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What bewilders me, is how a group of people are so certain about something they know nothing about, other than what they see and their minds interpret.
Let me ask you a question to which i'd really appreciate a straight answer.
Based on the available evidence, could you name a language that you reckon I could speak?
For the record, Rich used the word "English" five times in his response. I'd have used it but once.
Honestly, Rich, you may as well have substituted "God" for "English" for all that meant...
There is such thing as consensus.
they would share their knowledge and this is the only way i could see humans in the near future finding out the questions we ask.
By all means disabuse me by giving me a primer in your own words about what aspects of quantum theory might lead to abiogenesis occuring in a jar of water with a rock in it beyond "quantum theory means anything can happen". How could quantum theory make replicating organisms appear in a static environment with no catalyst?That will put me in my place.
sadly, the more i deal with intelligent people, the more i realise that the old axiom is true; that intelligent people rarely posses common sense.
if it is so "basic", then, shouldn't we have created a living cell by now?
As we imagine a virus is?
You are looking at it from the outside. From your perspective.
What bewilders me, is how a group of people are so certain about something they know nothing about, other than what they see and their minds interpret. Heck, humans have been looking at humans for centuries (and even talking to them!) and they still don't understand each other. I don't even understand myself.
Let's keep an open mind on the possibility that we are entirely mistaken about every single thing we think IS.Especially, since it is always changing.
However, I'm not sure that bewilderment in the face of the habit of "acceptance of the case for which there is the best argument" is a practical position or one you would actually hold beyond the realm of a philosophical debate.
So whilst I respect Cartesian or phenomenological thought to a significant degree, I think it's actually very limiting when applied universally. We can all doubt everything - but what is so bewildering about tending to settle for the best made argument?
Yup, and all the scientific things I say that you dismiss out of hand enjoy scientific consensus.
G'day everybody. I question the linear/rational/anthropocentric assumptions that an "end", a "goal", or even "survival" are at the root of actions of living things. I think those things could be just results of acting to ameliorate discomfort or dissatisfaction. "Growth" is apparently also a result, but that doesn't necessarily make it a goal either.
Just some fodder for thought.
Are the laws of physics having a party?
mmm hmm... even such amusement is a type of amelioration, eh?
Yep. Possibly from being bored?
Maybe so. Boredom is one of many kinds of dis-ease, discomfort, or dissatisfaction...I think. We all do some creative (and sometimes crazy) things to escape it, and not always in the best interest of our health or survival.
Yep. Just let's hope that we have a transcendental soul, so that we try something different next time around.
but they never are. words are used differently all the time, like, light. am i speaking of weight, or, illumination?
people with common sense would understand my use of 'decide'. for example, if someone said, "that dog decided to run in front of my car," or, "that tree decided to grow right in the middle of the field," would anyone, apart from you, not understand the basic meaning of the speaker?
if you can not grasp simple things like this, i am dubious of your understanding of this topic.
so, as long as it fits your view, you are happy to overlook the wrangling?
but if someone questions this theory in its infancy then, they must be off track?
wow, you really do sound like a television evangelist.
yes, so high in fact that many are disproven all the time, including blunders from scientists like einstein and hawkins. yes, i see.
like string theory, which cannot be built on a body of facts and laws and cannot be tested?
oh, so, the fact that hawkins, newton and eistein have been wrong on more than one occasion with their theories does not justify the fact that i am not 100% convinced on your theory in infacy on the creation of life?
of course this theory has poetic license, otherwise, it would be considered fact.
all theories use poetic license. oh my, i forgot, i need to draw a diagram for you...
poetic license does not mean that these scientists actually seek a license from the government so that they can create poetry. no dave allen, this is not what i mean. what i mean is, that there are many gaps, or, chasms in this theory in infacy which are either glossed over, or just left alone because they can not be proved.
in fact, they are guestimations and assumptions. bit, if you are happy believeing assumptions, then good luck to you.
yes, because scientists may just not care about the origins of life. :sarcastic:
why fill in the gaps? you have explained that you are convinced? and which gaps are you talking about? oh right, the gaps that don't hold this theory in infancy together...
i understand the primer. however, i will not commit to this theory in infancybased on your assumptions on primers.
but you said, "Words - they are symbols with common meaning and should be used as such to facilitate understanding."
do you mind if i call you dr. contradiction from this point on?
i would tend to agree. but we are assuming.
except when it comes to theories in their infancy with gaps.
actually, i didn't make up the walking through the wall analogy. you can read it in stephen hawkin's brief history of time. perhaps you should email him your objection.
please read and be amazed:
I find it very liberating. I am open to many things and lots of possibilities. But each person is different, and what feels good to me may not feel good to others. And, BTW, sometimes it doesn't feel goof. Contradictions abound in life.
The laws of physics? Which one? And how are you interpreting them?
Maybe so. Boredom is one of many kinds of dis-ease, discomfort, or dissatisfaction...I think. We all do some creative (and sometimes crazy) things to escape it, and not always in the best interest of our health or survival.
Yep. Just let's hope that we have a transcendental soul, so that we try something different next time around.
like string theory, which cannot be built on a body of facts and laws and cannot be tested?
yes, because scientists may just not care about the origins of life. :sarcastic:
I mean the world's stability.
Next time lets invent firemen before fire
What came first, the chicken or the egg?
For me, everything is constantly changing. And I enjoy the change.
For me everything is cyclical and one thing begats the others. What came first, the chicken or the egg? Life goes on and on and one - one thing creating the next.