Fear on sleep bothers me.

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Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 03:26 pm
These are some interesting anagrams of my name. The rest is... hum... the results of letting your subconscient take over the keyboard? Smile
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2009 04:37 pm
That is MEAN, ROD! DEAR MON, do you think you're a DAMN ERO? MAD NERO will burn down your castle. Ok, I'm off to ROME DAN. But don't call me DE ROMAN. That's just me, always on the ROAD, MEN. Seeya. Very Happy
Reply Mon 19 Jan, 2009 09:45 am
I didnt knew my nick was so anagramdynamic...

NOTICE: It is declared that, from a moment slight before this post, the word anagramdynamic exists and means something around the lines of "easy to make anagrams with".
Reply Mon 19 Jan, 2009 03:00 pm
If we speak about its anagrammo-potential, its anagrammo-density, its anagrammo-fertility, its anagrammo-propensity, I would rather call it anagrammo-inductive, anagrammo-genic, anagrammo-provocative. Now there's a little guy in my head blowing a whistle. Off-topic!!!
Reply Mon 19 Jan, 2009 09:36 pm
Well the topic is mostly over anyway. I think my nick also has high potential to end threads anagrammatically
Reply Mon 19 Jan, 2009 10:32 pm
You guys are lucky to have a room where it can get dark and tranquil. With me it's all the rushing of cars and the blinding lights.

Just imagine the darkness is playing music to you. How bout the piccolo?
Reply Mon 19 Jan, 2009 11:29 pm
Holiday20310401 wrote:
You guys are lucky to have a room where it can get dark and tranquil. With me it's all the rushing of cars and the blinding lights.

Just imagine the darkness is playing music to you. How bout the piccolo?
what piccolo? Smile

For some reason I like simple, repeating sounds to the point where most of then actually help me sleep... if there were cars passing on the street at a somewhat constant pace I would probally sleep faster Smile

I imagine I have a squad of ducks being mounted by penguins armed with miniguns is guarding me on my sleep, but the thought too ridiculous to be upkeept winhout the comic side of it keeping me awake, and, due to the nature of my mind, any such idea would keep me happy and entertained, but awake Smile My only hope therefore is to ignore darkness into submission, althought that is also a quite comic idea... maybe if I reach a certain level of ridiculous it will become natural enough to lead me asleep thought Smile
Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2009 04:36 am
Again, again I would like to point out that many were there before, this path has been walked before! The depth, the sheer beauty of the nightmare, it's all in the Gothic Stories of the Old Continent, it is in Meyrinck, it is in Kubin, it is in Trakl.... "Der Traum", say it aloud. Does it not sound like "trauma"? For those who were there it was definitely often ein "Alptraum" (nightmare). They had many followers, even in the utilitarian anglo-saxon world (Lovecraft), but nothing beats the middle-european tradition. Now I was looking for some english translation of Meyrinck's Golem but I only found the german e-text. There's a lot on the net though. By the way, let me mention this "useful" site:

LibraryThing | Catalog your books online

What I wanted to say? What the world needs, what we all need is to rediscover depth, our depths, the depth of our culture, of our mind, depths upon depths. Logic and reasoning is but one potential of the mind, dreaming is another. Sounds sooo obvious, sooo trivial. Ignore it? H..., no! Why ignore ourselves? But why keep this just personal? O Red Man, you're on to something. Please stay on the couch and go on talking....
Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2009 11:15 am
Very well then. Another thing that bothers me, especially on my sleep, is the sensation of that my thoughts are extremelly important due to having the power of modifying reality. Several times have I already done so on purpose, off course not in manners so screaming like making objects float, but in sly manners like having a certain unlikely event happen then I putted mental effort on it happening and etc.
Reply Tue 20 Jan, 2009 04:02 pm
manored wrote:
Very well then. Another thing that bothers me, especially on my sleep, is the sensation of that my thoughts are extremelly important due to having the power of modifying reality. Several times have I already done so on purpose, off course not in manners so screaming like making objects float, but in sly manners like having a certain unlikely event happen then I putted mental effort on it happening and etc.

