My predictions for the future

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Pepijn Sweep
Reply Sat 3 Apr, 2010 02:52 pm
kennethamy;142588 wrote:
How would that make a difference? He would still not be predicting the past.

Genetic sequencing is sort of ante-dictum the present
Reply Sat 3 Apr, 2010 03:05 pm
@Pepijn Sweep,
....134. The Borg will assimilate us in the 24th century.
Pepijn Sweep
Reply Sat 3 Apr, 2010 03:06 pm
@Marat phil,
Marat;142905 wrote:
Arjuna;142596 wrote:
Oh! Americans left out... we're so pathetic. Well, I guess we could wait for you to work out the problems and then get on board. Thanks for the info... I'd like to know more.

About yes! They are your scientists have decided to wait as always. As was and with the European plane Concorde (Russian analogue - TU 144). Americans have decided to wait and have won, having created favourable Boeing 747. To 1996 USA left the program ITER. We know.

But if all wait - who will create the new?

Not America. The system is lazy, tuned for quick profits (Quarterly) and consumers decide. Who hearf of a democratic production system ?

They have serious problems ahead. Hope they worke it out well. Best for O'Barack.

Rhetorics Poetin are schrecklich. \

SovjetUnion was great experiment starting with Peter de Grote (2.00 M)

United States is smaller started with George Washington Y 1799 (2.11 Y)

European Union & Treaties are Yust started =/=

Indo-Arian Culture ?

Oh, the Future ! Who knows ? So many Factorijen op de kusten vn Africa, India, Indonesia, Formentera en Decima

Austria, Tasmania en New Sea-land

Eastern Island !
Marat phil
Reply Sat 3 Apr, 2010 03:16 pm
@Alan McDougall,
The West is rich because of benefit of sea trade. Trade overland and to air - not favourably. Thermonuclear energy will make trade by the ground favourable. The West will lose economic leadership. Then will lose also the political leadership.
Pepijn Sweep
Reply Sat 3 Apr, 2010 03:39 pm
@Marat phil,
as long as our basic rights are respected i see no problem
Reply Tue 6 Apr, 2010 05:36 am
@Pepijn Sweep,
Pepijn Sweep;147955 wrote:
as long as our basic rights are respected i see no problem

Now there is the catch. Why do you expect others to treat us any better than we have always treated them?
Soon the tables will be turned and the chickens will come home to roost.
Unless we act fast Europe is the third world country of the next century.
Pepijn Sweep
Reply Tue 6 Apr, 2010 10:34 am
We still have power. un is powerless. weu must act together, one commander

Democraty is proces over centuries. may be league on humanistic values
Reply Wed 7 Apr, 2010 06:07 am
@Alan McDougall,
The only move that makes sense on a global scale is to identify and eradicate all forms of discrimination.
Because the world is becoming so dangerous that in the near future anyone who feels disenfranchised in any way, or feels entitled to a greater share than is his due will have the ability to do untold damage.
Europe will not be among those holding the reigns in the future.

Ask yourself, once that happens, in what kind of world would you want to live.

One created in the image of man, dominated by survival of the fittest?

For this problem there are no technological solutions. Only moral ones.
Reply Thu 8 Apr, 2010 05:29 am
sarek;149191 wrote:
The only move that makes sense on a global scale is to identify and eradicate all forms of discrimination.
Because the world is becoming so dangerous that in the near future anyone who feels disenfranchised in any way, or feels entitled to a greater share than is his due will have the ability to do untold damage.
Europe will not be among those holding the reigns in the future.

Ask yourself, once that happens, in what kind of world would you want to live.

One created in the image of man, dominated by survival of the fittest?

For this problem there are no technological solutions. Only moral ones.
Capitalism will not safeguard the weak and inept.
Reply Thu 8 Apr, 2010 12:50 pm
@Alan McDougall,
No, it wont. Capitalims has no inherent morality.
Perhaps a revival of the spirit of Christianity will. But I can not yet see in which form that might occur.
Alan McDougall
Reply Fri 9 Apr, 2010 01:30 am
xris;149542 wrote:
Capitalism will not safeguard the weak and inept.

