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Reply Fri 23 Oct, 2009 04:40 am
Truth: The Meaning of life.

Is it about time? Nope. There is no such thing. You created that, because you think you have so little of it.

Here's a little something I wrote 2 years ago.

Please forgive me, I am not a scholar, a philosopher, a prophet, a scientist, an artist, a doctor, a lawyer, a politician, a famous person, a rich person, a poor person, a religious person, a mean person, a evil person or a popular person. I am overweight. I have a heart problem, I have been with you, as best I can remember, for the past 59 years, I have less than $300.00 to my name, and I will die someday and I am the happiest man on the planet.

Finding the truth was not easy. I experienced something in my mind, and it took me 27 years to reach an understanding of what that something was. Some will call it an epiphany; some will call it a chemical imbalance; some will call it a manic episode. Whatever it was, it happened naturally and was absolutely euphoric. What brought it on? I didn't have a clue. I had a peace within me that has never occurred before in my life and many times since. It was not of this world. More aptly put, there is nothing in this world that could evoke a peace like that. Nothing. From that time on it has been my quest to try and understand where it came from and what it was all about. The meaning of life, wow

Lofty pursuit, huh? You are going to be amazed at how simple it is. What is the truth?

I am no different than you. I am a human being on the planet earth. If you are one who does not share that common distinction, I would like to hear from you. In looking back I have come to understand I never really fit in. Wanted to. Couldn't. I have only existed to experience for myself all the world had to offer. It had to be that way for me to gain the wisdom that will enable you to understand your purpose and why you are here. Once you know the truth, you will begin to live for the very first time since your beginning. And that was a long time ago. Well for some of you anyway. Those who have been here the longest are the ones I am talking to. You are the smartest, most knowledgeable, richest, and the most powerful and exist in all strata of human existence. You will be the architects of the future or .......?

Now that probably doesn't make a lot of sense to you. Well, it's not supposed to. You see, very little you do makes sense. Now don't go get all huffy. It's not your fault. You really don't know any better. You're just too young. Mere infants. You haven't been around long at all, as eternity goes, you just got here. Speaking of eternity, let's talk about that a minute.

Consider eternity. If you don't think that, then you need to get rid of those obstacles that you have in your mind that are preventing you from, at least, considering it. You really do. It's important. You are not american, asian, negro, buddhist, hindu, caucasian, indian, chemist, author, teacher, baker, candlestick maker, atheist, crook, thief, liar, preacher, atomic scientist, genius, prodigy, bean picker, doctor, guitar picker, psychic, physicist, actor, jew, muslim, christian, ditch digger, aborigine, tycoon, biologist, mechanic, shopkeeper, farmer, dictator, president, sheik, captain, pirate, millionaire and the most precious among you children. You are human beings on the planet earth and you are supposed to be here. You have a right to be here. You belong here. You had no choice in the matter. Earth was made to order just for you. There are only two options: either you are eternal, or you are not. It really is that simple. What could you possibly gain from not believing it. If you don't believe you are eternal, you create a serious problem. Hell. Now keep reading. This is not as bad as you think. Not yet, anyway.

The universe is a pretty big place. It's works perfectly. It has a harmony to it that is beyond your understanding. You are a part of that. How could you possibly be apart from that? You are perfect too. There is only one difference in you and everything else on the planet: the mind. You don't have a clue what it is. It has got to play a part in the universe somehow. Now I will give you a few minutes to think about it.

You haven't given much thought to that because it is beyond your understanding. You have been too busy using that infinite mind trying to figure out a way to live longer. Actually that statement is not correct. You have been trying to figure out a way to survive longer. There is a difference. You encountered a little snag that forced you to think that way. You die. There goes the eternity thing right out the window. You had no choice but to try and figure it out because you like being. You don't know what not being is. You like this thing to be. You like 'to be" so much, you will go to extraordinary lengths to "be". The truth is you will never 'not be'. So, what's the rush? Herein is where we have our paradox.

Here's where you scientists come in. If you can just figure everything out, you can survive longer. You have to discover what makes you tick. Thousands of years have gone by. How are you doing? Figured it out yet? Gets a little complicated, doesn't it? Your desire to survive longer has created a slew of problems. Granted there is some good stuff in there too. Unfortunately, at some point genius falls into the wrong hands.

Now here you are on this planet earth. As time goes on you gain more intelligence passing on more and more knowledge and more and more stuff. Your knowledge now has totally lost any concept of what the truth is as you develop the technology to duplicate life. Duplicity, that's the ticket. What a joke. Those who have the most knowledge become your scholars, teachers, leaders, and guides. Those who have the most valuable stuff become your idols. It is natural for those who know less and have less to look to those who know more and have more for answers. Right? You document the past and carry your mistakes into the future further diluting that innate truth of the mind filling it with all the knowledge you think will solve your problems. Let those that follow figure it out. Big mistake. As I said, it really isn't our fault, yet. You just didn't know any better.

Here is the paradox: you have been passing on a malignant intelligence defining your existence mixed with your innate truth perpetuating and compounding your problems. Had you realized your immortality, you would have looked to the future for perfection, rather than the pastfor answers. Creating more and more problems taking you farther and farther from the truth .

Your young are your future. They are you. I told you it was going to get interesting. You learn from them. Not the other way around.

Now I know there is no way you are ready to accept this. Well, I haven't finished yet. I'm still typing. Don't go jumping to conclusions. You do that enough already. Just hang in there. This want hurt a bit. Promise.

Let's get back to universe (god) for a minute. I refrain from using god,
because of religion. Now you of faith, don't go getting all offended. I agree with everything you believe in. Bear with me, please. There is nothing wrong with religion. It had to be. More about religion a little later.

You are a part of the perfection and harmony that is the universe. Therefore you are perfect. There is only one problem with your perfection: you can't equate your death with that perfection. It doesn't add up. So you naturally assumed it is your destiny to understand it all so you could perfect the body so it would survive longer. It is your nature to do that, being perfect and all. After all who else are you going to get instructions from. You're it. Problem: your past is too flawed. Your can't find answers in the past, you must look to the future. Had you believed in your immortality you would have treated your young a little differently. You would have been lead to that understanding that would enable you to
access that pure knowledge in those young minds as you seek perfection. Instead all you could do, considering your time to be so limited, was to record everything leaving all your problems in the hands of those who follow. Guess what? What goes around truly does come around. You are trapped in a maze of knowledge from which there is no escape.

You have the autotomy to survive on our own. You know, the free will thing and all. So you automatically dis-associated yourselves from that eternal perfection from which you were created setting you apart from it assuming perfection to be a goal not a reward. Now what have you learned? Are you going in the right direction? Are you getting better or worse? Take a look around. What do you see? You see the reality of what the autonomy of your free will has created:

Waste, poverty, illness, cancer, heart disease, strife, hunger, immorality, greed, drug abuse, prostitution, pornography, child abuse,AIDS, divorce, war, envy, sloth, vanity, wrath, murder, rape, theft, insanity, homelessness, despair, gluttony, children be raised in warehouses, idol worship, deceit, corruption, abortion, disease, worry, stress, suicide, extortion, mental illness,woman's liberation, discrimination, racism, bigotry, religious zealotry, religious condescension, status, ego, control, oppression, nuclear weapons, nuclear destruction, etc, etc, etc and a trillion dollar drug empire dispensing little pills to help you cope with all you have brought into what you call life.

All from your desperation to survive. Not only that, all the words, phrases, definitions, philosophies, actions, remedies, excuses, rationalizations and compromises that define excuse, tolerate these consequences of your knowledge. You are doing such a great job. Oh, I almost forgot, those of you who had nothing to do with this are going to heaven. You have nothing to worry about. Lucky you?

I rest my case. Getting the picture yet? It is time for an about face. You are going in the wrong direction. Now don't worry, it had to be this way. You don't like being told what to do. You don't like being forced. You don't like being commanded. You don't liked being tricked. You don't like being coerced, lied to, seduced or manipulated. In short man cannot control man. Even god can't do that. Why would he want to? We are a part of him. We are his tools. Before he can use us, we have to give him permission. God is not about religion, he is about life. You see, god doesn't make mistakes. We do. Why? As I said, we just didn't know any better. We just got here. We had to learn the hard way. The hubris of youth. Tsk, tsk.

Before we could truly know the perfection of our being, we had to come to grips with what imperfection was on your own. That's where the word wisdom comes from. More simply put, to know what good is, you needed to experience evil. Now here is a little truth for you: heaven and hell do exist. Perhaps not quite as profound as dante' pictured in the divine comedy, (you do have vivid imaginations) but never the less they exist. . heaven is why you are here; hell is what you are creating. (see above) hence the about face.

Your perfection is your problem. It was natural for you to assume heaven to be somewhere else considering the chaos, turmoil and unrest in the world. (again, see above) had to be. Right? Remember, we are perfect. We don't make mistakes. So we created an escape clause that relieves us of culpability: religion. We had to. We knew perfect was in there someplace. We had no choice. It made perfect since. Evil does exist and we need to be protected from it. Where did it come from? Why is it here? How do we fight it? Good questions. Keep reading.

Evil didn't exist in the universe prior your grand debut. Couldn't have. Unless you equate evil as a part of perfection. God didn't have anything to do with it. God couldn't create a flawed man. Impossible. It is impossible to create imperfection from perfection. So where did it come from? You created it. I sure hope you are following me here. Our life depends on it. And that is a long, long, long, time. Could it be forever? You better believe it is, or it is going to get a hell of a lot worse. (See above)

Now let's get back to the paradox. By not considering eternity forced you to record your history to learn from. Your history is about surviving. Period. By studying what you did, you would be able to figure out what not to do. You innocently assumed that knowledge would lead to that intelligence that would prolong life. Something you so dearly covet. So you recorded everything knowing you were missing the boat somewhere. It was the least you could do in hopes that your children would be able the fix the mess you caused. Such as it has been for thousands of years. You created words to excuse your mistakes like realistic, rational, compromise, reasonable, logical, sensible, affordable, expensive, rich, poor, needy. I could go on and on. Just pick up any dictionary and begin with a. (See above) that knowledge has snowballed to the point of truth being the proverbial needle in the haystack. You couldn't find the truth with a road map. Let me give you an example. Bear with me. this is going to be a little bit boring.


