The more you know. The dumber you are?

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Reply Mon 18 May, 2009 12:52 am
I write this post with the aspirations someone much smarter than myself can explain a few issues i have been having with my interpretation of my own existence. Is it possible that the time and circumstance in which a certain material is comprehended into thought may place a certain degree of bias on the part of the individual? If i was to hear a chorus of angels and see the clouds part before my eyes shortly after being hit by a bus i would assume a. i am dead or b. i drink entirely too much Guiness. A simpler less complex issue would be for a man nearing 50. This man is beginning to find himself asking questions he previously never cared to know the answers to. Mid-life crisis? Maybe. With a strict Catholic upbringing the possibilites of the unknown are kept in check. I guess my question in detail is...Are we smarter reading the intellectual thoughts of another human being dissecting the same existence when we could be easily influenced or disuaded based on our lifes circumstances?
Reply Mon 18 May, 2009 01:57 am
@Lost phil,
For me the answer to the questions you are asking, came to me at the age of fifty seven, I had always wanted to know 'But Why'. it was on the death of our son that triggered the answer that I was looking for.

The answer comes from within me, it was like being reborn again. I found that everything started within me and finished within me. the whole universe is within me. I now my purpose here this time, I also know the cause of creation as it is revealed from within me. Richard
Reply Mon 18 May, 2009 07:52 am
@Lost phil,
Lost wrote:
Is it possible that the time and circumstance in which a certain material is comprehended into thought may place a certain degree of bias on the part of the individual?

Hello lost,
Please don't stay that way. Hopefully, I and the others on this forum will help you get "found". Ha. It's not that we get dumber, I think confused is a better term when we rely on knowledge only to give us answers. There is a lot that knowledge contains and you have to be careful when you venture there. Most who explore it to find answers, are looking for that which will make them feel comfortable as to their perceptions and interpretations of that which will enable them to survive in this "confused" world. But when you are looking for "truth", it's a whole different ball game. You will have a bitter enemy that will try is damnedest to interfere with that journey, and that is your "ego". It's only objective in life is to survive, to hell with what is true.

As far as your statement above, absolutely. That's how the ego works and functions. A lot of what people acquire as knowledge is regarded in such a way that will agree with their mind set, perception and interpretation of all they have experienced in life. Such as an individual riding down the avenue in his limo witnessing a homeless person pushing a shopping cart and rather than asking why, his ego will automatically rationalize the event in such a way that will appease his obvious opulence and he will think, "..poor, unlucky stiff, or lazy no good bum, or there, but for the grace of God go I", Rationalization is our greatest fault and it is the tool of the ego. You see that event should not exist, but it does. That bias you are referring to is a survival technique we conjure up to sustain our lives for most have no desire to remedy the situation, so we invent an "excuse' for it that relieves us any culpability.

We have been indoctrinated to think that way from the day we were born. Be good, go to school, learn what it takes to survive in this world, look out for number one, life is short, we only pass this way once, and all of a sudden we are in that world living among everyone else who has been so indoctrinated and it sucks. The difference in the person in the limo, is a matter of greed. The person in the limo has adapted to the "status quo", the homeless person could not adapt and has mentally escaped this reality as they cannot deal with bias and hypocrisy so very prevalent in our world. The only way to eliminate the man and the shopping cart and all the misery in the world is to eliminate the inequity in the world and begin creating a "new" reality. One in which everyone can live. Until then do what "Jiminy Cricket", a Walt Disney character of old say's, "Let your conscience be your guide". Here's a little clip I think you might enjoy:

YouTube - Pinocchio and Jiminy Cricket - Always Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide!