Sadly xris there does not seem to be any religion or philosophy of government that ends up completely just and fair. Some, like communism seem just until mankind gets hold of it and uses it for the advantage of the rulers, instead of the poor which the philosophy was supposed to help

The same with Plato's "Philosopher King" this would work if we could find a just philosopher and so on and so on.
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 11:16 am
@Alan McDougall,
Well Marcus Aurelius was a philosopher king, but he was still a king.
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 12:55 pm
bmcreider;151388 wrote:
Well Marcus Aurelius was a philosopher king, but he was still a king.

My ignorance does not give me knowledge of him. Did he safeguard the weak and vulnerable?
Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2010 01:41 pm
xris;151421 wrote:
My ignorance does not give me knowledge of him. Did he safeguard the weak and vulnerable?

I suppose any Caesar could be up for debate, morally speaking. I don't think there is a true philosopher king, but is that much power combined with that much responsibility possible?
Reply Tue 20 Apr, 2010 07:30 am
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall, your prediction strikes me as the usual left-wing vision of the future, that the media wants us to believe. Much of it is actually not confirmed by the hard data. Take that energy nonsense. There is no such thing as "renewable energy", all energy is used up, according to the laws of nature. Therefore solar energy is just as finite as fossil fuels. But actually fossil fuels are not finite in any meaningful sense, our minds just can't easily grasp that. Read my thread about resource finiteness.

Other points make a lot of sense. But spread in with the leftie myths your predictions become inconsistent. Energy will become so expensive that only the very rich can have cars, and we will make astonishing advancements in medicine and computing? We will both kill each others for food, and the US will be unable to defend itself, and we'll have super awesome home entertainment systems?

8) Pollution has been getting better, not worse, in the last century. It is highly unlikely that more people die from pollution.

10) Global warming is not real. See your point nr. 15.
Wisdom Seeker
Reply Tue 20 Apr, 2010 10:04 am
@Alan McDougall,
i think those problems in time will be solve, there are other greater problems than this but they solve it, humanity will still continue to expand their power what ever obstacle they face even they lose.
Reply Tue 20 Apr, 2010 10:06 am
@Alan McDougall,
I hope that all these predictions are for the future. Those for the past are not very interesting.
Reply Tue 20 Apr, 2010 05:55 pm
@Alan McDougall,
Alan McDougall;121471 wrote:
Oil used as a weapon to control the world economy, oil price will rise to the astronomical level of $1000 the use of private vehicles will become the domain of the extremely rich, until viable hydrogen engines are perfected by early 2100 C.E.