Your definitions. (Notice the plural):
The common dictionary definition: truth is the agreement with fact or reality.

Let's face it, your facts and your reality can use a little improvement. (See above)

(Then the very next sentence) "There is no single definition of truth about which the majority of philosophers agree". (What does that tell you?)
You don't have definitions, you have theories:

Substantive theory, adherence theory, constructive theory, consensus theory, pragmatic theory, minimalist theory, performative theory, redundancy theory, semantic theory, kripkes theory, continental thought, classical philosophical thought, metaphysical, biblical, all religions have their own truth etc, etc, etc.

Now to put your mind at ease. (God knows it needs it) your mind needs to rest. All of what you have discovered (which is everything you have created on earth) has come from your mind). The mind thought it, and your hands, muscle, vision and sweat brought it into your reality. All that you thought and what the earth could offer are compatible. You thought; you created it; it was good. Just like in genesis: in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth and it was good. Your problem is simple: you are going too fast. You need to slow down. Contrary to popular belief, you do have enough time. It's important. You have an eternity ahead of you, what's the rush. Time to clear your head. Welcome to my life. I'm going to help you clear your head. It's important.

Enter the dark night of the soul, and the quest for the truth and peace of mind. Your mind is your connection to god. For god to connect to us, the mind must be free of the interference static causes. (See above). Some call it purgatory. It is a cleansing of the soul. This is who you are. The body is that miraculous creation you scoot around in. And you are wearing it out. I sure hope you are hearing me.

This is the mental voyage man must go through to rid the mind of all the untruth it has accumulated. You might call it soul searching . It took me 27 years to wade through the words, phrases, customs, religions, philosophies, laws, science, beliefs, myths, legends, imaginations and insanity to find it. What I went through was for all of us. I must confess, I had a lot of help. Now I am going to say something you need to know. God is my best friend. I would like to introduce you to him. You see we are all in this together. I cannot live without him, and you cannot live without me. perhaps the three musketeers were the wise men of fame. Sorry, I didn't make the rules and you don't have to follow them. It is your right. (See above)

All that you have been through since your debut has been your indoctrination; an orientation to allow you to discover for yourself what you need and don't need; what is right and what is wrong; what is good and what is evil. You are the most exquisite creation in the universe. How could you possibly know those answers; you had nothing to compare anything to. It is your greed for the most precious creation in the universe that is causing your death: life, the human being.

You are capable of amazing things of which you haven't even scratched the service. In order to appreciate perfection, you had to experience imperfection. That's what death is all about. You know your old saying, we don't really appreciate what we have until we lose it . What you are now entitled to is the truth. Life is eternal. Death is not.

You had to experience the consequences of your own inability to control the power of your being. You would never accept your mortality or your imperfection. You had to try and figure it out. Now, it is time for you to realize it is beyond your understanding, and always will be as long as you exercise your free will. (See above) it will become known to you as you are capable of understanding it. You have plenty of time. That is what harmony is.

You see, you are all a part of that, you reverently call god. It is in your desperate desire to understand that you are not meant to understand that has caused all your misery, which you have so habitually dismissed as ..that's life . Sorry, to disappoint you. Misery is not life. Though you have managed to survive with it such as everything else you are responsible for. (See above) look at the word: good. Now look at the word: god. The only difference is the extra o . Now imagine the o stands for our . God is our good or our good is god. Our words define the truth. Unfortunately most the words we use give life and define that which is not true making communication impossible. More about this later.

Much of the truth can be found in your religions. Your religion is your effort to understand god and you simply cannot go there. Just knowing you are a part of him is enough to get from a to b. You are a long way from omega.

Let's get back to knowledge. You know, the tree of life and all. Knowledge is a good thing. Desperate knowledge is a not. Life is not about effort. Knowledge from effort requires venturing into those areas of the mind we are not meant to go. Pandora's box ring a bell? As far as our death, the picture of dorian gray illustrates a visual about the soul of man as he get's farther and farther from the truth as he compromises and rationalizes his innate truth to sustain his greed to survive.

Quick history lesson:

As you evolved more became a part of your vocabulary. Understandable since your life is so short. You know the saying, is short, only pass this way once,....god helps those who help themselves,.....get while the gettin's good, etc, etc, etc . Somewhere along the way you discovered rare had value. It had power. It had control.

In your beginning, your values were placed on those necessities you needed to live. Food and shelter until you discovered pain, and your mortality. You began to think and reason. It's been down hill ever since. You stopped living and started surviving.

More is an illusion of the objective value we place on rare commodities, such as gold, we use it to obtain what we are seduced to think we need; or an inducement to get what we want.

Objective values as they are acquired excuse and induce opulence; which induces and excuses status; which promotes ego; which induces and creates power; which takes control; that assumes authority; which creates laws; that excuse and perpetuate the inequity of objective value and protects from the iniquity it causes. Creating a vicious circle that has been going around and around and around for thousands of years. In short gold is truly the root of all evil. If you want to see a man sell his soul, offer him gold. Note, those who have it and the interest they associate with it.

You have been around for thousands of years and you haven't figured it out yet. For the first time in your existence you have the technology, resources, manpower, talent, gifts, intelligence, to eliminate the illusion of more and the inequity that has caused so much iniquity (evil). Once the illusion is gone, so goes evil. Then we live. If you wish to live, stop charging for life.

If you have learned anything from your history, learn this. The earth is not a piece of property to be owned by anyone but to be shared by all.

You have based your value system on those commodities that are precious & rare such as life & gold, creating the illusion of compatibility in that the more gold you have the happier your life will be. he who has the gold controls the good. if it were the other way around, he who is good, controls the gold , you would not have all the problems you have today.

That worked in the past, because that's was all you knew. Big problem: there was not enough gold to go around. He who had the most was king. So the king created laws to ensure those who had less wouldn't steal his gold and his power. The king doled out his gold in those amounts he thought would satisfy his subjects and they would love him for his generosity. His more loyal subjects, who enforced his laws and abided by the kings wishes received more gold. Those who had less didn't like some of the king's laws and they gathered in hordes and revolted because their freedom was more important than following the king's laws. The key word in that sentence is hordes. In short, just a bunch of unhappy folks.

Since the king's laws couldn't control man, he automatically assumed god must have laws, rules and regulations, too. Enter the ten commandments. If man would not follow the laws of man, he would surely follow the laws of god. If he did not follow the laws of god, his soul was at stake. That did it. Problem solved.

The king's gold was protected. He could go on ruling and man would stay in line for fear of losing his immortal soul and hope for a better life after he died. Man would obey or suffer the consequences, say's god. Powerful, powerful stuff. Man was being ordered around from heaven and earth. His life was miserable.

So, what is the meaning of life? Enter jesus christ, compromise and rationalization. Christ came to forgive man for the compromises and rationalizations he had to make to obtain the (money) he needed to survive. Man would be forgiven for his sins. Or so it is told, anyway.

Now we need to discuss that for a minute. It is not so much that you have been forgiven as much as you have been spared the memory of those consequences. Remember: you are eternal. Our soul carries with it all that you have experienced that is compatible with this life. It is who we are. The body is just how we get around. By having full recall of you entire life would drive you insane. You couldn't deal with it. I know. Been there, done that. Please just trust me on that one. All we need to know is in there. Along with all we don't need to know. You have been spared that you don't need to know. Christ did you a really big favor. Believe me. keep reading. If you believe in christ's immortality, then it is only suiting for you to believe in your own. It is a must if we are ever to be able to align with that magnificence that we are such a vital part.

What I am about to say will be the most difficult words you have ever heard. But before I say them, you must understand much of your reality is based on your imagination considering you haven't a clue as to what perfection is all about. All you know is what perfection is not about. You know the chaos, turmoil, unrest, confusion, war, drugs, abortion and all that. That is hell. You are in it. Welcome to the reality you created. Everyone played a part. Some active, some passive, some directly, some indirectly, some empathically, some sympathetically, some brutally, some tragically, some gullibly, some willingly. That was christ's message. The blind was leading the blind and we were destined to cleave to this phenomenon we call life. Whoever "he" was.

From here on out, I will need your undivided attention. So please turn off the boob tube, send the kids to their room, turn off the stove and give me you undivided attention. I would have said pay close attention but you have been paying too much for too long. It's time to set the record straight.

Life is an entitlement for all humankind stop putting a price on it. Mankind is a karnard. Humankind is more appropriate, for woman is a part of that too. A very valuable part.

I have no idea who I was or where my future leads, I just know it is not here. Your world sucks. It sucks the life right of you. You have the right to continue on the path you are going and good luck to you. You are going to need it. I saw a bumper sticker the other day and it said: christ is back and boy is he pissed . And he has a right to be. Look at what you have done with god's perfect world. (See above). You can take your money, power, status, ego, greed, fame, fortune and your autonomy crap and stick it where the sun don't shine. That's called anger. I am capable of that. I learned that in your world. Those words are in your dictionary. Sorry for my temper. I do have one. I'm sorry, I wish I didn't. It's just trying to make sense of your world is so frustrating, it brings out the worst in me. many will dismiss, malign and subvert this truth as utopian mumbo jumbo such has always been done in the past, to make it appear idiotic and stupid simply because of the threat it poses to those who have and control the wealth and the corrupting power it wields in your world. This is not a threat. I assure you. It is the truth. The time of trying to figure it out by researching your tomes of knowledge that can offer some esoteric deniability of this truth, is past. You can forget it. That dog want hunt anymore.

Now that I have that out of my system, let's talk about that about face I mentioned. Getting through the dark night of the soul will have to be a group effort. The first step is to eliminate the inequity that exists. For that to happen you have to get your values straight. You are the most valuable creation in the universe. You are it's greatest achievement. All of you have something to offer to building the heaven you were created for. You all have something you have to offer and the very first that must be attained is clarity of thought. That can only be accomplished once worry, stress, guilt are eliminated. That is the first step. That can only be accomplished when you stop putting a price on life. Period. Money has got to go. You do not need it anymore. Period. Once you start working and thinking together, rather than striving apart from each other, can this be done. There is no other way. Well, there is. You have to ask yourself a question: just how bad do you want hell to get?

If you are a living, breathing human being you are entitled to a happy, harmonious, carefree life regardless of your color, race, intelligence, religion, beauty or how much money you have in the bank.