Reply Mon 18 May, 2009 03:36 pm
@Lost phil,
Lost wrote:
I write this post with the aspirations someone much smarter than myself can explain a few issues i have been having with my interpretation of my own existence. Is it possible that the time and circumstance in which a certain material is comprehended into thought may place a certain degree of bias on the part of the individual? If i was to hear a chorus of angels and see the clouds part before my eyes shortly after being hit by a bus i would assume a. i am dead or b. i drink entirely too much Guiness. A simpler less complex issue would be for a man nearing 50. This man is beginning to find himself asking questions he previously never cared to know the answers to. Mid-life crisis? Maybe. With a strict Catholic upbringing the possibilites of the unknown are kept in check. I guess my question in detail is...Are we smarter reading the intellectual thoughts of another human being dissecting the same existence when we could be easily influenced or disuaded based on our lifes circumstances?
I would say that the more you know, harder it is to adquire new knowledge. Not only because there are less things to learn (There is no end to what can be learned, but there is an end to what can be learned with little effort in our human existence) but also because each new piece of knowledge must be attached to the "structure" you already have, like William said.

As for people getting more and more confused and desoriented as they age, I believe its because we also learn about knowledge, that is, through life we adquire knowledge wich unlocks new kinds of knowledge to us, so, in teory, the more you know, the more you know about your own lack of knowledge Smile
Reply Mon 18 May, 2009 08:21 pm
@Lost phil,
Manored, my undesrtading is that we have all knowledge within us, it's not so much as to learning what that knowledge is, but awaken to it from within, this a continuous never ending unfolding. Richard
Reply Tue 19 May, 2009 12:35 pm
@Lost phil,
And, what is the difference? Smile
Lost phil
Reply Tue 19 May, 2009 03:53 pm
manored wrote:
And, what is the difference? Smile

Well said. Simplicity is always enjoyable.:whistling:
Reply Tue 19 May, 2009 04:10 pm
manored wrote:
I would say that the more you know, harder it is to adquire new knowledge. Not only because there are less things to learn (There is no end to what can be learned, but there is an end to what can be learned with little effort in our human existence) but also because each new piece of knowledge must be attached to the "structure" you already have, like William said.

If I might, just let me add a little more clarity. What is confusing is those motivations that motivates us to learn. Without some structure of innate truth, that new knowledge is added to the existing knowledge just more complicating the whole situation. Lost is lost because he is looking for something and knowledge has not supplied it because, IMO what he has been taught has no structure of truth to it and the more he learns the more complicated everything becomes. That's why I said most venture into knowledge to find that structure that validates that structure they have created in their individual minds with little regard of whether of not it is truthful. Lost is of a different ilk. He is looking for truth, not something that will appease his ego. IMO. For instance if the structure you have created in your mind allows you to be condescending to others you can search knowledge and find all kinds of "malignant information" that will justify it. If you go there looking for truth, you must have some sense of truth to guide you or you will only make matters worse.

Reply Tue 19 May, 2009 06:11 pm
@Lost phil,
William, the only way that I could access truth was in the letting go of all the dogma that I had accumulated over many lifetimes, the more I let the old ways go more was revealed to me.

The truth cannot be learnt, taught or got from books, the truth can only come from its source the One Mind, Christ consciousness, for me to awaken was to have no thought for person, place or thing, this stops the flow of motion and stills the mind, thus voiding the old cycle, so new doors will open, for me with amazing results. Richard
Lost phil
Reply Tue 19 May, 2009 06:40 pm
Richardgrant wrote:
William, the only way that I could access truth was in the letting go of all the dogma that I had accumulated over many lifetimes, the more I let the old ways go more was revealed to me.

The truth cannot be learnt, taught or got from books, the truth can only come from its source the One Mind, Christ consciousness, for me to awaken was to have no thought for person, place or thing, this stops the flow of motion and stills the mind, thus voiding the old cycle, so new doors will open, for me with amazing results. Richard


I believe only a fraction of the thought and energy devoted to looking out for answers would provide tremendous results in advancement if only focused inward. I think a majority of people are still searching for answers in an external world because the idea of lifes secrects being a part of us is too radical of a thought. Besides, NASA needs funding too you know.Laughing
Reply Wed 20 May, 2009 10:10 am
William wrote:
If I might, just let me add a little more clarity. What is confusing is those motivations that motivates us to learn. Without some structure of innate truth, that new knowledge is added to the existing knowledge just more complicating the whole situation. Lost is lost because he is looking for something and knowledge has not supplied it because, IMO what he has been taught has no structure of truth to it and the more he learns the more complicated everything becomes. That's why I said most venture into knowledge to find that structure that validates that structure they have created in their individual minds with little regard of whether of not it is truthful. Lost is of a different ilk. He is looking for truth, not something that will appease his ego. IMO. For instance if the structure you have created in your mind allows you to be condescending to others you can search knowledge and find all kinds of "malignant information" that will justify it. If you go there looking for truth, you must have some sense of truth to guide you or you will only make matters worse.