The above will have a serious affect on the stability of the world economy. The use of solar or mirrors located in near earth orbit beam radiant energy by 2070C.E.
China will overtake the U.S.A as the leading world superpower by 2100 .C.E. India will become the third world superpower by 2060 C.E.
The sham of Democracy in Egypt overthrown and fanatical rule takes place in other Arab countries and Arab kingdoms are overthrown, there is going to be murder of some high official in that land
Massive efforts made to develop alternate forms of energy, hydro, wind, hydrogen, nuclear fusion, solar etc met with some reasonable success by 2100 C.E.
The information age takes control of the world and every person on earth added onto a colossal computer database. Freedom of privacy is no longer true (Identity and information imbedded chip).
The population of China will reach two billion and India overtakes it by a half billion by 2100 C.E. Nearly everyone on earth at that time will have a Chinese or Indian neighbor or near neighbors. These two nations alone shall consist of 4.5 billion or nearly two thirds of humanity by then
Pollution of the oceans, rivers, and atmosphere will result in the death of millions especially in China and India. Rape of and destruction of the earths finite resources shall continue uncontrolled deep into the 2100 century
A leader from Russia or China will to become a U.N. leader
Much of the rain forest, left, will begin to dry out, due to global warming, and massive previously unheard of rain forest fires burn all over the tropics
A scientific discovery to alter DNA and create a biological virus that will be used in the manufacture of computer chips Stem cell research brings healing to millions. What was previously thought to be redundant strands of D.N.A. are found to be of vital important to the understanding of the code of life.
Moral degeneration and depravity shall increase, with massive increase in child pornography. People of high moral values, in horror separating further and further from this evil.
Families units splitting up rampant divorce statistics and governments are breaking apart. Single parenting becomes more common than ever by 2040 C.E.
The computer information revolution will accelerate beyond imagination and development of the quantum computer shall enable man- kind to unravel much more of the mysteries of existence.
New radical exclusive religions will arise like locusts.
Wars will continue to spread from the Eastern Hemisphere to the Middle East, Africa, Europe, Russia and China due to the unrelenting rise in radical Islam. Peace will not come to the Israel Palestinian crises.
The major threats to global peace will come from China and the nation of Islam, which will be preparing for global war's
The U.S. government might collapse because a staggering national debt will cause it to fail to meet its financial obligations.
Insurance and banking institutions collapse due to the knock-on affect of natural disasters all over the world
Much of the world thrown into political, economic, and social chaos.
Radical Islam continues to rise causing a resonating reaction by radical Christianity and subsequent terrorist activities all over the globe
A major back and forth shifts of the earth's magnetic poles will result glorious northern and southern lights and devastating and drastic changes the world weather patterns.
America will lose much of its ability to defend itself, leaving the country more vulnerable. The wars with terrorism will not get better but escalating under the uncontrollable impossible unconventional terrorism.
The political stage of earth will drastically change because of turmoil, wars plagues, famine, starvation and death becomes an awful reality to countless millions.
A female President will be elected in the U.S.A. An African American President might is also be elected as a leader of America.
U .S.A. government will be financially strained due to the unrelenting war against radical Islam
A volcano will explode which will result in the cooling of the earth temperature by 5 degrees Celsius, for over two years
People will kill over food and water deadly famine and plagues will ravage much of Africa and Asia. Wars will for the first time be specifically over drinking water
Home entertainment with wall-to-wall-painted on T.V. screens, mind- machine interaction a reality by 2060.Vertual reality will become the obsession of millions. Holographic home T.V Reality by 2050 C.E. Kids escape into this virtual world and lose touch with nature.
Discontent, the meaning of life lost, will be on the increase and people will turn more and more to anti-depressants and tranquilizers consumed to help people cope with escalating plague of depression and other mental illnesses
There will be a 100-year period from 200 to 2100+++ where knowledge will be greatly accelerated on earth due to the information age. The interne will grow to the extent, beyond the wildest dreams of those reading these predictions.
Great earth changes will occur: earthquakes, floods, tidal waves, great winds. The earth will rage with agony. She is our beloved mother and we are hurting her badly
Islands in the oceans of the earth shall sink beneath the waters or be will be inundated by the rising ocean.
There will be days of darkness due to natural earth disasters from smog and smoke from volcanoes that will block the sun.
Humanity will continue a mindless orgy of consumption that if not controlled in time could lead to the end of humanity.
There will be tremendous economic and moral upheavals in the world because of humanity's general ignorance of true reality of crime, corruption and decadence that rule the earth.
Humanities attempt to meddle with the fundamental laws of the universe, and because of this, many will be hurt
The cancers of arrogance, materialism, racism, chauvinism, and separatist thinking are consuming humanity will darken the human mind. Nevertheless, there will in response, be a huge uprising of moral absolutes in an endeavor to obey Gods holy commandments.
Much of humanity will too late will turn to providence. (God) and die in ignorant depravity.
Countless millions will abandon moral absolutes but many will more and more read and try to obey Gods ten commandments.
Terrifying advances in the fields of genetics, science, robotics, man/machine physics, medicine and astronomy and most important the information computer revolution. Humanity is too immature to control this awful knowledge.
Cloning of human beings will become a reality and will result in awful mutations. Stem cell research will advance bring relief to spinal cord damage victims, Parkinson, Alzheimer's, and other genetic and non-genetic diseases
The cancers of arrogance, materialism, racism, chauvinism, and separatist thinking will consume much of humanity, but not all who will turn more and more to the Divine for answers
Much of humanity will become much more hedonistic, and, in the end, will turn to providence (God).Children will too soon become adults and lose their innocence.
The world will become one interconnected small infinitesimal village of information. There will be discussions by a host of nations to establish a united nations of earth with a one world parliament and leader.
People from different nations, different religions, with different weapons, will continue to war and kill each other, which will result in millions dying
The depraved become more depraved and the righteous more righteous
Cure for aids by using an enemy virus of the aids virus to attack it in the human immune cell and a method made for the body to recognize the anti-virus/ virus to make anti-bodies and destroy it in the process.
Millions will die of a new viral plague, before an anti-viral drug similar to the anti-biotic penicillin is developed. Similar to the Spanish flu of the 1920's.
Volcanoes erupt somewhere.
There will be earthquakes in diverse places, causing unimaginable havoc. China Hyhehot/
There will come a time when natural disasters will happen all at once. It will come at the same time of humanity's greatest sin blasphemy. They will say God is dead.
Marvelous advances in medical science will be made. New understanding of fundamental laws of nature shall be uncovered.
A huge earthquake of magnitude 10 causing the death of millions. Near China or India.
Thousands of people will migrate from areas of frequent disasters to places of safety.
Space missions will be carried out by several nations .America, China, Russia, Japan, India, France etc. Space colony established on the moon by 2100 C.E.
Eruptions on the sun will interfere with the earth - more than it ever has. Communications channels disastrously blocked out for long periods.
A large mass from space (asteroid) will pass very close to the earth and cause a minor alteration in its inclination to the sun. A very near miss indeed!
The oceans will rise, as a result of global warming caused by the melting of the polar ice caps
There will be an accident on the space station.
Anew very bright comet shall blaze in the night sky.
Robotics will release much of man from manual labor and pleasure will be the addiction of much of the future.
The eternal war between the forces of darkness and the light on the earth grow so intense that if humans do not continually seek the light God, all will be lost. This is an eternal universal law fought throughout the universe.
Great new earth leader will arise promising the coming of paradise to all that follow him; he is, however not good, He is evil! He will rule for seven years.
Disturbances in weather patterns and food supplies get worse and worse, the earth will begin to rage in despair.
There is going to be a collapse of the world economic system, worse that that of the great depression.
Nuclear war averted, somehow.
Dramatic climate changes, droughts, critical world food shortages and famine, get more and more severe by the day, mother earth will rage with deep anger. Deadly starvation is the norm most of the worlds poorest peoples.
By the next ten thousand years, humanity will have evolved enough to migrate and populate the universe. 12 000 C.A. (the very far future).
Technological advances beyond the imagination of anyone living in 2000 will become a reality by 2100 C.A.
There are going to be such serious food shortages around the world due to droughts in many places. This will push the price of food up so high that poor people will starve and turn to chaotic terrible rampant violence crime and plunder in order to feed themselves. The streets will be chaotic with mad plunderers.
Freak storms and undersea earthquakes that will cause tidal waves or flooding to happen because of unnaturally heavy rainfalls and flash floods, the weather will become insane.
Advancements in the treatment of all types of cancers will be made and the average life span of humanity increased to a 150 years by 3000 C.A.
The large gap in the quality of life between the rich and the poor shall get larger and larger.
Desert in Africa, Asia, Australia and elsewhere will advance both southwards and eastwards consuming much precious arable land. Soul erosion shall become a critical problem.
More and more people will seek a meaning in life, and turn to new age, spiritual and the esoteric for answers.
The gulf steam will alter its course and plunge Europe into a new ice age. The earth will get hotter, hotter in some places, colder, and colder in other places.
People will rush back and forth and information and knowledge shall increase vastly. (From the book of Daniel). this is happening now e.g. internet, vehicle traffic, air travel etc.
The collapse of the world economic system is possible in the next fifty years, but not absolute and can still be avoided.
Minor wars will continue to rage and the U.N. appears helpless to prevent them.
A signal from outer space from a remote part of our galaxy will be recorded on a radio telescope, causing much excitement and speculation.
The religious will be come more religious and the non-religious less religious.
The second coming of Christ will be a major topic.
Telepathic contact with alien civilization from another galaxy will be established and we will find out that in our galaxy we are the only advanced life form.
A great Being will take control with an iron fist and usher in a thousand year peace on earth and then the end of the age will come. He is the Divine essence of good. He will, by restricting humanities free-will eliminate the bad and the evil from the earth