You see the human being is brand, spanking new. How could you possibly know perfection when you had nothing to compare it to. To be able to feel, see, taste, hear and smell were new too. Are you catching on yet. You had to take these new senses out for a test run. And look at what we did with them. You charge for them if you want to see beauty and perfection; it'll cost you. If you want to feel comfort; it'll cost you. If you want delicious and nutritious food; it'll cost you. If you want to breathe fresh air; it'll cost you. If you want to escape the noise of the world; it'll cost you. You are such a generous lot. Humph!

All of you are entitled to live on this planet unencumbered from the dictates of your fellow human being who controls you with his money and power. You all have one thing in common: to live life. Not struggle to survive it at the behest of those who have more. Eliminate the inequity, there will be no need to have laws that protect this inequity and the corrupting power that thrives on it. Along with it goes it evil twin iniquity. You know what is like to raise cain, the one that took care of able. Opp's spelled that wrong. Oh, well. (Or is it Orwell. My Dad did die in 1984 and I am a big brother). Then and only then will we begin to live. Have you ever noticed live spelled backwards is evil. That's more than just a coincidence. Those who have the most power have the most money and they are probably seeing red right about now. Those of you who have struggled to earn what you have, have nothing to worry about. Money and power was not your intent in the first place.

Happiness, serenity, joy, fulfillment, companionship, shelter, transportation, nourishment, travel, clothing, and communication should have nothing to do with how much money you have in the bank, how smart you are, how beautiful you are or what race you are. These are entitlements for all mankind. Once you are free of the torment, anguish, stress, worry, guilt, depression you will have peace of mind, then you will judge for yourself what your needs truly are, allowing you the freedom to discover your true gifts, talents and skills of which you will give effortlessly for the benefit for all. You will be surprised how little you really need to be truly happy.

There will be compensation for those who offer their talent and gifts as it relates to the conception, realization, labor, manufacturing and distribution of those entitlements. That compensation will not be anything of value that can be amassed, transferred or corrupted but strictly controlled by a consortium of the most brilliant minds from all walks of life who have excelled in all endeavors dedicated to this truth regardless of wealth, status, power or influence. The leaders of the world, provided we last that long, will meet and coordinate the assembling of this consortium and will abide by their decisions as to how to implement this universal objective. You have more than enough natural resources, manpower, knowledge, talents, gifts, skills and labor to accomplish this objective provided money is not apart of the equation. You have the technology to figure out another way. All you have to do is put your minds together and make a list of all the problems you have that will just go away once you take money out of the mix. Fame and fortune seduces man to compromise his innate truth and creates that desire which corrupts his mind and behavior in his quest for it. Gold, diamonds, silver, copper or any other rare natural resource have a reason for being here and in just the exact amounts for those purposes in which they were intended. Such as everything else on this planet. Including us. This is harmony. No waste. Nothing left over. You are a peculiar lot. All you have to do is open your eyes. You are truly blind. Money truly is your god. You are sacrificing your children and your future for it.

Your existence, up until now, has been trying to make chaos work. Any, and I mean any, denial of the truth of which I speak will only come from those who profit from this Chaos. Your identity will be known by the intensity of your protest from the puppets you control, or slaves, to be more blunt.

Truth has nothing to do with curing man's ills, but wisdom of knowing why what caused his illness and eliminating it.

You now have that knowledge. You will not find it in most of you books. Any delving into the past for answers only perpetuates your flawed existence if you go there with selfish intentions.

Effort is striving to understand what you are not meant to understand, and forcing it to work.

Your effort to extend your life is the very thing that will take it from you.
This transition will not cause hardship or sacrifice on anyone. It will eliminate the acquisition of any exchange medium of value that can be used to acquire the services of another human being for personal gain. It will just eliminate wealth and the ability to amass it.

Those activities, behaviors, freedoms and liberties in the public domain that are deemed by this majority to be a deterrent to the overall welfare of all mankind will be not be allowed. This consortium will address those activities, behaviors, freedoms and liberties in such a way that will provide all the aid known to man that will dispel those desires without causing harm in any way whatsoever.

Supply and demand will be turn to needs and the balance of all resources to meet those needs, new and achieved. Supply will be plentiful and opulence will be obscene. The consortium acts to the needs of the free mind of man. Man's freedom and liberty in the privacy of his home will not be infringed upon, unless it becomes known those freedoms and liberties by their very nature are evident in the public domain and are offensive to that majority. Such as addictions, compulsions and obscenities. Once the mind of man is free of the stress, worry, guilt that inequity imposes he will purge himself of those addictive, compulsive and obscene behaviors and will have full access to those facilities dedicated to aid in that purging. When you stop charging for life, man will cure himself. How long will it take? Depends? How long do you think you have?

Once you are free of the corruptive influence that entraps you, your mind will be at rest. Allowing the divine guidance of god to tune in with you. Such as it has always been. You were just to pre-occupied with surviving to allow that to happen.

Once your mind is free, you will effortlessly arrive at those heretofore hidden secrets of the mind that will supply you with the knowledge you need to fulfill that which we were created for: to create a heaven on earth, using resources you have and have not discovered yet. Your peace of mind opens the door allowing god's entrance and accessing that perfection and harmony from which you were created. That entrance is the rapture and the purity of the child. That's you. Your not adults, just corrupted, contaminated children.

That child woman brings into the world, or did, at any rate, is your future and the purity of that mind will lead you, not the other way around. Remember the about face. As a child looks you in the eye and says with those eyes, "please..........take care..............with me; and I promise to take care of you!

Remember I said I had a little help. You see, god is the missing link. You must remember god is about life. Religion was our idea. Then and only then will we begin to live. Rather than delving into the past to find precedents perpetuating the status quo, we will all be led to those heretofore hidden secrets of the universe that will be our guide through eternity. By freeing the mind, the brain is unencumbered so it can take care of the body as it was designed to do. Releasing those natural chemicals that will provide the euphoria and bliss we will, then and only then, be able to access and enjoy. The rewards of this truth are unimaginable. It will be like a thrill ride taking you to a destination unbeknownst to you; just absolutely thrilled you are aboard.

Man will no longer look; he will see. He no longer listen; he will hear. The odor of inequity and the waste it creates, will become the fragrance of abundance. The taste of bitterness will become the savoring of life. You will feel like you have never felt in your existence. These are the senses of god.

As franklin roosevelt said, all we have to fear, is fear itself . There are no bad people, there are no good people, there are no villains. Just a people trying to understand that which they are not meant to understand. Just know that you are a part of an endless, timeless, perfect, harmonious universe and you will always exist. Now that you know the truth, when would you like to start? Sorry, it had to be this way. It was the only way. Either continue creating a hell on your own or begin building a heaven with a little help from all concerned.

May god be with you, as he is with me. that's not a prayer, it's the way life was meant to be.

Thanks for you attention, those of you who did read it. I don't have all the answers, but I feel collectively we do. This is just my offering. Do with it what you will. :bigsmile:

sometime sun
Reply Mon 26 Oct, 2009 06:54 am
Time spent with William;
*I already lost this once so i will not be rushing.*

I would say that you are all of those things in mine own eyes, a scholar, a philosopher, a prophet etc, but perhaps in this case we are what others believe in us to be, which is everything and nothing, which lends itself to direct us to be better at least for others sake.
So i would say you are all of these things and more because i experience you in these ways and in a way no-one else ever could (including yourself).
This is meant to be a compliment.

'The truth' or any number of single first truths, making one whole truth?

Nothing of the world, but you.
Is our experience worldly or planetary put in its place?
Dose experience have placement?

Did you not look to re-live it? your epiphany, consensus, peace?
Or i think you gave the answer, it only needs to happen just the once.
The meaning of life.
Or the meaning of your life.

Oh but you are still unique.
For the longest time and sometimes still do, doubt i am human, but once one starts to love others they realise they would be best if they were all common hero human.
'Longest' here i denote to experience, not time.

You will be the architects of the future or you can only come up with the answer 'end'.

Eternity transcends time, dont you think?
You cant count out eternity.
You are not all these things individualy, but together (even if alone) you are the all and the more, as am I.
You were made to order for the Earth.

Everything has rhythum, dum dee dee dum.
Rhythm; regular repeated pattern, movement, beat or sequence of events.

Not 'perfectly' but the best it can be and better, which may be the form of which perfection is born, if not for its growing pains of imperfection, so we go on.
We dont get sick so we die, we get sick so we can get better.
Better at everything.

'a way to live' better. Which coincides with survival.
We survive to do be better, Evolve if you will.
Growth takes evolution. Evolution takes survival.

Genius if meant for anything is to be shared.

You are right, you cannot conceptualise truth, you either are or are.
Others decide if you are not. Only you know the truth of your own are, being.

Define valuable stuff?
Many have value instead of truth
just as many have both as neither.
I cannot decide for you as i find it hard enough to keep my own.

Paradox is something that doesn't work when it should.
And works despite the fact it shouldn't.
(we are paradox?)
But we may be born with the answers, just not how to reference them, which is the tool of the past, it puts us, the me i dont know in context with another me or another us, context of yesterday, today, then tomorrow.
Even if that context was is will not me? (be)

You learn from them, they learn from you, it is cycle, it goes constantly around and around and around again and again and again.
the only beginning (start on the wheel) is birth?

Cant help jumping, it is that context thing again.

We are all hypocrites? To not be means we have stopped changing, learning, evolving. So all good humans participants are all good hypocrites.

God is always user-friendly, it is its context and hypocricy and paradox, instilling unfamiliar fear to not use it the way of which each of us knows inately it works, not the how or why but that it works and teaches not always ever how. But God is what works.
But because of religion is the sad abuse, we must suffer our understanding must suffer, but so does God suffer.
There is something wrong with religion that makes us fear such an amorpous word form term abriviation as 'God'. The concept by any other name would not be God? God dog eye I eye god dog.

Not offended a little sad.
It reminds me of all the time i spent without God just because there was no word without past no word that was a safe place of free expression of Divine Grace, you see is till have a problem with trying to pin 'God' down but it can be fun, thinking of all that would encapsulate the term that is God.

I am it. Unless to weak to be anyhting (or is that 'not' be anything?)

