A Money Monopoly Creates Monopoly Money

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Reply Tue 3 Mar, 2009 06:45 am
An excellent article on the role of the Federal Government and its monetary policies in creating the current depression and the effects of nationalization.

Nationalization in a Time of Monopoly by Lila Rajiva

Law-abiding socialism is better than crony capitalism and it's infinitely better than a kleptocracy. But only a political simpleton would believe that a gigantic and corrupt empire of this sort is going to turn into an earnest cooperative of social democrats simply because the New York Times says so.

Ask yourself: With the government firmly in the pockets of giant businesses, whom would we trust to oversee a central bank?
No one.

And what would prevent it from becoming anything more than an instrument of private interest, with the power and the purse of the public added?
Reply Tue 3 Mar, 2009 11:03 am
@Mr Fight the Power,
This is just a teory of mine winhout much basis in reality since I dont know any economist or anything, but I believe the problem of economics is that it has become something so huge, intricated and complex that there is not one mind powerful enough to understand the whole situation completly. Winhout such an understanding, we only have loads of people making bets of how things will turn out if X thing is done rather than certainty, what creates unforeseen consequences.
Mr Fight the Power
Reply Tue 3 Mar, 2009 11:38 am
manored wrote:
This is just a teory of mine winhout much basis in reality since I dont know any economist or anything, but I believe the problem of economics is that it has become something so huge, intricated and complex that there is not one mind powerful enough to understand the whole situation completly. Winhout such an understanding, we only have loads of people making bets of how things will turn out if X thing is done rather than certainty, what creates unforeseen consequences.

If you had a familiarity with economics you would understand the importance of this little theory of yours:

Economic calculation problem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Degrees of Freedom: Obama Solves The Socialist Calculation Problem: Politics, Philosophy and Economics from a libertarian point of view.
Reply Wed 4 Mar, 2009 10:02 am
@Mr Fight the Power,
Well then I read something about economics I feel like the something I am reading is trying to push by brain back with a stick, so I didnt really read very deep on or understand much of the articles, but it seens that I didnt miss the target for much, if I didnt hit right on it Smile

I didnt like feel of the second article, it has a "Obama will screw up and we are therefore all doomed" air about it Smile

Also makes me think we need an economics supercomputer.
Reply Wed 4 Mar, 2009 07:06 pm
@Mr Fight the Power,
Money is a form of relationship...If one person in a relationship has it all it loses meaning....

The monotary policies of the past have been used to lesson or avoid depressions.... When the republicans learned they could use economic policy to make the rich richer, and to push the economy past the point of destruction it was open season on the wealth of the nation... Now what??? All their bubbles are popping at once, and the one guy with any ability to deal with the problem they hate and want to see fail... The right is crazy...But I hope he fails too...The game is over... They have used their life line to tie up the public and rob us blind.... Time to start over... And we can do better...
Mr Fight the Power
Reply Thu 5 Mar, 2009 06:28 am
Fido wrote:
Money is a form of relationship...If one person in a relationship has it all it loses meaning....

Nonsense. Money is a service that provides liquidity to traders.

It only loses its meaning when it fails to be trusted by people.

The monotary policies of the past have been used to lesson or avoid depressions....

If you mean that monetary policies of the past have been used by politicians to act as if they are lessening or avoiding depressions, then you would be correct.

When the republicans learned they could use economic policy to make the rich richer, and to push the economy past the point of destruction it was open season on the wealth of the nation... Now what??? All their bubbles are popping at once, and the one guy with any ability to deal with the problem they hate and want to see fail...

Is this doublespeak? Is there any reason why massive wasteful democratic spending deals with the problem but massive republican spending pushed "the economy past the point of destruction"?
Reply Thu 5 Mar, 2009 02:18 pm
@Mr Fight the Power,
My turn: Nonsense back at you...Look at your money...Is it worth anything by itself??? It says legal tender for all debts...Law is another form... What it means is, that having debts, our money cannot be legally refused... But it only has the meaning we give to it... So it is a form of relationship... If we decide to see money for what it is, then the man with a billion of them becomes rich in paper...
If you try to say the meaning of money is trust, you are only defining one form of relationship with another...

