xris;93257 wrote:Sorry krump but i cant see a reply.
Which reply?
xris;93257 wrote:
Brain damage is not the same as loosing your memory. I have to remind you of the analogy of the PC.. would the computer be less capable because it lost its memory?
There are three types of memory for a computer. Which one are you referring to? If you are talking hard drive memory where the system's operating program is stored, if that were purged then the system operating software wouldn't run. If you really want to use the analogy of a computer memory, the hard drive is the closest in my opinion to how the brain works. But if you are saying that our memory is like RAM then I think you are mistaken. When you shut off the computer all the information stored in RAM is wiped. I don't think this is type of memory fits with your analogy.
Perhaps you should explain your memory analogy.
As far as being less capable, I am not sure what you mean? Is the processor effected by memory loss? No, but the processor only processes the information that is stored in memory. If there is no information stored in memory then the processor doesn't do anything. You can't use information that isn't available. So if we were to use this example in the sense of a human with memory loss, then by all means their character, personality, behavior and other processes might be hindered or missing. A change in any one of those might drastically change the person that is perceived.
xris;93257 wrote:
When I am considering the POSSIBILITY of the soul, I dont see it in the same way as you. I can imagine that each life is a journey for that soul and it is not a matter of the soul relying on the body for its existence. The body is a means of existence, if it gets damaged the soul can not experience or express its ability. It is not something you can bargain with, just as life for us is not our choosing, so is our ethereal existence, its nature. BUT it is speculation not a proven fact , may i add.
You see it that way, but when I examine it and try to investigate it, I run into many problems. Problems in which I feel you are ignoring. Why you ignore them, I am not sure why, I can only assume you ignore them because it would ruin your theory. So can I say this next statement without offending you too much? I believe you refuse to investigate because you really don't want to discover the truth, you are happy with your theory and wouldn't want anything to ruin your theory.
If you want to know what problems I am referring to, please ask, I am more than willing to point them all out. I have left them out here because this response would get very long.
xris;93257 wrote:
This years flock of sparrows are they a image of last years, or are they a continuation of the nature of sparrows.