Hope is contiguous/contingent upon one thing,
It has not yet happened. Future.
Nothing follows it merely comes after. Future.
We record nothing that we do not wish to re-live, or must be.
Differently sure, but record is another matter for future.
What goes around never comes back, but forward into something new. Future.

Never heard of free will being described as autonomous.
But i wont disagree.
What have i learned? enough to keep on learning.

Are you going in the right direction?
Does 'right' mean directed?

Are you getting better or worse?
better art being worse
worse at being better
I am better by the fact that i need others approval, opinion,approbation,respect. If not the conclusion personal
What do i see?
I dont fullt rightly know,
but it is not by my will alone,
or maybe this is correct; Life is nothing if not my will to live it.

There is a song on youtube, you m ay not like but it gives the message of what you are worrying about the comsumption of the planet.
NY Excuse by SoulWax
To survive need not be desperate, it may also be soothing, none of the above soothes.

Not lucky, diligent, trying, surviving.
Nothing especially heaven is certain, (chioce is suspect)
Not 'commanded' but led somewhere, by something else, yes.
Which we try to incorporate history for all its ever changing (as us) winds.

Our own will, even if autonamous is our first control (choice), lest it be taken, or worse given away? even more that only briefest of moments.
Eternity of without is a moment without the soul, time even ceases to be, which i suppose does confirm some link between time and eternity, but still not so sure.

Nail (in) on (your my) the head.
WE make our own mistakes even if led by the giving up of the will.

We all like (accede) too much to be coerced, lied to, seduced or manipulated.
It takes heavy stresses to keep your own will intacts, it is hard (at times), people dont care that the fall will be harder, (also something to do with not ever really beliveing there will be a future because we are not presently living it.)

Imperfection on my your own.

Heaven is where we come form as much as the going, if not a little less or more on the side of birth and death. Coming and going.(around and around)
Hell is all going.

Perfect being conception and destruction perhaps?

We dont make mistakes, mistakes make us?

Religion relieves us of culpability?
but does it not also extol the virtues of consequence.
Unless consequnce is also the fate acomplie 'we dont make mistakes' (hope i got that right)

We need first to battle evil, that is what makes it so fearsome, because we know we must face it, we cannot hide from it forever, it is coming for us and we must be ready to deflect defend from it.

God didn't create flawed man he created will, and in our takinf it, we flawed it ourselves. and another concept to proove
'God' was the equivalent 'devil'
Good is one step away from God
Devil is one step closer to evil.

Could it be forever?
if its not then hell can only get worse. Not just for me but for the us.

But surely history is how we measure eternity, else why bother regard, why add or subtract, why equate, why measure, why standardise, why arithmetic, why magnitude?
But as i said before eternity is not a, has no number. we are that with the need to measure to know where we are as well as who we are.
We define ourselves by age rather than spirit.

*I have not finished but dont want to lose it all again, CUP OF TEA.*

---------- Post added 10-26-2009 at 01:40 PM ----------

So knowledge is not innocence?

Earnestly some covet. Or is this a lie?

True true true about leaving ness behind. (living only to be present)
But can one any man NOT leave his footprint behind on the sands and earth and time.?

Not the winds previously extolled,
the wind is for that which live it, be it, history or faultless not (naught).

Minds need to relax briefly to not becomne complacent.

You need to slow down enough to be created.

You may even have too much time?

Purgative not purgatory.

Not just you are wearing it out, we are costumes of the world, (frayed edges)

By meeting you i have met your God,
and in other cases void where God aught, not to say the devil always takes the empty space.

The devil makes work for idle players.
So concentrate.

We may not know the answers, but we know the truth when it comes exquisite in the night
bites us on the ass
away form us is terrible fright.

We may never of had it, if we were able tol ose it?
Does this make me young fresh or old ancient? Smile

We are only entitled to the search for truth,
truth ought be free
but 'ought' does not exist
unless sought.

'Ability' leave no consequence then?

Imperfection being mortal.
Mortal is the only thing we cannot understand, trying so hard to 'do' yourself (by work) and therefore you become mortal but unafraid of the end. (because you have earned it?)
That is what mortal is, perpetual beginning?, nothing but an ending.

To accept is not beyond your understanding,
it just means your understanding does not always inter you too you, or need to be you.
That is what harmony is, Internship of the internal.

Your 'desire' to understand is to figure out (solve) God, thereby leaving it inert (or you as God). This Misery is this inbuilt self destruction depression deprication of doubt in of God and your lack without It.

"But first must take God with me".
Responcible for own misery?

Our words try to define truth, which is why the dictionary keeps growing, shrinking, breathing if you will, living (if despite you wont or dont), to find and expose truth, we dont have enough words in the world to prove too all truth, else we would have come up with all the words and faith by now for all.
As long as we breath (like the dictionary, vocab) for ourselves we have communication ans better learning.

To get from 'a' to 'b'
to become the G.O.D
if that's what you need.

'And 'hope' was released into the world', that's how Pandoras last line goes right? or last lesson.

I like 'make hay while the sun still shines'
Dont you just hate those old as new ones 'no good deed goes unpunished' 'lifes a *****' etc, all these slogan lies.
Good deed is its own reward.
Life is a beach. (I wish)

'Stopped living, started surviving'
some might say stopped surviving, started living, or evn started dying.
I agree with yours.

Objects of the eye not of the sky.

It does not promote ego, it insists which is why it tends to the twisted.

Communism will always fail because we 'want; more than to survive.
We want more than to survive.
Individuals who have never been without, never had the basic necessity of 'need', they dont get it and unless they have it no-one else not should, could. But this is being general.
Different people need different things.

Want is the root of all evil when not tempered with need.
Interest (want) they associate it.
This is not speaking of gift, to grant as well as reception.

A high street shop in England is not even selling jewellery anymore just lumps of gold, what use but for want (sake?)

'Charging' you mean bu going into debt? for a worthless nothing, self gratification.

You see some things form history 'should' still work.

Compatible with something unreal.

True good need never be controlled
He who is good controls himself.
Nothing but everyones 'self' matters.

Those who nare saleable receive gold.
And nothing less. HA! as you would say.

But sad that htey believe in something untenable, something that is not happiness, because they were never without, they never knew whatit means to receive. Gift. True gift. Reception, receptacle, Grateful.

---------- Post added 10-26-2009 at 01:43 PM ----------

*Still not finished with you, and have and engagement, be back to try and finish you off later, please wait if you wish to put further comment till i have finished, thanks.*
Reply Mon 26 Oct, 2009 08:49 am
@sometime sun,
But what has any of this to do with truth?
sometime sun
Reply Mon 26 Oct, 2009 12:43 pm
But the soul is not something that can be paltry bought or sold, saleable.
You earn the loss.
You may not even be able to lose your soul (i'm not yet sure) you just mislay it, or ir is hidden from you?

To debace the only free (gift) we have (soul) with commerce slightly sickens me.
Not 'from heaven and earth'
from heaven by earth. Adjacent.

Enter Jesus Christ. Or Jesus Christ on invitation enters you.

Christ never came to forgive man, he came to give us the choice of forgiveness or damnation, solo participation choice.
Our responcibility.

Man could be forgiven his sins if he saw he had them.

It says nothing of forgiveness, that one forgets what they needed cleansing from in the first place.
We do the owrk, Christ would could not have it anyother way.
We earn our gifts.

But consequences none the less even if eternal memorial, which only the blind would call hell.

You cannot be close to God if you dont know how you came to be in Good Grace.

True on 'total recall'.
But what brings us close to God is that which we dont lose.
We have memory for a reason, alone to recall God perhaps, alone to recall ourselves perhaps.
But i do trust you on this one as i know somewhat of what you expose.

And the worst to could be said of what you cant or dont remeber,
enter Alzhiemers.
What you cant remember is as big a curse as total recall.
So we meet somewhere int he middle (the best and only place for all to be)
The glass does not spill,
But it is not empty either.

I believe in my immortality if not as much for Christ and his.

Imagination is aproximation of perfection and i think you said perfection cannot ever be known,
not till birth or death anyway,
but both without memory.

Perception like imagination is not blind-sight sight-blind.
It takes the perception and imagination to even fathom perfection, for it to cannot be held in the memory, intellect or sight sound.
Baybe just 'vision'.

I do get tired of hell on earth comparisons, even if yours is a more cogent footing.
Helli snot just in us, about us, was us, wasn't us.
Hell does not die, Hell is more than presence, it is afterwards as well as always.

What if instead of hell on earth,
Heven on earth
if one is possible so is the other.

Christ's message is personal, dont take this wrong, and what you say may be true in all of its hopelessnesses of hell on earth, but Christ gives me hope gives hope ingeneral, more so a hope that may by my listening hearing and rebuking of this hell, will become an actuality Heaven.
heaven is supposed to reach this Earth before the hope is truly fulfilled.
In not the 'he' was, but that 'he' is. He is me trying to put heaven in practice before even hoping to receive it.
Not all is lost to hell.
You are not lost to hell as long as you have and hold hope.
Hope is not as tangible as one would like, but look at the alternative.

'Paying to much for too long'
Not long enough and never enough, that is where sacrifice come sin.
Not paying, Giving.

Life is suppose to be free, given, however it costs all but your immortality and some would say rightly so.

I dont know what a karnard is?

Human is appropriate.
But man in kind has no gender all all of them.

You just put a price on women, valued not 'valuable'.
Women are worth it all. You see i just put a pric eof my own on them.

It sucks but that is why you need to blow harder.

You cant need luck, it doesn't exist.
But comfort and probability does.
You just need to be probable.

That was that drivers 'sticker' Christ and a poor study, good bad joke though.
Christ aint angry, Christ is benevolent.
At least mine is anyway.

I know it says it alot about the wrath (anger) of God in the bible. But i cant quite understand that.
Maybe God becoming man sorted this anger out for God.

'I learned that in your world'
I hope the 'your' means me, or them, God owns nothing but belongs to everything.

Dont apologise for a well vented frustration. Letting it out within a vehicle (art) is what saves us from it consuming us and turning us bitter. And venting aids in besting it. Kepping it in turns to anger hate and cancer.

Utopian may be a dream butit is one worth having.

I wonder, do you think you could would do better if you had the power?
Not saying that you dont.

