If there was no one else alive on this planet or even in this universe I would still know that I am what I am.
I would still be forced to interact with the environment in which I exist. I am not sure whether being alone would cause knowledge to be easier or harder to acquire. On the one hand there would be no one to decieve me and no lies to be learned, but on the other hand there would be a great deal less thought taking place and being made available for consideration.
But regardless, would one not know they are alive whether or not there was someone to tell them.
if you were born on a deserted island and your mother died in childbirth, and you were completely isolated from other humans, what do you suggest would be state of the identity of that person? What do you think would be their awareness of their life?
Do you suppose that they would instinctively try to stop blood flowing from a wound?
Do you suppose that they would instinctltively long for fellowship?
Would they be able to distinguish between themselves and their reflection in a pool of water?
When they hold their hand up to their face would they know that it was they who moved the hand?
When their heart swelled at the first sight of a beautiful sunrise would they know that something was going on inside of them?
And most importantly of all, who would they find when they close their eyes at night to prepare for sleep?
When you ask, can this person that I am, survive death, you have to ask that question in context with a particular meaning. If you mean, can the person that I am, survive the demise of this body I use; that is a mystery that cannot be proven, except to acknowledge that the life we had must have come from someplace, so it is logical to assume that same life can go there again, and return from there again as well. It is NOT logical however to conclude that there is no afterlife or continuation of life, just because it cannot be proven. The origin of life cannot be proven either. Does that incite you to conclude that life must therfore not exist? No, because you are experiencing that life. So using that thinking, what you mean to conclude is that when you are experiencing a life after this body than you will conclude that it is logical.
You see, it is not a matter of ifs with people who think this way, it is more a matter of when. As Boagie states, it is the NOW!
But how do you know that NOW is not an afterlife? If you did have a previous life, than that would have been the NOW.
So what are the odds?
I was born once, why not again?