VideCorSpoon wrote:Manored,
I've been meaning to look into "the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy" because it is referenced quite a few times here on the forum. I'll probably see the movie though.
Sorry about that, mixed you and manored up. I think since you didn't enter the conversation until post #28 and the statement was formed in such a way that it seemed to continue another conversation, I mixed the two of you up. I know I probably shouldn't start another delineation, but what would be the nature of your view that would cause so much difficulty in it being changed?
The movie, althought good, is nowhere as good as the books thenselves, and the story is quite different after a certain point. The books are also quite short, actually so short you will feel some kind of sadness then you end reading then, even more knowing the author is dead

He has some other less famous books that are as good though.
Its not that I have difficult changing my view, but I have difficult in understanding how do you think it would be possible to convince a peanut that he is a man winhout, first, being able to communicate with the peanut in some way, what we are, as far as I know, not. At least thats I think you seen to think althought thats not quite what I think you meant. Hum, thats sort of it
There is a huge flaw to the concept of "god only god knows" and I believe everone here can see it