You still talk about the dark night (if our previous encountered) of the soul as if it is something to fear and be overcome.
It is where we are, who we are and the degree of which we temper and accept our selves position.
But as a group and with good reference we are stronger to tame ourselves.
I dont know about valuable but need of importance is requisite. That goes as much for the other as for the self.

Greatest achievment, biggest loss.
But not putting a price on yourself?

*Back later to finish, trying to break it up, so as to keep it snappy, but hard when it is responce to one heck of a piece, if i haven't yet and i will later, Thankyou for this*

As i think i said about on truth, you dont really know it till you live it, till you be it as one who knows it but does not necessarily understand it. And it takes all the learning in the world all the anti ignorance in the world to leave you as blind as before if you dont believe it. Personal truth is still a universal one.
sometime sun
Reply Mon 26 Oct, 2009 05:55 pm
@sometime sun,
Before i start to finish Kennethamy;
Philosophically asking, are you calling me a liar by you not seeing any of my truth? or was your question coming from what you perceived as the reason for William posting this, and i had not addressed what you gained from his post?
The your search for truth?
Truth is God, God is truth, God is God, truth is truth.
But both especially truth is likened to Art, you cannot force someone to appreciate it, you can even hate it, but it always means something if not just exposing the void of nothingness, is still truth, and MEANS something to just one someone. Truth of Art.
Truth is meaning, meaning truth.
The meaning of life if you will, is truth.
And the appreciation of it, if not the search, for sometimes truth is given freely.
Not sure what the specifics are, but haven't seen all the pictures, sculptures, freedoms of expression yet, or ever, but will try at least to see the art and truth of everything that I meet and meets me.

*going on, and sorry if it long winded, but i have something i wish to express, bouncing from your art to mine, whether that is truth to you, to any but me, is for you to decide*

Money is not the cause merely a symptom.

That which you have and dont need, you have taken, no exceptions.
Indulgence is something that is needed, but it requires the true use of what indulgence is, rare and used for a reason. Cathartic almost. Love.
However that being said different people need different things.
Something about responcibility being not just for one persons shoulders but we do still feel the need to burden ourselves as a form of duty and other miscommunications.

Just how bad do you need hell to get?
Just how good do you need heaven to be?
Just how long will heaven have to wait?
Forever. (till a day)

Never carefree.
If we dont care we are not rightly human, maybe worry free would be better?

Human being is as old as any one of us.
We may be spanking new, but we are not and this is also used as a self compromise, dellusion, illusion. As young as you feel is dellusion, under the guise of emotion, grow up.
We arte old enough to know BETTER (from worse)
Or are we? else why haven't we done better?
But you may mean this in terms of history. (not future?)

The comparison is rooted in the imagination, one really good reason for having one.

It only costs you if you want it. agreed.
Something to be said for the ideal and vision that is (but is'nt) 'HUMAN RIGHT'

Live evil, the world the flesh the devil?
I dont believe in the devil as i believe in God.
and Santa spelled differently is spelled satan.
Now there's some proof reading history, legacy almost.

You like words alot dont you? Me too.

NO, those with the most money do a good (bad) job at convincing you I that we do not have the power they think they can hide from us with their all powerful cent.

Of course those who have struggled to earn what they have, have warrant to worry, they shouldn't have to and fundamentally dont need when it comes to eternity, but when it comes to this money illusioned bedazzled world and its preception of time upon it, there is always cause for concern.
Not less from God or Mother. (Both All nearly Whole)
But you can never be prepared for your rainy day. Just cant be.
So why worry?
We will all be tested. and tried.

The world shoul thrive on shoulds.
But then they would not be shoulds anymore would they?
(Should shoulder, soul, hold, nearly soldier)
I hope that gave you a smile.

Entitlements; 'human right' (at a push)

'then you will judge for yourself what your needs truely are'
Judge yourself needs truly are.

'YOu will be surprised how little you really need to be truly happy'
And how much true worth it gives you.
You are more likely to find happiness without want, my true dark night of the soul.

Compensation is still payment,
Dont cha know we do life for free?:bigsmile:
(dispensation perhaps, maybe even spoils of war, supposing we are at war with anything other than ourselves)

The leaders of the this world are HOST (that's you and me that is everybody)
(i almost said legion)Ha!

Unless we take our own advise, not even just Gods.
We have (all present) 0-200-400 years max.

Star Trek comes to mind.
No joke
we are the FEDERATION (of planets)

I offten wonder about the puzzle that is the the matter and stored energy in of this world at our utility and what it leads to solution?
Perhaps even the means by which to join the stars, but stuff is running out. We may have broken the puzzle? (earth) Homestead)

Blind faith honey.

---------- Post added 10-27-2009 at 12:30 AM ----------

To make chaos work is a lofty idea but not a bad one.
I do not profit from it, i lose by it, so need to know how to stop it, it is when we try to harness things that the **** hits the fan.
Does show gumption though. Children that we are.

I hope this is as much a catharsis for you William as it is for me:rolleyes:

If you go where? the past, history or what you've forgotten?

'Transition' from red to blue?

But you would agree that for all its ills this exchange medium we are using right now (net@) is a triumph for the world and something we can but grow for from.? replicators indeed.

Consortium; an association or combination of several banks. businesses etc, fromLatin consortium, partnership. I get you. Didn't at first but did in the end.


'in the public domain' domicile,

purge, purgative, progenitive (stop that)
full access to those facilities dedicated to aid in that purging! Why not religion then? Or do they just do a bad job?
Charity and access to people, simple fix.

The mind will not be at rest, peace definately.
Your soul would possibly be at rest (instead of turmoil), but not your mind.
Wide awake. AWARE.

It tuned in with me, me tuned in with it.

Not sure if the mind can ever be free.
Free from what doesn't make it tick tock?

Not even sure if i dont think the mind dies when I will. I kind of hope so.
I want to be represented by my soul.
The one thing I know I own forever. (until a day

Maybe there is a repository for minds died?
Those no longer needed, (let alone the unwanted).

Didn't you hear there are no secrets:)

Could be a Christ Child even ever.

We need to be able abled to believe our own child.

Definately 'by freeing the mind'.

Abundance only comes when we have everything we need by position; everyone else does also, maybe first.
Talk about it but be responcible. And live it, bare it, love it, earn it, learn it, be it.

You could start by saying I Love You, and mean it. (After feel it)
And I think I do (first before know it?)

You cant beat a good purge,
Thank you for that and everything, it has been a pain in the back and pleasure of the heart to know you.
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 03:17 am
What is it with you guys and way too long posts?
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 06:53 am
Lily;100033 wrote:
What is it with you guys and way too long posts?

Hi Lily, it seems Sun has a lot on his mind. Huh? let's let him vent. It's good for the soul. Once we air it all, then we will have room to breathe. It's not so stuffy. You know what happens when you have too much stuff. You have a difficult time finding a place to put it all. :bigsmile:

Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 09:17 am
William;100062 wrote:
. . . it seems Sun has a lot on his mind. Huh? let's let him vent. It's good for the soul.

William, that is definitely not the case here. It is far more evident that that poster has too little on his mind--in the sense of consolidation (in other words, control). Though such a straightforward observation may be a bit hard to swallow, such randomness of incoherent thought, is far more often than not, the sign of lack of consolidation of mind.

In your opening post, even, you told us that your OP had been written two years ago, so that also, is not really letting out, in need of getting a fresh breath of air. It is sharing, yes, but not a present psychological need, is it?

However, the one major connection you seem to be drawing, is that the presentation asserted as finalized truth of the world condition at present, is directly resultant due to a said truth of an opposing act against "god." Yet, it is also asserted that we (that is the total of all H. sapiens, and otherwise which have ever, and will ever, live on this planet) are a part of "god," and further more, that we have 'power of attorney' (if you will) over that "god."

This simply does not make any sense at all, simply because, you are working hard at trying to condem something which you apparently concede as being purely natural and uncontrollable circumstances. Additionally, your effort to deny wanting to talk in religious belief-system terms, seems to stain much of your prose.

Then, of course, one would perhaps be pushed to ask, regardless of the poetic beauty and creativness of imagination, why, really, all the second person accusation?
Reply Tue 27 Oct, 2009 01:37 pm
KaseiJin;100102 wrote:
William, that is definitely not the case here. It is far more evident that that poster has too little on his mind--in the sense of consolidation (in other words, control). Though such a straightforward observation may be a bit hard to swallow, such randomness of incoherent thought, is far more often than not, the sign of lack of consolidation of mind.

In your opening post, even, you told us that your OP had been written two years ago, so that also, is not really letting out, in need of getting a fresh breath of air. It is sharing, yes, but not a present psychological need, is it?

However, the one major connection you seem to be drawing, is that the presentation asserted as finalized truth of the world condition at present, is directly resultant due to a said truth of an opposing act against "god." Yet, it is also asserted that we (that is the total of all H. sapiens, and otherwise which have ever, and will ever, live on this planet) are a part of "god," and further more, that we have 'power of attorney' (if you will) over that "god."

This simply does not make any sense at all, simply because, you are working hard at trying to condem something which you apparently concede as being purely natural and uncontrollable circumstances. Additionally, your effort to deny wanting to talk in religious belief-system terms, seems to stain much of your prose.

Then, of course, one would perhaps be pushed to ask, regardless of the poetic beauty and creativness of imagination, why, really, all the second person accusation?

Whoa, my friend; let's not jump to conclusions here. We are not over with yet. As far as the 2nd person, that's my friend I often make mention of. He does that on occasion. I know it sounds a bit dictatorial, huh? Sorry. Perhaps if you would narrow it down to what exactly it is that "he" said that bothers you. Perhaps i can help. As I have said on more that one occasion, no one likes to be told what to do. But in some cases, if one has the other's best interest at heart and not for their own well being, it will be regarded less offensively; it's just a matter of how you do it. That post as i said and you duly noted, was written over 2 years ago. You should have read what he said about the "Elders"; that was much more sterner stuff. Of course that is all in the past now, he as well as I have mellowed a bit since then, thanks to the friends I have met along the way.

Later my friend, and I will address all you have to say, OK. :bigsmile:

Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2009 07:30 am
sometime sun;99806 wrote:
Time spent with William;
*I already lost this once so i will not be rushing.*

I would say that you are all of those things in mine own eyes, a scholar, a philosopher, a prophet etc, but perhaps in this case we are what others believe in us to be, which is everything and nothing, which lends itself to direct us to be better at least for others sake.