He will prevent nuclear holocaust
There will be almost no technology in the very far future. Psychic mind control shall be used by all. People will return to natural things.
Children and family to be the most precious commodity in the world.
Raising children is will be the highest priority. The population shall stabilize at ten billion.
A euphoric future with no anxiety, no hatred, no competition, enormous trust and mutual respect, will be ushered in sometime in the very far future.
Love and prayer will become a strongest force on earth.
People will garden more in the future with almost no effort.
Gardens will grow by the power of thought.
Groups of people meditating together will be able to bring to reality anything they desire.
Animals will live in harmony with people. People will be able to with them and communicate telepathically and with one another. It will to the astonishment of people that higher plant life like trees have awareness and intelligence.
Wisdom will be more important than knowledge.
All knowledge accessed through the universal cosmic mind.
People will be able to communicate telepathically with everyone else in the world; therefore, there will be no longer any loneliness or mental illnesses. This new community will simply not tolerate evil, as they will pollute the metamind of humanity.
There will be greater insight into life after death. People will live for a thousand years and then decide to move on into the next dimension of life, or migrate in mortal bodies into the physical universe.
The earth will revert to its original glory and be like the Garden of Eden
God will usher this paradise on earth possibly within the next 1000 years.
People will no longer slaughter animals for food and all animals shall be returned to the wild.
This world will resemble some near-death descriptions of heaven Or the original Eden of Adam.
Travel will be instantaneous by thought alone (teleportation), anywhere in the universe.
The need for clothing and shelter will be eliminated.(by thinking one will create it instantly
Love of all shall flow like a great river of living water:
Where available.
The earths finite oil reserves will be depleted by 2170 C.E.
Travel by air shall be restricted to a few and rich people will revert to ships of the sea to travel. Humanity will eventually find a means of teleportation to travel throughout the universe.
Hydrogen power will come to the rescue of the above and the remaining oil reserves will be used for lubrication only
Direct Mind to machine interphase will be a reality by 2040 and people will only have to think to operate their equipment

