xris; sounds like Australia.
The point i was trying to make briefly before is that 'flesh remembers'.
Can and does it remember the pain of a nose job and decide that it would not like this pain for its offspring?
It may be just that people are only breeding with 'regular' nosed people but these differences are becoming less and less, i dont see that many differences between people anymore, no distinguishing features, save for hair that is, but this is generational (we all want to prove our individuality through diversity (as long as someone else has done it)), there are less and less of that regal roman nose.
Do we only see the distinguishable when we chose to distinguish even discriminate?
But this is trend i suppose and the offspring have not yet grown into their own destinctions. But what i was trying to think or ask was that if someone has their ears pinned back will this trend be settled in the womb or on the operating table, either way we are passing on a trait to the next gen whether it be psychological or physical.
Or is this less diversity just that my television and fiction and the actors imagination therein we want to see are becoming the familiar rather than should be the norm (which is the whole diversity, big proud teeth, nose ears). When i was young a book i read described (and being young the story in the book was as real as real) a magician with a long hawk nose, and i went around wishing i had this same hawk nose.
Do we subscribe find atractive to what we see as normal the later on and more diluted conformed we become with fiction and our imaginations sedated by normality, pretty?
So maybe our meeting of the community is more through what we see as social viewership subscription from the channel and we somehow confuse this program with reality. I dont believe that the long nosed people are not breeding, they may just be staying at home and if so what a sorry state we are in when we judge ourselves by anothers conformist viewership.
I ask again, are more people getting reguarly pretty?
Or it is all just television?
Pretty as conformity.
Or are people just staying at home
Or am i just not getting out enough?

(it may even be that we no longer see what we do not come to understand/relate as regular, as pretty, easier to pass the ugly bum tramp person in the street these days? easier not to see them because they are not pretty)
Sorry but not if this is off piece a bit.