So i would say you are all of these things and more because i experience you in these ways and in a way no-one else ever could (including yourself).This is meant to be a compliment.

Thank you.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
'The truth' or any number of single first truths, making one whole truth?

That works for me.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
Nothing of the world, but you.
Is our experience worldly or planetary put in its place?
Does experience have placement?


sometime sun;99806 wrote:
Did you not look to re-live it? your epiphany, consensus, peace?Or i think you gave the answer, it only needs to happen just the once.The meaning of life. Or the meaning of your life.

There is no meaning to my life if others are not allowed to be free to live their life. Then we are have purpose as we develop a synergy/single energy powered by us all in balance with those resources give to use, not at our disposal. Re-live it? No, not under the present rule, I don't and furthermore "will" not. What this means is of no concern to me. What will be, will surely be. I am at peace with that.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
Oh but you are still unique.

As are you.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
For the longest time and sometimes still do, doubt i am human, but once one starts to love others they realize they would be best if they were all common hero human.

Difficult to understand what you are saying here? Perhaps if it was worded differently.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
'Longest' here i denote to experience, not time.

You have that. It's just perhaps you have just experience more than you can understand. That makes...................a difference, especially of opinions when offered without asking. It assumes permission it doesn't have and subsequently a rude awakening that is ignored creating a conflict between both each must bear.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
You will be the architects of the future or you can only come up with the answer 'end'.

All will have their contributions; only in different degrees-all complimentary.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
Eternity transcends time, dont you think?


sometime sun;99806 wrote:
You can't count out eternity.

Some do, unfortunately as some think their fortunes are something they can put there hands on. Sad, but a painful prevarication posing as truth.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
You are not all these things individually, but together (even if alone) you are the all and the more, as am I. You were made to order for the Earth.

You and I mean nothing, alone. It is we, we must concern ourselves with, that matters and all that matters.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
Everything has rhythm, dum dee dee dum. Rhythm; regular repeated pattern, movement, beat or/and sequence of events.

Yes, there is a resonance in which all our hearts will beat in unison. The Earth in harmony with the heavens, man in harmony with woman. One nature attracted by it's divisions gathering strength in it's unity, demolishing the walls as they here the trumpets of our voice playing beautiful music together in a chorus that sings through out eternity eliminating all sour notes that contribute to our deafness in a language all can understand and respond to accordingly forever. Then,..... "who" knows? That is the journey and a wonder filled one it will be.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
Not 'perfectly' but the best it can be and better, which may be the form of which perfection is born, if not for its growing pains of imperfection, so we go on.

We will learn from our mistakes. It is the wise thing to do, we just hate to admit to it.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
We don't get sick so we die, we get sick so we can get better. Better at everything.

We die because we get ail and tire and become exhausted as we expend too much energy trying to be something we are not. It's a hard row to hoe in the garden of eden when we take it upon ourselves individually and try to cultivate it with out the proper nourishment. It is a sweaty task and we all pay a price for tackling such an endeavor without the aid of others willing to help in that labor-sum task that just doesn't add up.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
a way to live' better. Which coincides with survival.

I think not. No one lives unless all live. Survival is what one efforts to do alone playing by their own rules to survive. Not good as things go. No man is an island, they say as we will learn, one day.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
We survive to do be better, Evolve if you will. Growth takes evolution. Evolution takes survival.

Yes, as I offered we are going though an orientation and indoctrination, if you will, as to what life is, in order to survive; and will learn from our mistakes, eventually. It has to be that way, being the perfect creations we are for something better will come along. Once 'we' understand this, then and only then will we know what living is all about.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
Genius if meant for anything is to be shared.

What is genius, but the genes of you and us, together as one. Granted there are those who profess to know more; but is it beneficial to all? That is the question that should be asked. Don't you think? Or is it for the chosen few who use that genius for their own selfish purposes? Knowing to much requires a responsibility few can live up to.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
You are right, you cannot conceptualise truth, you either are or are. Others decide if you are not. Only you know the truth of your own are, being.

A bit confusing but I think I know what you are saying. You are; there is on either to it, only what others impose on you. Others can add to you once they realize they are no better than you. There should be no decision to be made by one for the other for it is impossible to know one from the other, only what is similar and that is for the learning as each reap form both caring for the other.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
Define valuable stuff?

That valuable stuff is what you are made of and how you regard that stuff without in proportion to that stuff you are.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
Many have value instead of truth.

There is no truth without you in the mix! Those who gather value without, lose that truth within.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
just as many have both as neither.
I cannot decide for you as i find it hard enough to keep my own.

Exactly. It must be shared.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
Paradox is something that doesn't work when it should.And works despite the fact it shouldn't. (we are paradox?)
But we may be born with the answers, just not how to reference them, which is the tool of the past, it puts us, the me i dont know in context with another me or another us, context of yesterday, today, then tomorrow. Even if that context was is will not me? (be)

You learn from them, they learn from you, it is cycle, it goes constantly around and around and around again and again and again.
the only beginning (start on the wheel) is birth?

Well, yes and no. Many fail to learn for they are deaf to what anyone says but themselves. An image in their own mind as they feel a comfort in that, but also an isolation from what others are willing to contribute. As they don't ask, they know all they need to know to survive and that's all that matters to them.

Yes, there is a cycle. No doubt about that. Are we cycling up hill or down. Is the energy we are expending potential or kinetic? If there is balance, they equal out and energy becomes equal and is share by all.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
Can't help jumping, it is that context thing again.

You mean "anti-text". If so, you are right. There is much written we are not meant to pay attention to. Only when it satisfies our self, do we hold on to it. The past will most assuredly throw you curves ball if you venture there for selfish reasons. It it full of con-text as some think it is a contest to he who knows the most as their cup runneth over, like putting 10 gallons of water into a 5 gallon bucket. When you pour the excess out for those who have less, then that load is not so difficult to bear. It is better to bare it all, than it is to keep it to yourself.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
We are all hypocrites?

What a word, hypocrite and all it contexts and disguises. You could write tome/tomb about it or on it. Ha! You mean professing to be something you are not. That does seem to be the case in so many instances, doesn't it. "Do what I say do, not what I do". And we can't figure out why our young are so confused. Damn!

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
To not be means we have stopped changing, learning, evolving. So all good humans participants are all good hypocrites.

Changing and learning are not the same. You can't change who you are, only refine it as you learn not to define it. Definition is what another interprets it to be and that is not to be taken as the truth. Only an attempts to refine. In all our words there are clues that will aid in that refinement that will not confuse us as they do now. Such as what ambiguous means: "I am bigger than you or us and what a fool I am to think that I know more than all of us". Ha! The smaller we get, the larger the words become and the more confusing. Yet in those words there is a truth most just do not see giving credence to "Occum's Razor" and what it means to get back to basics. There are those who would never appear to be so ignorant for they have a community in which they live and breathe that pride themselves on being above the rest. It is truly lonely at the top, I suppose. How so very sad that must be.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
God is always user-friendly,.....

You can't use God for yourself. It doesn't work that way. It is God that uses us. We are his instruments. That's all. When we are friendly and at peace God uses us amid all his manifestations; a universe, one-verse in harmony, nature, each unique but of the one, in balance.

sometime sun;99806 wrote: is its context and hypocricy and paradox, instilling unfamiliar fear to not use it the way of which each of us knows innately it works, not the how or why but that it works and teaches not always ever how.

God knows no fear and is alien to it. Fear is our creation in that we don't know everything and what we don't know, makes us afraid and we keep stumbling until we finally get it straight. It is truly amazing this body we have and how we use those toes we have on our feet to keep us from falling over. Like is was known that we would stumble in the beginning as we align ourselves. We don't know what is straight for we have nothing to compare it to and why we perceive a 'bent universe'. That is only our circular thinking because we don't know it all, but in our perfection we think we can figure it all out. (See list of our so called achievements) . Nothing to brag about but many profit from. How so very sad to have go through that indoctrination. But as it is said, "the dark before the dawn. Let's hope we don't stay so blind for much longer to the point of no return and the process begins all over again for us all.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
But God is what works.

Yes, through us, not without us for we and all are one and the same. We are a part of that God; just in tiny pieces. Everything makes up the one.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
But because of religion is the sad abuse, we must suffer our understanding must suffer, but so does God suffer.

That is the popular thought. God does not suffer, we do. There is truth in all that comes from the mind of human kind. There is wisdom to be gathered from it all if our senses are intact and not confused as they are now. The govern how we feel and the perceptions we create. Once they are free of illusion and disguise, they will become extra-ordinary as we develop a common sense among us all, not alien to any of us. All suffer for they hold on to their own right with little regard to the rights of others as they take advantage of that and profit from it.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
There is something wrong with religion

Anymore so than any other perceive truth? There are those who profit from that too, are there not? Yet, there is a truth there, in all of them and once we align to that truth, there will be a need for none of them and the blood that was shed because of them. Truth needs no army to hide behind to protect it.

More later.

Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2009 08:06 am
What does it mean to conceptualize something? Can anyone explain that to me?
Reply Wed 28 Oct, 2009 01:09 pm
kennethamy;100291 wrote:
What does it mean to conceptualize something? Can anyone explain that to me?

It's when you use what you have in memory that is not connected and something on the outside triggers the unity. Like you have found a "missing piece" to what you have held in memory that completes it or makes it more efficient. That is the creation of an idea. When we think, we are trying to conceptualize to see if we can make it fit with what we already have.

What gives us headaches its too much stuff in memory that is incomplete and nothing seems to fit. One loses focus. If you are able to "purge" what you don't need, it becomes much easier to for ideas to form or put to better use.

What is remarkable about this is the mind will do it unaided by you. It does in automatically because the pieces fit so easily. Nothing gets "in their way" so go speak. Like Edison when someone asked him about all his failures in creating the light bulb. He responded "I didn't fail. I just found a thousand ways in which it wouldn't work". Ha!

Here is where "God in motion" comes into play. You are led to that which is complimentary to what you have previously experienced once the excess baggage is eliminated. YOU CAN'T FORGET WHAT IS COMMON TO YOU. It's "welded in". Serendipity happens and everything, people, places and things guide you, to help you grow gathering that which enhances you.

You will become aware of those things that do not fit as they just seem to go in one ear and out the other an just don't stick, nor do they linger.