One great economist said correctly that glut, meaning depression is synonymous with high profits... When he was writing there was no wide spread use of paper currency... So when the Gold got into the hands of the rich, the flow of money ended....It did no matter what goods were available, because the poor could not afford them...It did not matter how much wealth or labor the poor held to be sold, because if the rich could not sell, they would not buy.... Having control of money has meant that no matter how much wealth the rich cornered, there would always be money for more... Also, with control, they could pump out money for loans to keep the whole society liquid beyond any safe point...Look at us live on credit... Do we have a choice???Wages are pushed down, and profits are pushed up, even at the price of national security.... If people can profit more exporting production than in paying depressed wages here, then of goes production, and credit is advanced...What is the result??? People lose their futures, their opportunity, their health care, even their houses and their family farms, the capital built up over generations to live today...Capitalism needs markets and production...We have little domestic production, but our domestic market is shot, and has been kept running with easy money....Who really benefits from easy money???As long as the rich could keep the game going, and could avoid paying the price for the damage they did, then they could end up with more and more of the wealth of the country...

What do you think is so wasteful about democratic spending??? They were far more responsible than the republicans.... Clinton and the democratic party took the hit for correcting Reagan's mess....Bush W, gets in, and takes a lesson from it.... Deficits don't matter....But then there goes the safety net to have a prtty little dead end war...Does he pay for it??? No; he did not want it to hurt...He did not want it to limit outrageous profits... He wanted his cake, and to eat it too...I hope he got a mouthful...
Mr Fight the Power
Reply Thu 5 Mar, 2009 03:41 pm
Fido wrote:
My turn: Nonsense back at you...Look at your money...Is it worth anything by itself??? It says legal tender for all debts...Law is another form... What it means is, that having debts, our money cannot be legally refused... But it only has the meaning we give to it... So it is a form of relationship... If we decide to see money for what it is, then the man with a billion of them becomes rich in paper...
If you try to say the meaning of money is trust, you are only defining one form of relationship with another...

There is no such thing as intrinsic value.

Everything only has the meaning we give to it.

Money wouldn't have any utility if it wasn't a means of procuring other goods, but that is it's entire purpose. You might as well say that hats wouldn't have any value if we didn't have heads: You would be correct, but why say such a thing?

Money has its own value, even if it isn't intrinsic, in that it provides us with liquidity. If someone came to you and said "I have a $20 shirt, a $20 gift certificate, and a $20 bill, choose one." which would you choose? Barring extraordinary circumstances where the shirt or the gift certificate is first on your shopping list, you would take the money over those because it is liquid, it provides options.

Relationships? Meh. I don't know what that means in this context. But if one person has all of the money, it does not lose its meaning. Where do you think all of this money is coming from? All of this money flooding the economy right now, it originated from one source that exchanges it into the market. Does the money come in meaningless?
Reply Thu 5 Mar, 2009 07:02 pm
@Mr Fight the Power,
So money provides liquidity. But if all the money is on one side, then there is no liquidity. The have-nots then becomes the slaves of the monopoly. And slaves have a tendency to get angry at being slaves. Its nearly always worth the risk of life to fight for freedom. So those that rig the system to have everything, are destroying their own future. Look what happenned to the Russian Tzars, the French aristocracy.

I do not for one second ascribe to the idea that 'its all too complicated to understand'. One does not need to know the exact position of every atom in a glass plate to realize that if you drop it from the roof onto concrete, then it will break. The overarching principle is quite easy to realize.

The aim of liquidity is to make life easier. The ultimate easy life is where everything is free because society is mega-productive. So when the kleptocracy deliberately uses money to prevent an easy free life, in order to make people slaves, they negate the purpose of money altogether.

This same old drama has caused almost all the wars in history.

Idealistically, if everyone just did their best to make society work, there would be no need for money, and in such a world, the trade of goods would be as liquid as needs dictated. As society becomes more and more productive, this becomes the goal.

Of course this is a mammoth 'if', but realizing what the ideal goal is, becomes the first step in attaining it. Unfortunately there are many people who get a pathological kick out of holding people to ransom, but as each social breakdown is recorded in better detail than the last, we can only move closer to the goal of the 'cashless society'. Heaven on Earth. Zion.
Reply Fri 6 Mar, 2009 06:10 am
@Mr Fight the Power,
Mr. Fight the Power wrote:
There is no such thing as intrinsic value.

