manored;70386 wrote:Wanna know why the scientific method was born?
lol. Good story. But it is part of human history.
Because, among other things, one guy left a box with some grain and some cloth on his basement for a few days and then checked up on it. Found a rat nest on it and declared that he had found the recipe to make rats from nothing
So, see, Scientists werent born of greed, but of necessity. Claiming the universe was born in a big explosion doesnt becomes useless just because you dont know what was there before the big explosion
I don't think anything is necessary in life (maybe food, water, air

), but it IS. For me, the two are different. So science IS, but I don't think it is any more or less necessary than anything else that IS. For me, it is all equal.
Humans have throughout history been observing, measuring, reporting, etc. And they were always there. The ancient Mayas, Egyptians, Chinese, Muslims, Persians, etc. created some really interesting stuff. Whether or not they called themselves scientists, I don't know.
For me, I have also observed that throughout history, people attempt to differentiate themselves (Socrates: I know that I do not know), and then get a following and form a group, and then maybe earn a living from it.
Each of these groups attempts to position themselves higher in the hierarchy in order to get more money. Some of them get the government to pass laws in order to enshrine their position (this happens throughout history). And within any of these groups you will have stuff happening like that little rat story you told. No group is immune - though groups some may be hiding it from others than other groups.
I personally think the
scientific method is a gas. Great marketing! No matter that every scientific study is eventually (or even coincidentally) refuted by another.

And that interpretations of the results are as subjective as any philosophy discussion one might have. For me, it's all a game.
So, to me it is all just another version of the game called King of the Hill, and the winner gets rewarded. It's fun, and it's part of life.