Now that's what I think, ha!

Reply Fri 30 Oct, 2009 04:51 am
sometime sun;99806 wrote:
.......that makes us fear such an amorphous word form term abbreviation as 'God'. The concept by any other name would not be God? God dog eye I eye god dog.

Nice palindrome. God by any other name would not make any difference as to the "something" we instinctively know exists.......somehow. That amorphism is in us somewhere, and only those who choose not to recognize it, are the one's most afraid and that comes from relying too much on man's interpretation as he compares himself to the god, without knowing all that god entails. That means "all", and there is no "one" that knows it all.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
Not offended a little sad.
It reminds me of all the time i spent without God

Without? Yes, that is the problem. We are looking in the wrong places as it is within you, to be shared. "Looking for love in all the wrong places". It is frustrating and why most have a hard time and what blind truly means. No one wants to give up what they think they are, especially if it entails facing up to what they think is their fault as they often state "I'm only human", not realizing they are a part of that god, but not all of that god. That's what grace is all about or patience in that it was all understood somehow that man would react this way.

That's what faith is all about and how much you need depends on the depth of your fear of how much you listen to others who think they do know it all and impose what they know on you as you listen with a fear-False/ear. This can only occur it you allow them to convince you of something you don't need that they have, coercing you to think differently, like them, abandoning that which you are, and you become lost and a slave in that process. Then the blind lead/control/enslave the blind.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
just because there was no word without past no word that was a safe place of free expression of Divine Grace, you see is till have a problem with trying to pin 'God' down but it can be fun, thinking of all that would encapsulate the term that is God.
I am it. Unless to weak to be anything (or is that 'not' be anything?)

You are not anything, you are something; a part of that sum of all things. You are a part of the sum of that total.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
Hope is contiguous/contingent upon one thing, It has not yet happened. Future. Nothing follows it merely comes after. Future.

Outstanding You nailed it and that is exactly what death is and what re-birth is all about.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
We record nothing that we do not wish to re-live,........

That's the paradox What is left in record is not left up to us, individually; it is much more than we can do, but we try to record everything and leave nothing out in order to find a truth in all that somehow. There is but one king who knows all things and it is his response-ability to edit/omit/delete, and only his. Such as what a god/king would only be capable of doing. Once we understand this, that king, that god sings a merry tune as we all follow along in the chorus and become one with that god/king in our harmony.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
..........or must be.

Must? That is such a demanding and commanding word that could only be attributed to god/king who would be without grace or patience, huh.

That is a human frailty and assumption; one of confusion and not knowing it all, but thinking we can..............someday.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
What we record we need to relive the mind does that automatically; It's what we don't need to relive we hold on to that causes us to be ill at ease.

Exactly Bravo Ditto Now, just how does one put that mind at ease?

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
Differently sure, but record is another matter for future. What goes around never comes back, but forward into something new. Future.

Who determines that future? What does the future mean? It is only that which is in harmony with that we have learned in the past that is harmonic with it. Only one who knows all is capable of determining that and, as I have said, we are a part of that.

When we are reborn, there is no way we can possibly now all that child carries with it. What we are doing that is so wrong is demanding that it travel into the past that "we" have recorded. It is graded on what it is capable of discovering in that past that will allow us to maintain a status quo that is seriously in need of repair and we force that child to follow the rules we set forth or fail. If that child were free to choose it would automatically find that which is in harmony with it, freely, no stress with comfort and ease.

Ah, but we think, it is new, and knows nothing. What a tragic, so very tragic mistake we make in that assumption. For it is out of the mouths of babes that will eventually set us all free. They are much more than we think they are. I must stop here, for to go further as to how we treat that child, only fuels my anger; and I would not like to go there.......again.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
Never heard of free will being described as autonomous.
But i wont disagree.What have i learned? enough to keep on learning.

It is if all have it to give. We are all so willing to offer our part to the whole. That is our instinctive nature. When I say "man's" autonomy, it is man that assumed as much, leaving out a very essential element......woman. It's not "mankind; it is "humankind". And why the imbalance between the heavens and the earth and the lack of understanding between man and woman and the imbalance to the child they bring into this world as man and woman now compete for a throne that belongs to both of them.........respectively, equally and justly so.

Free will and will power are opposites. If one is free, it doesn't take power to maintain it.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
Are you going in the right direction?
Does 'right' mean directed?

No. It means going forward with out an anchor to hold you back.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
Are you getting better or worse?
better at being worse
worse at being better

Those are identical statements. What you might call limbo. Neither makes sense. The cancel each other out. Perhaps that is where we are; LIMBO.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
I am better by the fact that i need others approval, opinion, approbation, respect.

Who? Others? And Why? Who are they to judge you as to who you are? They are not you Only when one is free to be themselves will we recognize in others that we find in ourselves. Not expound on that we are not.
sometime sun;99806 wrote:
If not the conclusion personal
What do i see? I don't fully rightly know, but it is not by my will alone,
or maybe this is correct; Life is nothing if not my will to live it.

You must trust that you know. Find comfort there; if only others would let you and not impose what they think they know. I hold by that.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
There is a song on youtube, you m ay not like but it gives the message of what you are worrying about the comsumption of the planet. NY Excuse by SoulWax. To survive need not be desperate, it may also be soothing, none of the above soothes.

True. There is no excuse that is good enough for what we are paying. Weigh out of balance. Impossible to handle that load.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
Not lucky, diligent, trying, surviving.
Nothing especially heaven is certain, (chioce is suspect)
Not 'commanded' but led somewhere, by something else, yes.
Which we try to incorporate history for all its ever changing (as us) winds.

I agree with that.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
Our own will, even if autonomous is our first control (choice),

What is control? Trying to be something you are not and the effort it takes to maintain it? That's exhausting and will use you up.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
lest it be taken, or worse given away? even more that only briefest of moments.
Eternity of without is a moment without the soul, time even ceases to be, which i suppose does confirm some link between time and eternity, but still not so sure.

Time and eternity are strange bedfellows. If there is eternity, what does time have to do with it?

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
Nail (in) on (your my) the head.
WE make our own mistakes even if led by the giving up of the will.
Forced would be a better word.

We all like (accede) too much to be coerced, lied to, seduced or manipulated.

Really? What makes you say that? And please give me an example.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
It takes heavy stresses to keep your own will intact, it is hard (at times), people don't care that the fall will be harder, (also something to do with not ever really believing there will be a future because we are not presently living it.)

Well said.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
Imperfection on my your own.
Heaven is where we come form as much as the going, if not a little less or more on the side of birth and death. Coming and going.(around and around) Hell is all going.

Yes, eventually. It just depends on how much of hell we can become accustomed to. Hence the trillion dollar drug empire.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
Perfect being conception and destruction perhaps?

Perhaps if you could state that differently. For instance.....perfect is conception and reconstruction and deconstruction comes from not having any idea of who thought of it in the first place. It is impossible to perceive. Even if we could, what difference would it make? That was a long time ago and things have changed since then. Some for better, some for worse and it's hard to tell the difference which is witch. That's the itch, that seems to not want to go away.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
We don't make mistakes, mistakes make us?

Mistakes "influence" us as we mis-take and do not understand it's true identity of he who offers their take and why.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
Religion relieves us of culpability?


sometime sun;99806 wrote:
but does it not also extol the virtues of consequence?

Yes, if allowed to act. No, if not; creating pangs or pain.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
Unless consequence is also the fate acomplie 'we dont make mistakes' (hope i got that right)

We don't make mistakes unless others force us to.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
We need first to battle evil, that is what makes it so fearsome, because we know we must face it, we cannot hide from it forever, it is coming for us and we must be ready to deflect defend from it.

Which battles? Those, others impose on you to be that you are not. Fearsome as in bold to fight as you care not to be told as you are comfortable being you? Is that what you mean?

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
God didn't create flawed man he created will, and in our taking it, we flawed it ourselves. and another concept to prove (accept), 'God' was the equivalent 'devil' Good is one step away from God Devil is one step closer to evil.

Except it would make more sense to say "one step closer to God, huh? And Devil is the opposite liveD as it appears in our reflection as we perhaps judge ourselves to closely and try to measure up to what others what us to be as we failed to make the grade and keep falling such as in the frustration of Sisyphus. It's difficult to measure up to the expectations of others and thus becomes and impossible load to carry as we keep falling down and we blame ourselves. What a pity.

We don't take our own will, it is the taking it from others, we take on more than we can control. If we leave will or well enough alone, we will find that balance and he ayes have it as we learn what we don't know/no is good for us. What we need to know will come natural to us.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
Could it be forever?

Yes, and a day.
sometime sun;99806 wrote:
If its not then hell can only get worse. Not just for me but for the us.

Were all in this together, are we not? Worse is a matter of degree.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
But surely history is how we measure eternity, else why bother regard, why add or subtract, why equate, why measure, why standardise, why arithmetic, why magnitude?

We assume we are more that what we are, individually. That is why we are out of balance and why we are forced to find those measures that will add balance. No one can do it. It will take the group communicating together as one, to accomplish that. The essence of what it will be to be free. No costs involved to equate, regard, add or subtract as we find a standard in which all can agree and balance the ledger and the ledge we find is hard to balance on.

sometime sun;99806 wrote:
But as i said before eternity is not a, has no number. we are that with the need to measure to know where we are as well as who we are.
We define ourselves by age rather than spirit.

Let's hope we can improve on that, huh?

*I have not finished but don't want to lose it all again, CUP OF TEA.*

I'll have mine chilled with a splash of orange, sweeten with a bit of sugar and kindness, thank you; and you haven't. :a-ok:

More later,


---------- Post added 10-30-2009 at 07:32 AM ----------

William;100062 wrote:
Hi Lily, it seems Sun has a lot on his mind. Huh? let's let him vent. It's good for the soul.

KaseiJin;100102 wrote:
William, that is definitely not the case here. It is far more evident that this poster has too little on his mind--in the sense of consolidation (in other words, control).

Ah, you seem to be so definitive, Kj, as if you knew this individuals mind? Let's not jump to such conclusions; you have no right to do that, just as no on else has the right in your regard. You cannot capsulize all he is from your view point. No one can. It has nothing to do with control, far from it, especially as it relates to others saying he is out of it. That comes from their own viewpoint not his. In that case you need to not interfere.

