What strikes me in many postings on this site is the continuous confusion of the Individual and the Personal. The personal is the particularisation of the individual. It is for example my accent, the length of my nose, the dream I had tonight, my fear of spiders etc. It is just one specific feature of one specific person and as such it can be peculiar but it is often too insignificant to be a subject for investigation. The individual on the other hand is the formal generalisation of everything that is personal. It is all personal characteristics, stories and experiences put together and investigated in what they have in common, being precisely that "uncommon" and personal aspect. IMHO the personal is mostly irrelevant while the individual touches us all. It is me versus "the ego". Beyond both aspects there is the "objective" investigation, not focussing on the person but on the object itself. Consider the following sentences:
-I dreamt of King Albert tonight (so what? Personal).
-Some persons dream of King Albert (really? Individual).
-Let's investigate dreaming (what is a dream and how does it relate to the dreamer? Scientific, philosophical...)
Now take this thread. The question was: "How do
you define spirituality?". Icon, how do you see that question? And how so you see the answer to it? Is it:
-My personal spirituality expresses itself in this or that way (assuming it's clear and obvious what spirituality actually is. You're not asking for a definition here but only for some illustrations or personal anecdotes)
-Give your own definition of spirituality (assuming it is clearly a notion that can never transcend the individual, so you want to collect various definitions according to the person who's defining and experiencing it)
-What precisely is spirituality and can we give an adequate definition of it (and once we know it better, how do people specifically relate to it?)
My approach in the old postings above was "objective", trying to explore spirituality "on itself", distinguishing it from "my" and "your" spirituality, distinguishing it also from what is often confused with spirituality, like aesthetic experience or religion. I was working towards some kind of matrix there, applying criteria like intensity, subjectivity, emotionality, transience... and their opposites to the phenomenon. But I have some profound doubts about this method lately. Is this approach even possible and what was exactly your intention? Thanks for any reply.