men like beer, babbling a'bout the Univers; women are more Earth, man are more like aether.
Both necessary: bit better learning & bunderstanding would make things easier for all.
I honestly don't know what the ratio is of men to women on the forum. However, I understand that many members on the forum are women, and many of them do not openly let on that they are in fact women. The joys of the forum are that you will not be judged on your sex or gender, but merely on the content of your posts. I would honestly do the same thing were I a woman. The issue of whether or not women are welcomed enough really depend on the majority of members and their own particular treatment of members. I treat members who happen to be women with the same respect as men and also expect the same quality and attention to detail that I would expect from men.
As far as women in particular, I tend to make sure I do not have any generalities about them. No special treatment and that kind of thing, only as far as the forum is concerned the quality of their content. I am also of the less than popular opinion that men tend chauvinism, even when purportedly in favor of women's equality and so on. Unfortunately, some preconceptions of women are so ingrained that a dynamic shift in understanding as equality is next to impossible for some. But that's my own opinion.