These are the things I would stop or change if I had the power to.
-I wish the world not be divided by race, religion, gender, or abilities, but by class and intelligence (don't say that intelligence is an ability, it is a little different). That way we may have an efficient society. A classless society would have no incentive to be a productive one, and borders and walls such as race just decrease efficiency. Toss out all words and phrases separating us, politically correct or offensive. Create a government that is in the middle of the spectrum and run by the most intelligent few of the population. Keep minimum wage but pay people based on ability and work ethic rather than the difficulty or value of the task at hand. A hard working chef would be paid more than a civil engineer that does nothing at work. Spend money in order to eliminate unemployment or reduce it greatly and give the formerly unemployed jobs such as picking up trash or working on wind turbines that can have a large amount of workers but require little training.
-Discontinue seaching for the impossible and go with what we have. It is dangerous to find a theory of everything, though it would be incredible. We cannot comprehend the relation between mind and body, or us and the universe. It is foolish to attempt to because that insatiable curiosity is what keeps us human. The human is truly a strange and rare being, and we are lucky to be alive.
is a reason we have countries. We want to keep diverse cultures intact. Stop the neverending crusade to globalize everything, it would only benefit multinational corporations and would take a large amount of money. With no countries, everyone would conform to the same standards. It is when cultures disagree with other's ideologies that it becomes a problem. If there are two cultures with equally sized countries, the one with more natural resources or geographical advantage would kill the other.
Don't abolish countries, abolish conflict. Establish a global currency so that people can easily trade without losing their unique heritage. Also revive barter so people can trade posessions
or trade money for posessions to get rid of the dilemma that a fur trader may be requesting wood one day and cloth another day. A country with much coal and little food could trade with one that has much food and little coal. The government would be based 70% on Economical issues and 30% on Social issues. Keep democracy but have our leaders be more competent and less biased.
Of course there are still problems, but no need to point them out this is simply what i'd prefer the world to stop and/or change. Also eliminate gambling:letme-at-em:. Gambling, despite making some money, is evil. It draws money from a hard-working man's wallet who is struggling with an addiction and places that money into a couch potato's wallet who can probably make it by pretty easily.
---------- Post added 08-09-2009 at 02:56 PM ----------
mister kitten;82111 wrote:Video games, for one thing. I remember I talked about 'wasting time' with my friend on the phone and proved to her that wasting time is possible. I don't remember what I said though. ><
She probably does. I should ask her.
We are all wasting time on this forum, discussing what we would stop the world from doing.

Ironic, albeit interesting to discuss. Video games are a waste of time. What are you getting stimulating the pleasure and reward centres of your brain when you could go out, help the community, maybe get a little cash for it, and have the same feeling. I completely agree that video games are a waste. What we have to do is minimize obstacles, maximize efficiency, and eliminate unemployment by means of work incentives and jobs that require little training or previous work.