But if gaining knowledge makes thing worse, isnt it weighting you away from gaining knowledge and towards finding truth first?

Richardgrant wrote:
William, the only way that I could access truth was in the letting go of all the dogma that I had accumulated over many lifetimes, the more I let the old ways go more was revealed to me.

The truth cannot be learnt, taught or got from books, the truth can only come from its source the One Mind, Christ consciousness, for me to awaken was to have no thought for person, place or thing, this stops the flow of motion and stills the mind, thus voiding the old cycle, so new doors will open, for me with amazing results. Richard
And, what is your truth? I hear many people speaking about truth, but little actually telling what truth is, and it is anoying, because I have found truth, wich is, "there is no truth", and therefore I want to know what the hell are all those other truths wich challenge my truth Smile
Reply Wed 20 May, 2009 12:30 pm
Richardgrant wrote:
William, ..... for me to awaken was to have no thought for person, place or thing, this stops the flow of motion and stills the mind, thus voiding the old cycle, so new doors will open, for me with amazing results. Richard

Thank you Richard for your insight. Is what you are alluding to here "meditation". I ask this because it is hard for me to ignore "persons, places or things" as they do definitely exist in this reality. If we can only find inner piece by being sequestered from those dynamics, is that good? I respect your thoughts so if you don't mind, could you give a little more clarity to what you mean. Smile

Thank you

---------- Post added at 03:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:00 PM ----------

manored wrote:
But if gaining knowledge makes thing worse, isnt it weighting you away from gaining knowledge and towards finding truth first?

And, what is your truth? I hear many people speaking about truth, but little actually telling what truth is, and it is anoying, because I have found truth, wich is, "there is no truth", and therefore I want to know what the hell are all those other truths wich challenge my truth Smile

Outstanding question.
Thanks. I would like to offer my opinion. Truth is a universal construct that will serve as our guide into tomorrow that will be complimentary to that universal structure. For us to latch on to that guide, it must be that which is complimentary to all. Establishing that construct is what this forum is all about as we effort to understand who we are and why we are here. Personal truths are wonderful as long as they do not threaten or control the personal truths of another. Such as I have already mentioned in another thread, if ones personal truth allows one to be condescending to another, that is not a part of complimentary action, but a product of ego. A survival mechanism. Most dig into what we hold in memory in order to survive, went survival shouldn't be a worry. Surviving life interfere's with living life.

The mind should have a sign on it that says "DO NOT DISTURB", I'm busy. Ha. When we probe it to find those justifications to validate a personal truth, we open pandora's box and we begin to thumb through the wrong information stored in memory. If you just leave the mind alone it will do that for you. If we could just leave it alone? Easier said than done.

That is hard to do in the "survivalistic reality". To understand this one must have that "peace of mind". Now here is the interesting part. There are those with us that do possess it. I have only met two in my life time. The are totally at a oneness of all that is around them. And you will be surprised how little they "have" in the world, but are totally content with what they do have and the are gracious host for all who enter their immediate domain. You can't go looking for them. If you are meant to encounter one, you will and what transpires will change your life. Not of the words that are exchanged, it is the natural aura they emit. What they have is not something that can be acquired, it comes naturally. What is really amazing is they have no idea of the aura they possess for all they encounter are affected by this aura. They are what we have often referred to as a charmed person. No one who would desire them ill could ever get close to them.