Yes, he gave a lot to digest and let us take it piece meal; a little at a time rather than trying to swallow it all at once, shall we?

KaseiJin;100102 wrote:
Though such a straightforward observation may be a bit hard to swallow, such randomness of incoherent thought, is far more often than not, the sign of lack of consolidation of mind.

I will agree and it can be conclude he needs a little help in getting his "thoughts together", huh? He has not asked for help, just stated an opinion, nor did he ask what anyone else's thought; and in that regard, no one should tell him what is right or wrong according to what they think.

KaseiJin;100102 wrote:
In your opening post, even, you told us that your OP had been written two years ago, so that also, is not really letting out, in need of getting a fresh breath of air. It is sharing, yes, but not a present psychological need, is it?

Psychological need? Just what is that? I am very familiar with what others say and it has never made any sense to me or my life. It's junk science as far as I am concerned. All we know how to do is put the mind in traction or chemically imprison it nailing it to the cross of our mistakes so we can be rid of it.

I have not changed, since then, only refined a bit; thanks to other and that process.

KaseiJin;100102 wrote:
However, the one major connection you seem to be drawing, is that the presentation asserted as finalized truth of the world condition at present, is directly resultant due to a said truth of an opposing act against god.

Which god was that precisely? It is man's "interpretation" of god, that I oppose in some, not most cases. There is a truth that can be derived from all those interpretations.

KaseiJin;100102 wrote:
Yet, it is also asserted that we (that is the total of all H. sapiens, and otherwise which have ever, and will ever, live on this planet) are a part of god, and further more, that we have 'power of attorney' (if you will) over that god.

Again, where did I make such an assertion, and then I can be more specific as to what I meant; if need be.

KaseiJin;100102 wrote:
This simply does not make any sense at all, simply because, you are working hard at trying to condemn........

Condemn? I guess that list means nothing? Perhaps it is just easier to ignore it. Maybe it will just go away. Perhaps that is the way it must be. I wonder what that would entail? Perhaps...............nothing No list, no anything as far as we could see, anyway. Of course there are those who believe we evolve from nothing and it is to nothing we shall return. Let's hope they are wrong. Perhaps it will be a justice only they will experience from afar what they could have had, had they thought differently. Who knows?

KaseiJin;100102 wrote:
something which you apparently concede as being purely natural and uncontrollable circumstances.

I find not being in control or trying to control much more relaxing as I just flow from one second to the next using all that I have experienced to come into play, without effort. It works every single time without fail, spontaneously. I do not try to control my environment, I flow with it as I am a part of it.

KaseiJin;100102 wrote:
Additionally, your effort to deny wanting to talk in religious belief-system terms, seems to stain much of your prose.

In your opinion. I will not effort to change me or what I think at the behest of what another thinks. Not going to happen, never. If you offer a better suggestion, with permission if it is compatible I will accept it; no problem. What you consider a "stain" is your own interpretation and I will not let it be imposed upon me.

Then, of course, one would perhaps be pushed to ask, regardless of the poetic beauty and creativness of imagination, why, really, all the second person accusation? [/QUOTE]

I know I have explained that briefly before, but let me see if I can bring more clarity to why the 2nd person. I know we are one people. As all people we do have a tendency to "talk to ourselves", when no one is around and we tell ourselves what we could have done, should have done, or what we did do we should not have done. All do it. Perhaps me talking in that manner is a more "I" in me efforting to reach the "I" in you in a telling way so that you will be force to hear. If I fits you will hear, if not, it won't. If what "I" tell, makes you uncomfortable, please by all means, tell me what it was "exactly" I said that disturbs you so, and please be specific. Then we can discuss it. Is that to much to ask? It is better than dismiss the whole body of the thread as an accusation for all in it's entirety. Yet there is some truth to the fact that those who are the most guilty will protest the most and loudest.

I do apologize for my "telling ways" in that which was written 2 years ago. That was just the way it came out.

I have always believed the truth will be heard by all and those who have hard time hearing it, if it differs from what they perceive as their truth, then let's discuss it in such a way to solve those difference that exist between us and reach a common ground.

Reply Fri 30 Oct, 2009 06:06 am
William;100359 wrote:
It's when you use what you have in memory that is not connected and something on the outside triggers the unity. Like you have found a "missing piece" to what you have held in memory that completes it or makes it more efficient. That is the creation of an idea. When we think, we are trying to conceptualize to see if we can make it fit with what we already have.

What gives us headaches its too much stuff in memory that is incomplete and nothing seems to fit. One loses focus. If you are able to "purge" what you don't need, it becomes much easier to for ideas to form or put to better use.

What is remarkable about this is the mind will do it unaided by you. It does in automatically because the pieces fit so easily. Nothing gets "in their way" so go speak. Like Edison when someone asked him about all his failures in creating the light bulb. He responded "I didn't fail. I just found a thousand ways in which it wouldn't work". Ha!

Here is where "God in motion" comes into play. You are led to that which is complimentary to what you have previously experienced once the excess baggage is eliminated. YOU CAN'T FORGET WHAT IS COMMON TO YOU. It's "welded in". Serendipity happens and everything, people, places and things guide you, to help you grow gathering that which enhances you.

You will become aware of those things that do not fit as they just seem to go in one ear and out the other an just don't stick, nor do they linger.

Now that's what I think, ha!


You'd better give me an example. Someone told me to conceptualize existence. How would I go about doing that?
Reply Fri 30 Oct, 2009 01:50 pm
kennethamy;100612 wrote:
You'd better give me an example. Someone told me to conceptualize existence. How would I go about doing that?

I can't do that. No "one" can. Your existence is a part of all our existence's.

No "one" has an idea of what all that represents. I just know chaos is not a part of it. And to do so is what chaos is all about. All you know for sure, is what your senses have given you that "they" experience.............personally. Even you, consciously, can't remember all that. The mind, itself, blocks some of it out, for your protection. What you are is how well you relate to that environment you are exposed to, now, within your reach. Do that, and you are ahead of the game, most can't.

Now the mind, at peace, will automatically, "latch" on to that which is complimentary to it. Though some of the pieces will still be missing, it will all make sense.....later. Don't rush it and try to make it fit. Of course if the mind is at peace you wouldn't do that for you would know it and not be in a hurry.

Now there are some choices available to you. If you are comfortable in your environment..........good. You will learn new things from it for it does not trouble you and you will adapt to those things that are presented to you that are complimentary to that environment, without effort; added to what you already know that keeps you from getting bored. It will alter or enhance your thinking for the better and you will be better for it.

Now if you are uncomfortable with your environment, you should have the freedom to move about. If not, then you will have to make the best of what you do have. You have no choice in that matter. If you do try to change it, that's okay if only you exist there. If others do, to do so, would be to change theirs also and you must not do that. That would be an imposition on others as they have the same rights you do. It is permissible to ask and if all agree, then all benefit...........for the better as there is more to rely upon.

I hoped this helped. If not, please try to be a bit more specific.:bigsmile:

Reply Fri 30 Oct, 2009 10:19 pm
William;100693 wrote:
I can't do that. No "one" can. Your existence is a part of all our existence's.

No "one" has an idea of what all that represents. I just know chaos is not a part of it. And to do so is what chaos is all about. All you know for sure, is what your senses have given you that "they" experience.............personally. Even you, consciously, can't remember all that. The mind, itself, blocks some of it out, for your protection. What you are is how well you relate to that environment you are exposed to, now, within your reach. Do that, and you are ahead of the game, most can't.

Now the mind, at peace, will automatically, "latch" on to that which is complimentary to it. Though some of the pieces will still be missing, it will all make sense.....later. Don't rush it and try to make it fit. Of course if the mind is at peace you wouldn't do that for you would know it and not be in a hurry.

Now there are some choices available to you. If you are comfortable in your environment..........good. You will learn new things from it for it does not trouble you and you will adapt to those things that are presented to you that are complimentary to that environment, without effort; added to what you already know that keeps you from getting bored. It will alter or enhance your thinking for the better and you will be better for it.

Now if you are uncomfortable with your environment, you should have the freedom to move about. If not, then you will have to make the best of what you do have. You have no choice in that matter. If you do try to change it, that's okay if only you exist there. If others do, to do so, would be to change theirs also and you must not do that. That would be an imposition on others as they have the same rights you do. It is permissible to ask and if all agree, then all benefit...........for the better as there is more to rely upon.

I hoped this helped. If not, please try to be a bit more specific.:bigsmile:


All right. How do I conceptualize frying pans? I am just trying to find out what it means to conceptualize. I have no idea. But you seem to know. So you pick an example and explain it to me.
Reply Fri 30 Oct, 2009 10:47 pm
kennethamy;100748 wrote:
All right. How do I conceptualize frying pans? I am just trying to find out what it means to conceptualize. I have no idea. But you seem to know. So you pick an example and explain it to me.

Let me google that for you
Reply Fri 30 Oct, 2009 11:04 pm
Zetherin;100756 wrote:

I must be dumb, because I have no idea how to conceptualize the history etc. of the universe. I don't even know what it would be like for me to succeed in dong such a thing. Could you do it for me so that I will have an example of conceptualization? Or, if not the universe, then how about beef stew, or spaghetti? Let's start small, and then work up.
Reply Fri 30 Oct, 2009 11:07 pm
kennethamy;100765 wrote:
I must be dumb, because I have no idea how to conceptualize the history etc. of the universe. I don't even know what it would be like for me to succeed in dong such a thing. Could you do it for me so that I will have an example of conceptualization? Or, if not the universe, then how about beef stew, or spaghetti? Let's start small, and then work up.

Are you aware of the concept of a chair? If so, you've conceptualized a chair. It just means to form a concept of X in your mind. It's really not any more complicated than that, and I don't understand what you don't understand.

Perhaps you should follow the link I posted and read up on it. The first entry on google should probably suffice.
Reply Fri 30 Oct, 2009 11:11 pm
Zetherin;100768 wrote:
Are you aware of the concept of a chair? If so, you've conceptualized a chair. It just means to form a concept of X in your mind. It's really not any more complicated than that, and I don't understand what you don't understand.

Perhaps you should follow the link I posted and read up on it. The first entry on google should probably suffice.

Oh. So, suppose I want to conceptualize spaghetti. What should I do?

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