@sometime sun,
Well I'm going to try to simplify it.
Anyway, in todays world, reality is given. You are born, and your parents take care of you, make you follow rules, and you lead on to school and a job. This is the democratic reality. Its how everyone in America lives.
If you were born, and your parents abandoned you at 5 years old in some jungle 3000 years ago, you would create your own reality by perhaps finding your own food, and by befriending horses and creating a horse trade business. This would be the reality you created for youself, but its all fake. Its only in the mind, just like a dream. This reality does not have to be, it can be anything.
And DNA is a good recorder. People living in jungles or deserts or cold places all have their own GENETIC traits. The reality in which they live in(and it does not have to be a place), leads on into other generations, and manifests itself in them.
The man with the fake reality does exist, but his reality is false. Like I said, he could have been born in another parallel universe where you can go door to door and have sex with your neighbors wife or husband and it would be perfectly ok, where as its not ok in our reality.
I also believe that the ancient reality of government or monarchy and the population control they enforced perhaps made it so through generations, women would have longer pregnancies. Just a speculation, but it could be, and we dont really know.
Which leads me to the fact that people that desire the reality of being in power, give us a reality instead of letting ourselves create one, and they use the guise of bringing order and safety to society. If there was anarchy today, people probably would go crazy since everyone believes that this is what will happen.
Whatever you experience is reality, and if you experienced something else, it would be another reality, and this reality is all false.
I truly can not comprehend at this time what a true reality is.
Also, we receive reality only through our senses, without them, there is no reality at all. But when you get these senses, what happens? An illusion of reality is created,
I hate seeing posters that saying Reality vs Illusion, when in reality, reality is an illusion(no pun intended btw).
Damn it, I am not explaining this too well, I keep forgetting all my revelations. They are hard to come by and fade quickly.