Perhaps on encountering one, you become one? I have often pondered that very question. That falls in line with the statement I made above in those that have it, don't know they have it. There peace of mind guides their path. Wow! I have to give that some thought. I usually never realize what I am writing until after I have written it and sometimes I amaze myself as to what my mind reveals, even to me. Ha.

I have to give this a little more thought as I review my life, which means I may have to open up a little and reveal a little of what that entailed. :perplexed:

Reply Wed 20 May, 2009 04:57 pm
William, I feel each person will see the same truth a bit different, for me truth is pure consciousness - I and the Father are One. For me to experience this is to realize this is to know I live in a mirror imaged thought wave universe of apparent time and motion, there is nothing outside of self, there are no differences, all is one.

To access this pure consciousness I must let all concepts of this material world go, to do this I must separate from what my senses are telling me, and go within to my inner mind inner thinking where I create with God. At this level I use my imagination with desire and ecstasy, to create that which I wish to express.

I then give this to my conscious mind to give it motion, this then forms matter, which is mind in motion. It's my ability then to be able to let go that which I have created by re giving it back to the Oneness (God) to do this I give it no more thought, this stope the motion allowing me to give more. Richard
Reply Thu 21 May, 2009 12:35 pm
William wrote:

Outstanding question.
Thanks. I would like to offer my opinion. Truth is a universal construct that will serve as our guide into tomorrow that will be complimentary to that universal structure. For us to latch on to that guide, it must be that which is complimentary to all. Establishing that construct is what this forum is all about as we effort to understand who we are and why we are here. Personal truths are wonderful as long as they do not threaten or control the personal truths of another. Such as I have already mentioned in another thread, if ones personal truth allows one to be condescending to another, that is not a part of complimentary action, but a product of ego. A survival mechanism. Most dig into what we hold in memory in order to survive, went survival shouldn't be a worry. Surviving life interfere's with living life.

The mind should have a sign on it that says "DO NOT DISTURB", I'm busy. Ha. When we probe it to find those justifications to validate a personal truth, we open pandora's box and we begin to thumb through the wrong information stored in memory. If you just leave the mind alone it will do that for you. If we could just leave it alone? Easier said than done.

That is hard to do in the "survivalistic reality". To understand this one must have that "peace of mind". Now here is the interesting part. There are those with us that do possess it. I have only met two in my life time. The are totally at a oneness of all that is around them. And you will be surprised how little they "have" in the world, but are totally content with what they do have and the are gracious host for all who enter their immediate domain. You can't go looking for them. If you are meant to encounter one, you will and what transpires will change your life. Not of the words that are exchanged, it is the natural aura they emit. What they have is not something that can be acquired, it comes naturally. What is really amazing is they have no idea of the aura they possess for all they encounter are affected by this aura. They are what we have often referred to as a charmed person. No one who would desire them ill could ever get close to them.

Perhaps on encountering one, you become one? I have often pondered that very question. That falls in line with the statement I made above in those that have it, don't know they have it. There peace of mind guides their path. Wow! I have to give that some thought. I usually never realize what I am writing until after I have written it and sometimes I amaze myself as to what my mind reveals, even to me. Ha.

I have to give this a little more thought as I review my life, which means I may have to open up a little and reveal a little of what that entailed. :perplexed:

Hum, I didnt quite understood what you meant... so I will ask only the following question for now:

"Personal truths are wonderful as long as they do not threaten or control the personal truths of another"

Isnt it paradoxial to hold a personal truth that states that personal truths are bad if they control the personal truths of another, taking in account that considering a form of personal truth as bad is a form of controlling it?
Reply Thu 21 May, 2009 04:52 pm
manored wrote:
Hum, I didnt quite understood what you meant... so I will ask only the following question for now:

"Personal truths are wonderful as long as they do not threaten or control the personal truths of another"

Isnt it paradoxial to hold a personal truth that states that personal truths are bad if they control the personal truths of another, taking in account that considering a form of personal truth as bad is a form of controlling it?

