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Harm is easy in this case. Unnecessarily cruel, brutal, excruciatingly painful existence and death for innocent animals. And measurement isn't the only standard for being human, we can feel too, at least some of us can. Others seem deadened to anything but their own lusts.
Every statement you make in denial of what's going on in slaughter houses only further confirms the suspicion that meat eaters are less human than those who love animals. All you'd have to do, for me anyway, is to say "you know Les, those animals do deserve a good life and death, we should find a way to do that." Instead you rationalize at every turn.
Morality is not limited to "Do not harm others". I've elaborated on this in my last post, but basically: Morality is much broader than you stated.
Statements which may be moral propositions but seem to elicit an objective understanding, the example we used "Homosexuals harm society", must have a method of objective evaluation specified if they are to hold any truth. In this case, "Harm" must be defined, and an objective measurement of *how* society is being harmed (maybe 12,000 people are dying a year, for example).
If you can, then I will submit; otherwise, I maintain that morality is 95% (a rough estimate) about that which harms others, and the rest is stuck on by religions trying to get people into heaven.
A little rant here . . . this site is the worst I've run into for members making statements without support by evidence and careful reasoning. No philosopher reasons like that. I think this site needs to decide if it is going to be merely a place to exude unsupported opinions, or if it is going to promote the long-established principles of reason that define philosophical discourse.
Morality has an extraordinarily simple objective basis: do not harm others, or do that which could result in the harm of others (such as destroying the environment).
Morality is a code of conduct driven by the understanding and distinction of 'right' and 'wrong'. Morality can vary diametrically between culture, and "Do not harm others" simply does not apply to every morality.
You are distorting what I said. I said that people have perceived homosexuality as harmful, not that it really is. We too often develop moral principles based on perception and understanding (or lack of), not on objective evaluation.
In that case, we have lots of evidence that eating meat, at least by buying it through the meat industry, is harmful to others, especially if we include poor innocent animals in the category of "others." But I will admit that for the most part, I don't think meat eaters realize what's going on in the slaughter houses.
What greater morality is there than equality?
Equality is the good, right, just, or true moral reason to not eat meat.
Or more simply: Just Common Sense.
Is anyone here in need of a philosophical discourse on the good of common sense?:perplexed:
Beliefs do not have to be coherent; they do not have to go through the rigors of logical evaluation. "Truth" in the sense that you were speaking, does. Many religious beliefs also can be deemed incoherent, without truth-statements, do you also combat those?
I'm not a moral realist, and therefore I do not believe moral/ethical propositions hold any objective value. I suppose you do?
Name me some fundamental traits of morality.
Did you read my post, or are you just saying whatever pops into your head. I specifically took aim at the cruelty involved in the meat business. Since we have the technology to make it humane, the only conclusion to draw is that meat eaters just don't give a sh*t about anything but getting their bloody meat fix. Torture millions of animals a day, raise them under horrible conditions, pump them full of drugs and hormones . . . sure, why not have sex with them too, and play darts using their faces as dart boards . . .they are just unfeeling, stupid beasts here because we SUPERIOR humans have a right to treat other creatures any way we please if we want something bad enough.
Every statement you make in denial of what's going on in slaughter houses only further confirms the suspicion that meat eaters are less human than those who love animals. All you'd have to do, for me anyway, is to say "you know Les, those animals do deserve a good life and death, we should find a way to do that." Instead you rationalize at every turn.
In my views, I believe we would be better off killing a few whales or bigger animals here and there then mass-slaughtering thousands of chickens. That's thousands of lives for only a little bit of meat when we could only kill one whale, which is one life, to save hundreds to possibly thousands of lives.
On the other hand, when you try to show them and they rationalize it away with ridiculous arguments like "who can say if an animal suffers," that to me is immoral. Either you stand up for what is right, or you hedge, slip, rationalize, and sophisticate the TRUTH away (truth=the reality of slaughter animal life and death).
PS: I don't know why you are so infuriated. You seem to be lashing out at me, and have even insulted the forums. I've enjoyed conversation with you, but hope you do not continue on with this demeanor. Some of this was a complete misunderstanding, and instead of getting angry, work this through maturely.
" How many realities are there?
How many descriptions of reality are there?
A truth, therefore describes reality.
Now, are there universal truths and personal truths? Nope. Because there is only one reality, there are only true (accurate) statements about it and inaccurate statements about it (which isn't to say a true statement can only be said one way).
What about "personal truths." This is really nonsense, to the core.
The whole premise of this thread makes it fallacious. It's a red herring whether a view is "higher level view," whatever that is supposed to mean. A view is not valid because (many) people praise it or because praiseworthy people follow it. And the view certainly is not any more or less true on these bases.
Sorry to edit your post so probably incorrectly, but wanted to ask you about some obvious contradictions that I see.
Real isn't true?
And personally I am true are you? Nope?
And for me personally and truly the Universe is really true too. Nope?
But there is a big "One" reality as you say, What does that personally and truly mean to you?
For me: I am simply and truly or really equal or Universally One.
I don't eat meat because of this Universal truth I am.
Do you?
Validity and truth do share this common ground. Truth and validity are of no concern, as far as I can see, to this thread, but rather social demarcation and popularity are the concern here.
Since you generalize the situation as "this thread" and not the OP's proposition, I don't think you have read all the posts if you say that. At least for me, not one single justification for avoiding meat that was given had to do with popularity or social demarcation. Therefore, yours is either a straw man fallacy, a biased sample fallacy, a non sequitur fallacy, or . . . (since you seem so enamored with logic fallacies). Actually I think it's just plain lazy reading combined with your desire to appear intellectually superior.