I sense a question in your reply, and I hope I understand it well. How can a dream become a motive for action? Why and how does it influence our acts and behavior? For starters take MLK's famous speech "I have a dream". Why didn't he say: "I have a vision of the future", or even more accurately : "I want to speak to you about my moral convictions"? While he probable had dreamt something completely different the night before ("I had a dream that you were booing me")? Why exactly did he chose the word "dream", and why do we feel some great power of that sentence? Of course "dreaming" is also an older word for "imagining" ("There is more between heaven and earth, Horatio..." etc.). But everyone who once had a dream feels that there is more involved here. Of course this is only a subjective experience , but many dreams feel awfully significant and are experienced as a revelation, though the actual content is often a rather banale image or idea. This is felt in literally every culture, I give but one example here: the Dreamtime of the Australian aboriginals. That shiver is also felt and expressed by many artists, some even trying to bring that side of dreaming to reality, trying to experience reality with the feeling of "depth" proper to a dream. Now it is popping up again, that wonderful poem of one of my favourite artists (Johan Daisne). So sad that national cultural dimensions are excluded from the pool of references here. But it is so beautiful, it means so much to me. And I can only give a glimpse of a glimpse of its beauty...

I have dreamt of her again.
Again I was filled with grand and deadly love
But I still dream of her,
And when I look in the mirror,
I see an old man, happy and crying.

Manored, I want to open up your question even more. There are sleeping problems, there is the counting of sheep, there is the breeding and the perversion of pinguins, but there is also the Dream and its many aspects. Many animals dream, but none of them can dream like humans. Are we human because we can reason, or are we human because we can dream? What makes our dreams so special for us? Are they only the product of some neuro- or psychological process, subjective and irrelevant? Is the special side of dreams only the temporary bliss of an orgasm? Should we ignore our inner aboriginal and get rid of our dreams as disturbing the clear flow of Thought? Can we even imagine ourselves without dreams? I personally feel that dreaming stands for about 45.56 % of my inner life. What do you dream??
Reply Wed 21 Jan, 2009 09:59 am
[Retracted for waiting restatements]
Reply Thu 22 Jan, 2009 11:30 am
It was restated yesterday Smile
Reply Thu 22 Jan, 2009 12:40 pm
Catchabula wrote:
I sense a question in your reply, and I hope I understand it well. How can a dream become a motive for action? Why and how does it influence our acts and behavior? For starters take MLK's famous speech "I have a dream". Why didn't he say: "I have a vision of the future", or even more accurately : "I want to speak to you about my moral convictions"? While he probable had dreamt something completely different the night before ("I had a dream that you were booing me")? Why exactly did he chose the word "dream", and why do we feel some great power of that sentence? Of course "dreaming" is also an older word for "imagining" ("There is more between heaven and earth, Horatio..." etc.). But everyone who once had a dream feels that there is more involved here. Of course this is only a subjective experience , but many dreams feel awfully significant and are experienced as a revelation, though the actual content is often a rather banale image or idea. This is felt in literally every culture, I give but one example here: the Dreamtime of the Australian aboriginals. That shiver is also felt and expressed by many artists, some even trying to bring that side of dreaming to reality, trying to experience reality with the feeling of "depth" proper to a dream. Now it is popping up again, that wonderful poem of one of my favourite artists (Johan Daisne). So sad that national cultural dimensions are excluded from the pool of references here. But it is so beautiful, it means so much to me. And I can only give a glimpse of a glimpse of its beauty...

I have dreamt of her again.
Again I was filled with grand and deadly love
But I still dream of her,
And when I look in the mirror,
I see an old man, happy and crying.

Manored, I want to open up your question even more. There are sleeping problems, there is the counting of sheep, there is the breeding and the perversion of pinguins, but there is also the Dream and its many aspects. Many animals dream, but none of them can dream like humans. Are we human because we can reason, or are we human because we can dream? What makes our dreams so special for us? Are they only the product of some neuro- or psychological process, subjective and irrelevant? Is the special side of dreams only the temporary bliss of an orgasm? Should we ignore our inner aboriginal and get rid of our dreams as disturbing the clear flow of Thought? Can we even imagine ourselves without dreams? I personally feel that dreaming stands for about 45.56 % of my inner life. What do you dream??
Thats what you get for editing old posts Smile

I didnt actually meant dreams, but really thoughts, but it would be unpolite to waste your wall of text, so... Smile

From the first day I can remember until we moved out of the first house I lived him, that was then I was around 4, I had nightmares ever day with a scary picture of one of my cousins. I know that is extremelly ridiculous and stupid, but anyway that ended up cripling my ability to remember my dreams, in such a manner that I remember like only 20% of my dreams then I wake up and soon after I forgot then completly. For example I remembered the dream I had today then I woke up, but I dont remember anything else now, except that I left then I was about to do something very important.

