@Didymos Thomas,
Didymos Thomas;73654 wrote:Yeah, anyone who has studied history and/or watched small children play together will disagree with the statement.
I have worked at a preschool as a TA before.
What I witnessed was incident of hitting after hitting.
When a young boy wants something, his natural compulsion is to use violence to get it. When a young girl wants something, her natural compulsion is also to use violence to get it (screaming & hitting).
So you are wrong on that point.
---------- Post added at 02:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:13 AM ----------
Everything;73687 wrote:there was an episode of horizon in which they explored violence and proved that everyone has it inbeded in them to commit acts of violence.
so violence, it would seem, is natures awnser
I am inclined to make the same conclusion.
Link that "episode of horizon" if you do not mind; I will watch it...
---------- Post added at 02:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:13 AM ----------
Aedes;73691 wrote:I've got a real problem. The rosemary and oregano plants in my wife's herb garden are dry because it hasn't rained in a few days. I have a watering can in the garage, and we've got running water in the tap.
Can you think of a way that I can solve this problem non-violently?
No, you must use "violence" by relocating water to the source.
Otherwise your plants may die (i.e. violence).
---------- Post added at 02:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:13 AM ----------
Justin;73695 wrote:Welcome to the forum.
I thank you.
Justin;73695 wrote: I don't think so. Violence is not at all part of nature.
Wait, are you attempting to make the point that violence is unnatural...?
All I have to do is look around and I see animals/insects
killing & consuming one-another. I see stars collapsing into black holes or exploding into supernovas. I see violent bursting into life, as birth. I see violent extinguishing of life, as death. I see galaxies colliding.
There is nothing
non-violent about Nature, at all.
So I think you are wrong about this.
Justin;73695 wrote:Our separation from divinity and from each other and from our own souls creates a misunderstanding which in turn allows us to perceive things in a way where we see violence as a solution.
Some people seem to believe nature is violent but in reality it's not violent at all. One of the Universal laws of nature is balance and when the thinking of man creates imbalance, nature will always balance itself out.
Oh...so you are just tricking everybody by calling violence a "balance" instead of what it apparently-is, which is just violence-itself.
Justin;73695 wrote:We are violent because of our own misunderstanding of ourselves
So when Little Johnny hits Little Susie on the preschool playground, he is doing it because he "misunderstand himself"???
That sound nice, pretty, and "philosophical" but I reject that explanation.
The Painful Truth is: Little Johnny uses
violence to get what he wants.
Violence is Natural and it will
never be bred out of existence.
Justin;73695 wrote:and our connection to everything around us. One must travel much further down that rabbit hole to understand all this and very few take those roads less traveled.
Violence breeds violence. There is no such solution at all in violence.
Violence is the only-solution!
---------- Post added at 02:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:13 AM ----------
Caroline;73698 wrote:Violence is imbedded in us because we need it when the need arises in one situation and only as the last resort and that is self-defence. It cannot be used in any other situation, (not that i can think of), that is why we have prisons and not absolute chaos!
You are discounting subtle forms of
Is an argument an act of
I assure you it can be when you truly-put your Deeply-set Beliefs on the line.
(But most people that I have met on philosophy forums are real cowards and are too scared/fearful to put their beliefs on the line. There is no success without sacrifice. There is no pleasure without pain.)
---------- Post added at 02:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:13 AM ----------
richrf;73705 wrote:Well, if you are using the generally accepted version of violence, I would not agree. But on the other hand I don't think anything is ever solved.
I share more of Heraclitus' viewpoint. That nothing is ever solved, but merely changes into something new from which new problems emerge. And that conflict (not necessarily violence), is inherent in the concept of change.
However, some people enjoy violence, and I just try as best I can to stay away from it.
Let us assume for a second that a bum picks a fight with me on a street-corner. He is clearly-distressed about something that happened to him earlier in the day (that I have no clue about). He starts an argument with me and things turn "ugly". Before we know it, he is lunging at me and wants to strike me. So I pull out my gun and shoot him dead.
Violence solves everything.
Right...? :devilish:
(I think so!)

---------- Post added at 02:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:13 AM ----------
GoshisDead;73733 wrote:Rosemary responds well to extortion I've heard.
LOL, that is a good one! :a-ok:
---------- Post added at 02:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:13 AM ----------
Caroline;73904 wrote:I think in your case VM contempt might arise but people do actually treat each other with respect, it's called getting along, agree to disagree and if contempt is involved which it isnt in my situations then that person has got alot to learn.
Aedes, why not take a chain saw to that disrespectful plant and be done with it, problem solved. Violence rules yey!
But are you not proving my point for me...?
The so-called "agreeing to disagree"
It only-postpones them for a later date.
The only-way to convince somebody that you are right is to
force your ideas into their brains, like a violent meme, correct?
---------- Post added at 02:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:13 AM ----------
GoshisDead;73905 wrote:Meme:
Like I assume that we will do here, the thread will die, you will likely consider yourself victorious in some way, and everyone else will go about their merry, still believing what they beleived before this devil's advocate OP.
The sad fact of the matter is that most people stop arguing because they think the other person is a fool and don't feel like wasting their time, and the violence of trying to force an argument creates more problems than it could ever solve. The old maxim comes to mind, "you catch more flies with honey"
I am not referring to when people give up on an argument though...
What I mean is when they are
ABSOLUTELY-FORCED into accepting an ulterior point-of-view as Superior, True, Objective, Authoritative, etc.
I am referring to when somebody slams you across the head with the blunt Force of Reason. I am referring to when that same person crouches over your limp body and shoves Truth down your Throat!
VIOLENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :devilish:
(There is no room for second-guessing here...play to win, shoot to kill!)