Everything only has the meaning we give to it.

Money wouldn't have any utility if it wasn't a means of procuring other goods, but that is it's entire purpose. You might as well say that hats wouldn't have any value if we didn't have heads: You would be correct, but why say such a thing?

Money has its own value, even if it isn't intrinsic, in that it provides us with liquidity. If someone came to you and said "I have a $20 shirt, a $20 gift certificate, and a $20 bill, choose one." which would you choose? Barring extraordinary circumstances where the shirt or the gift certificate is first on your shopping list, you would take the money over those because it is liquid, it provides options.

Relationships? Meh. I don't know what that means in this context. But if one person has all of the money, it does not lose its meaning. Where do you think all of this money is coming from? All of this money flooding the economy right now, it originated from one source that exchanges it into the market. Does the money come in meaningless?

Not so....Our lives have intrinsic value to us, and it is through the medium of life that we give meaning to all 'things' in life... What is true of all forms, including money is that it has to serve that primary value of life...If money in your hands only makes me die or die sooner; there is no reason why I should find meaning in it or support its value.... And Greenspan said as much about property ownership, that it has to be maintained at a certain percantage to maintain political support... But it is a fascade... Few people own their houses...Most who think they do; only own a mortgage on a house...Because of the tax structure, driving down wages, making money a commodity in itself, allowing property to be held for speculation which drove up its price, we are going to find no bottom to the housing prices...In fact, the whole economy is bubble... All glittery like a ball room ball, but empty inside.... I want you to understand.... This is what many Muslims saw in this place when they came to visit....It is like the abolitionists used to say of the South, That: Bad morals equal bad roads... Roads here in the wasteland are one long series of pot holes... It has been going down slow for a long time...Sure it is all form; having no intrinsic value, but there is no reason we should invest our lives in this failed society when we can make new...
Reply Fri 6 Mar, 2009 06:25 am
Poseidon wrote:
So money provides liquidity. But if all the money is on one side, then there is no liquidity. The have-nots then becomes the slaves of the monopoly. And slaves have a tendency to get angry at being slaves. Its nearly always worth the risk of life to fight for freedom. So those that rig the system to have everything, are destroying their own future. Look what happenned to the Russian Tzars, the French aristocracy.

I do not for one second ascribe to the idea that 'its all too complicated to understand'. One does not need to know the exact position of every atom in a glass plate to realize that if you drop it from the roof onto concrete, then it will break. The overarching principle is quite easy to realize.

The aim of liquidity is to make life easier. The ultimate easy life is where everything is free because society is mega-productive. So when the kleptocracy deliberately uses money to prevent an easy free life, in order to make people slaves, they negate the purpose of money altogether.

This same old drama has caused almost all the wars in history.

Idealistically, if everyone just did their best to make society work, there would be no need for money, and in such a world, the trade of goods would be as liquid as needs dictated. As society becomes more and more productive, this becomes the goal.

Of course this is a mammoth 'if', but realizing what the ideal goal is, becomes the first step in attaining it. Unfortunately there are many people who get a pathological kick out of holding people to ransom, but as each social breakdown is recorded in better detail than the last, we can only move closer to the goal of the 'cashless society'. Heaven on Earth. Zion.

I would say that the object of easy liquidity is to ease the transfere of value to the rich... The game would have been over for the rich a long time ago without control over the money supply.. If you can get money cheap and sell it dear then you are certain to gain.... And look, we are all deprived of wages... Wages are forced down... And we are all living on credit, which is dear money....If wages did not support the government; and instead, property supported the government, then taxes would always have forced property values down and wages up, as before the civil war...When your property has to pay taxes, you are forced to hire the labor to make it profitable, or throw it on the market.... I have seen great stretches of property that have lain wild for years not doing a bit of work because the taxes were insignificant...If frontage paid property, people sold their frontage keeping only enough for road easments, and sat on it...People already burdened with mortgages pay significantly more of property taxes than big business which draw much more of the services...