Thought I do have some experiences out of my dreams: For example, I have had a lot of dreams where I was a flying thing a suddently forgot how to fly for some reason... really anoying Smile

As for what dreams are, I think got an answer to myself: Althought I am a "bad dreamer" sometimes I managed to enter a state of mind where I was not completly asleep nor completly awake, kind of experiencing a greater level of immersion than normal imagination gives in an idea, but not as deep and inconscient as a true dream. This state seemed to come out of an standart imagined idea, so my teory is this: We are dreaming all the time, but then we are awake our conscience has an very strong grip on the situation, so there is little space for randow thought chitchatter. For example sometimes musics start playing in my head winhout I telling then to, activated by certain thoughts. Then we are asleep our conscience is very faint and gives out only a few thoughts, wich are reflexed in all sorts of ways in our dreams.

Analogy: Imagine a box inside wich there is no air nor gravit, aka: what is inside bounces at will. Lets say that one person had the ability to totally control the movement of some balls inside it. Then it was controlling most, with only a few bouncing at randow, it would be awake, while then it was controlling only a little, with most boucing at randow, it would be asleep.

Some faint memories of dreams of mine:

*A image of an endless blue sea from above, with some clouds. I was flying but my form is unknow, perhaps none.

*Faint memories of an immense, impressive, unfathomable industrial structure to wich I remember of being related to in multiple ways, one of then seens to be saboting it. Extra: the day before I made a sand-barrier of the beach with notable towers made of driping water-sand, and I remember similar towers in the structure. Perhaps there is a relation.

*A weird game involving a soldier that was brutally assassinated for the sake of freeing a feral creature, leon I think. The game had multiple ways of completion. I think the soldier was roman, as this dreams seens to be related with one where I was either ambushing or being ambushed by a roman platoon.

*An excursion with members of my real life school class where I had interesting conversations with 2 of my real-life friends. One of the conversations seemed to envolve the catholic church in the medieval times in a negative manner, I think it was about to end and was violently (literally) strugling to survive. this conversation happened with a friend of mine who in real life is higly anti-religion. I think it was a militar excursion of some manner and we passed, and sitted for a while in banks inside, a sewer.

*A geograph class where the teacher made questions with no relation at all with the discipline. There was some relation with the exit of the school. I remember one of the questions was "What is the meaning of life?". At first I didnt knew but then answered "42", and was disgusted then the accepted answer was something like "Spending time with your family and friends".

*Some dream involving a dam on Disney World, dont remember what exactly was my relation to the dam, but there was also some kid involved.

*A dream involving a park and me as a kid where I didnt managed to enjoy the park for some reason, wich was latter took over by some evil magical force of darkness.
Reply Thu 22 Jan, 2009 01:02 pm
It is interesting. I have been told that this is odd but I have only had one dream that I can remember. Most of my days begin where I left off when I went to sleep. My thought processes pick up right where they left off and I have often found myself waking up in mid thought. I suppose this is what prevents me from being afraid before sleep. I am too busy being emersed in thought of other things. I distract myself I suppose.

The one dream I have however is an interesting one. Perhaps someone can give me some insight to the possible meanings as I am not freadian in any merit.

I am a General in an ancient battle which seems to have no regional specifics. I am wearing red armor and carry one long sword in my left hand and a long spike hammer in my right. I dismount my horse and make my way to the field of battle. I can feel the cold sting of winter on my exposed face and the heat and sweat under my armor. As i walk through the field of battle, no one will fight me. I stab at soldier and hit them with my hammer but they all simply move out of my way and reveal a path through the battle field. At the end of the path is a giant man (compared to the other soldiers) wearing black armor stained with blood. His face is covered by his helmet and he carries only a large sword. He approaches me as we collide into combat. I hit him with my sowrd and my hammer but neither seem to hurt him. Then, with one strike, he drops me to my knees. Suddenly, the battle is gone and we are in a green field of tall waving grass in mid spring. Blue skies and white clouds are visible behind him and my armor and weapons are gone. He is still in his armor and still battle scarred and covered in blood. As he swings down his sword towards my face, I close my eyes and then wake up just before the strike.

This is the only dream I can ever remember having. The feeling is very vivid and at the end, it is not defeat I feel but peace of mind, spirit and body. The colors and the feelings and the sensations are all VERY real. So real that I lose myself in them. It is almost a lucid state in that I control my thoughts but not my actions. It happens every once in awhile and when I wake up, it is usually in peace and the rest of the day I am stuck in a sense of euphoria.
Reply Thu 22 Jan, 2009 01:23 pm
Icon wrote:
As he swings down his sword towards my face, I close my eyes and then wake up just before the strike.

