There are plenty of mindless people: Those whose Ego are ruled by the Id and have no viable super-ego to regulate them:
Pedophiles are mindless. Many suicides and mass-murderers are mindless. Bestiality is mindless. Homosexuals are mindless. People who are wealthy and yet compulsively steal are mindless.
Do you dress like a penguin Catchabula?
The comment was not directed at you.
Don't worry you are quite mindful as your anagrams show.
I was merely offering a possible explanation for the dream which shows a frustration at penguinism. What else could the penguin be explained as representing? Other than a 'stuffed shirt'?
Manored: (Amor nerd)
I like the way your idea works. Meditation and 'waking dreams' fit your explanation quite well.
The distinction between conscious and subconscious is Freuds most important discovery, and I would suggest it is the greatest discovery of all time, as it explains self-destructive 'mindless' behaviour. Of course I do not mean by 'mindless', that there are literally zombis walking around without brains or souls. But that they are people who are so overwelmed by the subconscious in the form of Id, that they are similar to zombis.
(sorry about bad spelling in poem above)