Solar mirrors will be placed in space to capture the suns energy, which will be transmitted to earth via energy beams
Wind energy will be harvested on a vast scale.
Computer genrated virtual reality will be the most dangerous addition of young people and spread like a plague throughout the world.
People will be forced to wear an identity chip to interact with the universal computer network
Permanent space station established on the moon by 2040
Manned expedition to Mars by 2080, water found but no life found
Means of communicating telepathically found
Criminals planted with programmed death chip
Television, computers, radio, internet, movies, telephone etc, all combined into one devise at home
Entertainment moguls concentrate on humanities search for happiness, meaning and knowledge
Just by thinking& using the above devise one will instantly and very cheaply have access to anything they desire, such as knowledge off the internet, latest movie, music ,news, etc ad infinitum
Colossal telescope will be placed in orbit and reveal unimaginable new facts about the mysteries of the universe
The secrets of D.N.A. molecule will be cracked and a host of previously incurable diseases cured by 2100
A great supernova explosion shall occur in our galaxy that will outshine everything in the sky except the sun and will be visible in daylight
We will be visited by an advanced civilization from another remote galaxy by 2400.
The ability to teleport will be learned and be the means of traveling throughout the universe.
The end of the age will come, whatever that is, by the year 3000 C.E.




By AlanMcDougall 7/7/2007 South Africa[/CENTER]

Is this intended to be a joke?
Reply Tue 20 Apr, 2010 06:40 pm
Arjuna;142569 wrote:
GE was working on thermonuclear synthesis as a power source a couple decades ago. They stopped because of widespread anxiety about nuclear power which somehow made its way into liberal perspectives. I've been waiting to see it restarted. Is Russia working on that? The Second Coming may make that kind of achievement superfluous. Unless it's the second coming of the bubonic plague.

Do you want to play a game?