The government and the rich should take a lesson from the French, the Russians and even England before our revolution.... They were all bankrupt... Bankruptcy leads to revolution....If the government cannot learn to tax the rich, it will rob from all through inflation...Enough of that and the whole money supply will turn to paper...The government and the people have starved to make more rich, and to make the rich richer...All that has to end...So the right cries about socialism...That is the least of their problems.... The end of a rope is the real threat...
Mr Fight the Power
Reply Fri 6 Mar, 2009 06:52 am
Poseidon wrote:
I do not for one second ascribe to the idea that 'its all too complicated to understand'. One does not need to know the exact position of every atom in a glass plate to realize that if you drop it from the roof onto concrete, then it will break. The overarching principle is quite easy to realize.

I fail to see how this is analogous.

The aim of liquidity is to make life easier. The ultimate easy life is where everything is free because society is mega-productive. So when the kleptocracy deliberately uses money to prevent an easy free life, in order to make people slaves, they negate the purpose of money altogether.

I agree with this.

Idealistically, if everyone just did their best to make society work, there would be no need for money, and in such a world, the trade of goods would be as liquid as needs dictated. As society becomes more and more productive, this becomes the goal.

The role of pricing in an economy in allowing capital allocation according to aggregate supply and demand is an extremely important function.
Reply Fri 6 Mar, 2009 07:08 am
@Mr Fight the Power,
Mr. Fight the Power wrote:
I fail to see how this is analogous.

I agree with this.

The role of pricing in an economy in allowing capital allocation according to aggregate supply and demand is an extremely important function.

Easy money is not easy for everyone....It was thought to be good, but if money is cheap for one he will find he is living on interest while others have to live on credit....It is easy money that has resulted in most of the wealth of this land in the hands of the rich...It has no certain value...If some one sees a political advantage to pumping it out it robs from everyone with a fixed income.... And again, if wages are forced down by taxes on labor, then the working classes become consumers of money and money becomes a means of sucking increasing degrees of value out of them....For example...I pay interest on my house...House interest is deductable against taxes on income... So that starves the government of revenue, and makes interest easier to bear, and it feeds money to the rich; but what is the ultimate Good??? How does it help the situation as much as it hurts...It is not even a net zero...Instead, it is a loss...
Mr Fight the Power
Reply Fri 6 Mar, 2009 07:20 am
Fido wrote:
I would say that the object of easy liquidity is to ease the transfere of value to the rich... The game would have been over for the rich a long time ago without control over the money supply

Some posters on here and on other forums accuse me of being an apologetic for the wealthy since I am libertarian, anti-state, and pro-market.

I think it is very important for people to understand how the government facilitates centralized wealth accumulation through monetary policy. Unfortunately, I somehow doubt even this crisis will teach the lesson. It hasn't yet; it has only made it worse.
Reply Fri 6 Mar, 2009 11:24 am
@Mr Fight the Power,
Mr. Fight the Power wrote:
Some posters on here and on other forums accuse me of being an apologetic for the wealthy since I am libertarian, anti-state, and pro-market.

I think it is very important for people to understand how the government facilitates centralized wealth accumulation through monetary policy is very important. Unfortunately, I somehow doubt even this crisis will teach the lesson. It hasn't yet; it has only made it worse.

I don't know...I listen to c-span a lot, and people are not just hepful with their suggestions, but increasingly angry and desparate....If they would all spend their last bucks getting to washington DC and taking it right to the congress, something good would happen... If things get hairy enough they will shut down the internet to keep people from talking... Stuff like C-span as big echo chambers of popular thought will be closed...

Here is the deal.. So long as they could liquidate a few people at a time, run them out of their jobs, or their lives, put them on the street, and take all that is theirs; then just a few are de-moralized, and they blame themselves and give up...When it happens to millions at a time, it is not possible for them to take the blame themselves, and hopefully they will go after justice...
Reply Fri 6 Mar, 2009 01:37 pm
Poseidon wrote:

I do not for one second ascribe to the idea that 'its all too complicated to understand'. One does not need to know the exact position of every atom in a glass plate to realize that if you drop it from the roof onto concrete, then it will break. The overarching principle is quite easy to realize.

