@Pepijn Sweep,
Pepijn Sweep;142476 wrote:Who wants a broader view ? Information amount grows; quality is lower than cent. ago. I collected boox over the years and the key to learning is research. Now the only sources are Wicki, YouTube and Google. Rather limited.
I seldom go to funerals; start going soon. Family-members are getting older & funerals are our meets now-a-days. We went to Church in a Dutch Reformed one, moved back to the Old Curch and renamed it to General Protest. Netherlands; or somethink
My mothers ceremonie was sweet. I was sure she did not care a'bout Orchids, but who am I to contra-dict mw Father ? No priests, we're all lay-men of X. My Mothers family was sitting in the opposite row from my point of few. Three people had to cover my Father from my Anger.
This summer We (me & boyfriend) go to Spain, NW. To costa del Morte where the Gailic people went (Tolkien), to Santiago de Compostella and to put a nice plaque for my friend/mother-in-law. She died 5 years Ago/Tsunami-Day.
GI/GO > trash in, trash out
I am afraid western culture is nomore
Exc. To Spill my Heart,
Greetings to your family
Pepijn Sweep
Brings to mind academic vs layman, knowledge for knowledge for knowledge sake little use. Better to have little knowledge put to good use.
I am often angry with god for burdens, then I am spoiled child, wake up soon to count blessings
Good friends are most important, learning to accept is hard , learning to be accepted harder still. :BRB:
My country has great freedom ,and we are spoiled children
Kansas is perfect heaven, far far from troubles, only petty spoiled children.
Love each other, accept, only share.
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