Manored, we really don't know what one's peresonal truth is because from the time they are born, we do not allow them to flourish and develop.
Control in any context is wrong. That is a blunt statement and is hard to fathom in a world that is all about control. If you have ever heard the term "higher self", it means there is no need for self-control. The higher self needs no control, it just does that which is complimentary to it's immediate surroundings provided those surroundings are complimentary to it. Again another statement that will be hard to fathom.

For instance a child. If we knew how to truly guide our children, we would not need to control our children. They are in effect pure when they are born, or should be anyway. I know there are birth defects and please don't use those to counter, please. There are definite reasons why there are birth defects and in those instances, pure as we define the word would not apply. We have to "control" a child because his surroundings are not complimentary to the environment that child needs that will allow him/her to naturally express that pure mind they were born with.
So we have to "control" that mind to fit that environment.

That child is born with natural gifts and abilities. Where they come from is the question. We have a tendency to believe they are entirely genetic. That is true, IMO as it relies to physical characteristics, but there is more there than we know about. Such as the unbelievable talents of gifted prodigies. Children at the age of 4 being able to sit down at a piano and play a concerto. Granted this is a rare occurrence, but it proves we all have "that" we bring with us when we enter this world. We need to learn how to create that environment that will allow us the opportunity to recognize what those "those" are. "Out of the mouth's of babes". Ever heard that before? Sure you have. If we only knew how so very vital that is.

We treat people the same way. We train them and control their natural abilities is such a way that will allow them "to fit" in the reality we have created. It's been that way forever and forever it's been wrong, but at the same time is has been necessary for us to "learn". That's where wisdom come's in. One thing I have learned in my short 60 years of observing this planet, is NO ONE WANTS TO BE CONTROLLED. No one. Period, exclamatory, infinitum. The only way man will every be able to control his fellow man is by ransoming something he values. And this reality, which has been going on for a few years now, like forever, as we know it, does just that as it ransom's those of lesser knowledge life and his very soul to keep him in line with the dictates of those who have greater knowledge. Such as King's over subjects; Feudal Lord's over serfs; Preacher's over their congregation; Teacher's over students; and parents over the child. It is power of knowledge over the ignorant.

There can be no freedom if it requires control to maintain it. In all efforts since we have been making footprints on this planet, man's "desire" to control his fellow man has always, ALWAYS, no exceptions, led to blood shed. Regardless of where that control comes from, Kings, Lords, Preachers, Teachers, Parents; it's all about power and it will ultimately lead to that end. And it begins with the child being forced to adapt to a reality that is alien to those natural gifts he brings with him; what ever they may be from the mind of Albert Einstein to those physical abilities of those who mow your yard. All have a right to "live life" regardless of what they bring with them and fairly compensated. Compensated in such a way that will ensure their existence on this planet is a joyous one. Misery ain't gonna git it. Now, rather than "control" substitute the word "guide". That makes all the difference in the world. Smile

Reply Thu 21 May, 2009 05:41 pm
@Lost phil,
William, we are opening up to a whole new (old) way of living in harmony with one another. We are finding that the problems in the world are not out there, they are within man himself. As each of us takes full responsibility for what happens out there, from within himself. To do this he must know that what he sees out there is a reflection of his own consciousness being played out in the material world. If he wants to change what he is seeing out there and he does not like it he can change the scene by changing his concept of his own consciousness. I apply this to my own life with remarkable success This is how one man can change the world. It is impossible for me to see other than the contents of my own consciousness. Richard
Reply Fri 22 May, 2009 05:50 pm
William wrote:
Manored, we really don't know what one's peresonal truth is because from the time they are born, we do not allow them to flourish and develop.
Control in any context is wrong. That is a blunt statement and is hard to fathom in a world that is all about control. If you have ever heard the term "higher self", it means there is no need for self-control. The higher self needs no control, it just does that which is complimentary to it's immediate surroundings provided those surroundings are complimentary to it. Again another statement that will be hard to fathom.