---------- Post added 04-20-2010 at 06:09 PM ----------

EmperorNero;154434 wrote:
Alan McDougall, your prediction strikes me as the usual left-wing vision of the future, that the media wants us to believe. Much of it is actually not confirmed by the hard data. Take that energy nonsense. There is no such thing as "renewable energy", all energy is used up, according to the laws of nature. Therefore solar energy is just as finite as fossil fuels. But actually fossil fuels are not finite in any meaningful sense, our minds just can't easily grasp that. Read my thread about resource finiteness.

Other points make a lot of sense. But spread in with the leftie myths your predictions become inconsistent. Energy will become so expensive that only the very rich can have cars, and we will make astonishing advancements in medicine and computing? We will both kill each others for food, and the US will be unable to defend itself, and we'll have super awesome home entertainment systems?

8) Pollution has been getting better, not worse, in the last century. It is highly unlikely that more people die from pollution.

10) Global warming is not real. See your point nr. 15.

I see your point in "no such thing as renewable energy," and infinite alternative fuels. But from the way i understand it, "renewable energy" just means energy that is easily and quickly obtained with relatively minimal effort that is able to be produced in the same quantity as fossil fuels, but less harmful to the planet in the long run. So, i dont think they necessarily mean its going to be renewable in the physics sense, because you are right, energy is always used and transfered completely from one source to another. However, if you take ethanol, for example, or used deep frier oil, they are effective alternatives to petroleum based products. There is a far more finite supply of oil reserves on this planet and indeed on this continent (North America) than most people want to believe. Instead of waiting another 100 years and saying, "eh, let our children's children deal with the problem, it doesnt affect me," we could take a proactive step and attempt to free ourselves from the burden that is oil. But now i feel like im on a soap box.

As for climate change not being an actual problem...
you do realize that the temperature of the earth has risen since the 1970s an average of one degree ferenheit, and the eight hottest years on record to date, since 1880, have been the years of 2001 onward (warmest in 2005).

Recent Climate Change - Temperature Changes | Science | Climate Change | U.S. EPA
Soul Brother
Reply Sun 25 Apr, 2010 09:52 am
First 90 only proves how much man is failing.

---------- Post added 04-26-2010 at 01:53 AM ----------

EmperorNero;154434 wrote:
Alan McDougall, your prediction strikes me as the usual left-wing vision of the future, that the media wants us to believe. Much of it is actually not confirmed by the hard data. Take that energy nonsense. There is no such thing as "renewable energy", all energy is used up, according to the laws of nature. Therefore solar energy is just as finite as fossil fuels. But actually fossil fuels are not finite in any meaningful sense, our minds just can't easily grasp that. Read my thread about resource finiteness.

Other points make a lot of sense. But spread in with the leftie myths your predictions become inconsistent. Energy will become so expensive that only the very rich can have cars, and we will make astonishing advancements in medicine and computing? We will both kill each others for food, and the US will be unable to defend itself, and we'll have super awesome home entertainment systems?

8) Pollution has been getting better, not worse, in the last century. It is highly unlikely that more people die from pollution.

10) Global warming is not real. See your point nr. 15.

I think you have mistaken the meaning of renewable energy which is defined as energy that is a product result of natural phenomena and is naturally replenished, so this means there (IS) such thing as renewable energy, do not believe me? walk outside during the day and look up, this is but one of the many sources of energy that is both naturally occurring and completely FREE from nature to us, because unlike man nature is not flawed, nature does not grow hungry with greed and is not corrupt by money. You do NOT need to pay energy companies for energy making them richer and you poorer, because energy is FREE! A person raised isolated from society with the slightest insight into energy and physics, would upon being introduced into society not for the life of him comprehend why people pay for energy.

Energy companies are simply a product of western capitalism, think about it,
they make the poor poorer and the rich richer, does this make sense? they are part of a system that is intently designed to keep the working class working all of their lives, like a dog pursuing his tail, reaching for grapes you can never grasp, whilst a few in power rule and control from the top of the chain of command down through all levels of the system, (get to know these few).

I must correct you on the following:
*There is such a thing as renewable energy.
*All energy is not "used up" as energy cannot be created nor destroyed.
*Earth is not infinite, therefore fossil fuels (ARE) finite.
*The resources of which we speak are NOT created by humans, they are
only harvested by humans.

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