Idealistically, if everyone just did their best to make society work, there would be no need for money, and in such a world, the trade of goods would be as liquid as needs dictated. As society becomes more and more productive, this becomes the goal.

But the more you know about the glass plate and whatever influences its fall and break, greater the chances of you throwing it in a place where it wont hurt anyone.

I agree with that ideal view.

Im getting a "Rich X Poor" conspiracy air from some posts here. I would like to comment that egocentric people are very unlikely to work togheder with many others, nor can a conspiracy be passed down from father to son with ease, so I strongly believe against the existence of "Rich X Poor" conspiracies.
Reply Fri 6 Mar, 2009 02:12 pm
manored wrote:
But the more you know about the glass plate and whatever influences its fall and break, greater the chances of you throwing it in a place where it wont hurt anyone.

I agree with that ideal view.

Im getting a "Rich X Poor" conspiracy air from some posts here. I would like to comment that egocentric people are very unlikely to work togheder with many others, nor can a conspiracy be passed down from father to son with ease, so I strongly believe against the existence of "Rich X Poor" conspiracies.

A lot of rich v poor is not on its own conspiracy... What it really is, is a recurrent theme in history, of individuals in society putting themselves first and only in their societies...The rich Greeks were no different from the poor except as wealth made them different...And the rich Romans were no different from the poor Romans except as wealth made them different...Those people had a lot more in common as a group with each other than we do as a nation...We have many nationalities within our nation state...Among the capitalist class, essentially the only thing the rich have in common is their money, and it turns them against the whole of the society just as wealth did for the rich Greeks and Romans... Worse; the rich do conspire with rich in other countries, and they do cooperate in fleecing their respective populations...Since what they do is entirely legal, and even supported by law which was and is written for their benefit, it can hardly be called conspiracy....In fact, our talk, even to consider that property rights and the rights of the propertied class might be limited may come closer to conspiracy...We may yet be hanged if we are not the hangman...

In any event, forms are common to all societies... People growing up in their forms are not conscious of them, and so do no think of the danger of turning those forms to their own benefit....Yet all forms must work for all people, and if they find a person free and reduce him to slavery; that cannot be considered a benefit....If the vast majority of the population is working for nothing, they are slaves...If they cannot manage to influence the political process they are slaves... And if they must submit to slavery as the price of survival they are slaves...
Reply Fri 6 Mar, 2009 02:16 pm
@Mr Fight the Power,
I agree that the corruption of the rich part of the society can have a major negative impact in a country and is always happening in pretty much ever country, but I do not think there is a conspiracy or pact or deal between then. It just happens that they are all pushing the rock the same way winhout noticing, or not caring, that there are other people pushing the rock that same way.
Reply Fri 6 Mar, 2009 05:45 pm
manored wrote:
I agree that the corruption of the rich part of the society can have a major negative impact in a country and is always happening in pretty much ever country, but I do not think there is a conspiracy or pact or deal between then. It just happens that they are all pushing the rock the same way winhout noticing, or not caring, that there are other people pushing the rock that same way.

I think there is a conscious effort to sell the idea of the individual, but you see that the rich do club, and clique... They form corporations...Well those in corporations often set their own pay according to the profit they make squeezing the workers, laying off some, working the rest harder, cutting pay and benefits, exporting jobs....They know everyone else is doing too, so full speed ahead...Except, when it happens across the reach of society it divides society and weakens us, just as it weakened the Romans and Greeks...Eventually, the rich always equate their fortunes with good morals, and really, they represent the most anti moral behavior...Does it really matter then if there is collusion???One clown makes the argument, and the rest buy it, and say baa, baa, baa... They are as much sheep as the working people, all parroting the same arguments, and all pushing the same politics... The property rights which are the cause of the results we see before us, they cannot question; but those rights are a house of cards... If we quit believing in them they will fall...It is just that simple...
Reply Sat 7 Mar, 2009 03:05 pm
@Mr Fight the Power,
If they fell, they would need to be replaced, and there lies their strongest pilar: replaced for what?

That pillar can only be counted off if the change is slow.

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  3. » A Money Monopoly Creates Monopoly Money
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