For instance a child. If we knew how to truly guide our children, we would not need to control our children. They are in effect pure when they are born, or should be anyway. I know there are birth defects and please don't use those to counter, please. There are definite reasons why there are birth defects and in those instances, pure as we define the word would not apply. We have to "control" a child because his surroundings are not complimentary to the environment that child needs that will allow him/her to naturally express that pure mind they were born with.
So we have to "control" that mind to fit that environment.

That child is born with natural gifts and abilities. Where they come from is the question. We have a tendency to believe they are entirely genetic. That is true, IMO as it relies to physical characteristics, but there is more there than we know about. Such as the unbelievable talents of gifted prodigies. Children at the age of 4 being able to sit down at a piano and play a concerto. Granted this is a rare occurrence, but it proves we all have "that" we bring with us when we enter this world. We need to learn how to create that environment that will allow us the opportunity to recognize what those "those" are. "Out of the mouth's of babes". Ever heard that before? Sure you have. If we only knew how so very vital that is.

We treat people the same way. We train them and control their natural abilities is such a way that will allow them "to fit" in the reality we have created. It's been that way forever and forever it's been wrong, but at the same time is has been necessary for us to "learn". That's where wisdom come's in. One thing I have learned in my short 60 years of observing this planet, is NO ONE WANTS TO BE CONTROLLED. No one. Period, exclamatory, infinitum. The only way man will every be able to control his fellow man is by ransoming something he values. And this reality, which has been going on for a few years now, like forever, as we know it, does just that as it ransom's those of lesser knowledge life and his very soul to keep him in line with the dictates of those who have greater knowledge. Such as King's over subjects; Feudal Lord's over serfs; Preacher's over their congregation; Teacher's over students; and parents over the child. It is power of knowledge over the ignorant.

There can be no freedom if it requires control to maintain it. In all efforts since we have been making footprints on this planet, man's "desire" to control his fellow man has always, ALWAYS, no exceptions, led to blood shed. Regardless of where that control comes from, Kings, Lords, Preachers, Teachers, Parents; it's all about power and it will ultimately lead to that end. And it begins with the child being forced to adapt to a reality that is alien to those natural gifts he brings with him; what ever they may be from the mind of Albert Einstein to those physical abilities of those who mow your yard. All have a right to "live life" regardless of what they bring with them and fairly compensated. Compensated in such a way that will ensure their existence on this planet is a joyous one. Misery ain't gonna git it. Now, rather than "control" substitute the word "guide". That makes all the difference in the world. Smile

I do not believe, though, that such a thing would be possible. We cannot interact with others winhout in some way controlling then. For example, as we discuss this we are controlling each other towards our own beliefs, arent we? Smile

How could we, as another example, protect a too-young-to-understand-words child from getting hurt at, lets say, fire, winhout picking it up and moving it away, or calling its attention, or something like it? Calling its attention, even if not opressive, would be even more manipulator than picking it up, in my opinion.

Perhaps the key to the utopia is not that we cease to manipulate the world and each other, but that we do so towards the same goal.
Reply Fri 22 May, 2009 11:56 pm
@Lost phil,
Manored, it's my thoughts that keep fear in motion, my fear of the child getting hurt creates a reaction in the child, so i control the child whether I like it or not. The fear that I have of mosquitoes biting me cause them to attack me, I now have no fear of mosquito bites, so they do not bite, therefore I control the mosquito. I practice this and it works. Richard
Reply Sat 23 May, 2009 10:28 am
Richardgrant wrote:
Manored, it's my thoughts that keep fear in motion, my fear of the child getting hurt creates a reaction in the child, so i control the child whether I like it or not. The fear that I have of mosquitoes biting me cause them to attack me, I now have no fear of mosquito bites, so they do not bite, therefore I control the mosquito. I practice this and it works. Richard
I dont think we have full control of reality though, because I dont think we are the only controllers of reality. My teory for that is on my signature Smile
Reply Sat 23 May, 2009 03:19 pm
@Lost phil,
Manored, my awakening tells me there is only one power in creation, and that is within the One Mind of Who I Am. there are no two balanced opposites in all creation, such as good and bad, right or wrong and such. So I am in control of all that happens. Richard

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