If you're telling us that Euclidean geometry is outdated, apparently a few folks beat you to that.. like Einstein.
Science is theory and observation. It uses models. The models change over time. One imagines that we're not at the end of the parade of models, especially considering the state of physics at this point.
Technology does involve trial and error. However the antenna was a result of antenna theory. TV's only have magnets in them when they're turned on, by the way... electromagnets. And it is understood that the theory of electromagnetism is in flux (I'm so funny.)
:rolleyes: I am not gfood at Math.; like chance Q-calculus Also love coocking @:cool::Glasses:
Dang it Pep! Your freedom of speech is clouding the issue. Hope the bulbs bulbated nicely. I've got crocuses.
:bigsmile: I love www Makes it possible to communicate without pre-judgements, i am pleased to meet a few frriends on y forum. I am genuinely concerned. Was bit "manic"/ family Hekped me/ Continue to morrow, Tired; PS (magister Jr,)