This is the only dream I can ever remember having. The feeling is very vivid and at the end, it is not defeat I feel but peace of mind, spirit and body. The colors and the feelings and the sensations are all VERY real. So real that I lose myself in them. It is almost a lucid state in that I control my thoughts but not my actions. It happens every once in awhile and when I wake up, it is usually in peace and the rest of the day I am stuck in a sense of euphoria.

made me think of this song.

"I find it kind of funny, i find it kind of sad, The dreams in which im dying, are the best i ever had"

Gary Jules - "mad world"
Reply Thu 22 Jan, 2009 01:37 pm
Joe wrote:
made me think of this song.

"I find it kind of funny, i find it kind of sad, The dreams in which im dying, are the best i ever had"

Gary Jules - "mad world"

I like that song. First time I heard it was in the movie Donnie Darko. Funny thing is that I have had this dream since I was about 5 or 6. Way before that song was even made I would wager.
Reply Thu 22 Jan, 2009 02:57 pm
All this is wonderful! Hm, how can I say this? You all realise you opened yourself up quite a bit, don't you? You don't have to be a shrink to come to some obvious conclusions about your personal psychologies here. Dreams are significant, but they also have a personal side; I would be more hesitating to disclose my own in this place. No fear, I'm also beyond the stage of the "wet" dream. But perhaps we could go beyond the case-studies somehow? I'll think it over...

"You may think I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one..."

And a web-suggestion for dreamers:

Doctor Dream INDEXD.htm
Reply Fri 23 Jan, 2009 07:02 am
Luckily, I have nothing to hide. I am one of the most open people you'll ever meet as there is no part of myself which I would mind sharing with others.

As far as dream analysis, I am terrible at that sort of thing. I am a data type in that I can analyze data elements all day long so long as I can see a logical progression but I do not see one with any relation to my life in thi dream.
Reply Fri 23 Jan, 2009 04:32 pm
Catchabula wrote:
"You may think I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one..."/quote] "I still think you are a dreamer" Smile

I can dream consciently, so Im not really interested im my dreams. I have been thinking about trying some dream manipulation or self-ilusion thought. I have already managed to create myself some basic ilusions of movement. (beed seemly shaking or travelling through space, etc.)
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2009 03:50 pm
Icon wrote:

The one dream I have however is an interesting one. Perhaps someone can give me some insight to the possible meanings as I am not freadian in any merit.

I am a General in an ancient battle which seems to have no regional specifics. I am wearing red armor and carry one long sword in my left hand and a long spike hammer in my right. I dismount my horse and make my way to the field of battle. I can feel the cold sting of winter on my exposed face and the heat and sweat under my armor. As i walk through the field of battle, no one will fight me. I stab at soldier and hit them with my hammer but they all simply move out of my way and reveal a path through the battle field. At the end of the path is a giant man (compared to the other soldiers) wearing black armor stained with blood. His face is covered by his helmet and he carries only a large sword. He approaches me as we collide into combat. I hit him with my sowrd and my hammer but neither seem to hurt him. Then, with one strike, he drops me to my knees. Suddenly, the battle is gone and we are in a green field of tall waving grass in mid spring. Blue skies and white clouds are visible behind him and my armor and weapons are gone. He is still in his armor and still battle scarred and covered in blood. As he swings down his sword towards my face, I close my eyes and then wake up just before the strike.

This is the only dream I can ever remember having. The feeling is very vivid and at the end, it is not defeat I feel but peace of mind, spirit and body. The colors and the feelings and the sensations are all VERY real. So real that I lose myself in them. It is almost a lucid state in that I control my thoughts but not my actions. It happens every once in awhile and when I wake up, it is usually in peace and the rest of the day I am stuck in a sense of euphoria.

Possibly a past life memory?
Or perhaps a mataphoric dream for some major spiritual revelation from some other near death experience, like a car crash? (cars may equal suits of armour)


Manored :

The Penguin could be a metaphor for the penguin-people. Those stuffed shirts who dress like penguins, and are intent on making the common philosopher angstful with their mindless self-ism.

I am nocturnal, and have always been afraid of the blinding noisy day time, never the dark.


I have found that nightmares are often caused by overheating the body at night. Perhaps use less blankets or sleep with a fan blowing cool air on you, if you have trouble sleeping because of them.

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