Something happened I can't explain

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Reply Mon 20 Oct, 2008 01:37 pm
xris wrote:
I'm intrigued to ask is there a god involved in this experience? you cant say it was just an experience without giving your thoughts on its source..

Good question xris. I thought I, to some degree answered that as I talked about "something else". God, as it is understood, intrepreted and defined by US cannot be done in such a way that it will please all those understandings, interpretations and definitions. It is just not going to happen as long a we, as human's, believe God is "separate" from us. We are "a part" of that God, IMO based on what I have come to understand over the past 30 years of my life after experiencing phenomenon, both mentally and in the physical world that cannot be explained "empirically". That's the hard part and the reason science has a hard time with hearing it as I have in explaining it. The fact is, "I" know it exists.

To answer your question, I can only "assume" from those experiences and phenomenon in comparing those to that which is "commonly" understood as God and drawing striking parallels that give some credence to those understandings, interpretations and definitions, I have reached conclusions that I can only hope will enable those as they analyze their own lives, understand a little more clearly.
I hope that helped a little more. Smile

Reply Mon 20 Oct, 2008 03:05 pm
Why do you assume it was gods effect? ..was it a revelation?...did you believe in god before?..
Reply Mon 20 Oct, 2008 04:19 pm
xris wrote:
Why do you assume it was gods effect? ..was it a revelation?...did you believe in god before?..

It is not important whether the word God is used or not. Pick a word. What ever suits you. I just came to the "revelation" that "something else" was involved "with" us of which manifested itself not only mentally but in the physical world as well. A revelation? Yes, you could call it that. Epiphany works too. Absolutely, unbelievably jaw dropping is in there somewhere too. And yes I believed in God. It makes absolutely no sense to me to dismiss that we don't understand. I choose to put "stuff" on the back burner until some someone offers good reason to "trash" it. As far a God was concerned, no one had ever given me good reason to "trash" anything. I was never "addicted to religion" but I was smart enough to know not to totally disregard all it had to say either.

Reply Mon 20 Oct, 2008 07:44 pm
xris wrote:
I'm intrigued to ask is there a god involved in this experience? you cant say it was just an experience without giving your thoughts on its source..

William put it well, its not something you can communicate with someone else. You just "know". When it happened to me, I was 100% certain. It was such a certainty, I felt like I wouldn't have a problem dying defending it if I had to. That feeling has since worn off slightly, but I remember it vividly. I dont have children, but I would imagine it would be similar to the feeling parents have with their kids.

What I felt was God. I come from a religious background, so I dont feel too uncomfortable saying that. My friend does not come from a religious background and he feels extremely uncomfortable calling it God, because of all the connotations that follow it, so he will refer to it as "It". "It" or "God", I know what he is talking about and I know what I'm talking about.

Its sad that people have abused and misused the word God so much that if someone has an insanely spiritual moment, they are hesitant to even make a connection with that and the word "god".
Reply Tue 21 Oct, 2008 10:40 am
If you believe in god? what else could give you this experience? If you dont believe and have this experience could it also give the impression it might not need a god?? I'm not disbelieving your experiences because i have had experiences that defy logical conclusions but then i dont believe in any benevolent god like you..I'm worried this experience could automatically confirm or support a belief system..The trouble with any personal experience it is only relevant to those who experience them...
Reply Tue 21 Oct, 2008 12:02 pm
xris wrote:
1.If you believe in god? what else could give you this experience? 2. If you dont believe and have this experience could it also give the impression it might not need a god?? I'm not disbelieving your experiences because i have had experiences that defy logical conclusions but then i dont believe in any benevolent god like you..3. I'm worried this experience could automatically confirm or support a belief system..The trouble with any personal experience it is only relevant to those who experience them...

1. It is not a matter if you believe in God or not. That's the problem in that those belief's are so varied. In respect to how you are using the word, you automatically "disassociate" yourself from it. You are not "apart" from it, you are "a part" of it. As I have said there are those who have never walked into a church and are living in this "enlightenment", yet they know no different. You could very well be one of those persons. It has to do with a serenity and a peace void of fear, worry and stress. If that is your life, then whether or not it is "God" or not is absolutely not important. A person of that "nature" wouldn't be asking those questions, you are. There would be no need for they are in tune. Those are the "angels", I call them. And they are rare. They assume, in the purity of their heart, everyone is as they are for they never experience anyhing that would cause them to doubt. Talk about a "charmed life" Wow! I have met two in my life time.

2. If you "don't" believe and this experience happened to you, you could never ask that question for this experience is unlike anything you have experienced. It is alien to anything you have ever experienced. Now I am not a drug user and there very well may be "sensations" that parallel this, but I sincerely doubt it. It is a natural phenomenon that more or less "opens one's eyes" as they come to the realization there is "something else" in play. The problem, such as your very question implies, is that it is separate from us, when it "is" us. Just a more "complete" us. What separates this from just a "mental" phenomenon as one begins to attune, is the realization of it's correlation in the "physical world" as well. That is what will blow you away. It's all an inexplicable, finely tuned co-existence of the likes that is beyond belief. Once the "mind" is in tune, you will notice things you have never noticed before. It's all God. All of it. Even you. You just don't realize it.

3. It is not a belief system. It is just allowing people the opportunity to be "themselves" without being told what to do as we begin to respect and trust each other relying on that inner-dependence so crucial to that harmony. We are all in this together. A belief system is just that. A belief system condones and encourages other "belief systems" and that will not work in any context. It is a oneness in which we all play a part that benefits the whole. No two being alike. That's the beautiful thing about it. What that will entail is what dreams are made of. Well, mine anyway. Ha. I have been told, "what a dreamer you are, William". Yeah, I guess you could say I am. Ha. I guess you could say I do live in a "dream world", but what is so great about this dream is, it's real.
Reply Tue 21 Oct, 2008 12:30 pm
You are not being rational in your replies..I cant disassociate your belief in a god without referring to your experience... I cant believe it has no relevance to enhancing your faith..If you said" I dont believe" i could examine your response as being unbiased but not committing yourself to a conclusion, only makes me feel you require me to conclude for you..I had a drug induced experience once by someone lacing my drink,it was amazing picture of god visiting me, but it was an illusion...Ive had friends visit me at the point of their deaths and they where not illusions but im not coming with baggage to give the impression i require you to carry the message further..Do you understand my problem ? im worried God may creep into the debate...
Reply Tue 21 Oct, 2008 12:53 pm
We are discussing here something that cannot be "rationalized, concluded or defined" in such away that will satisfy all notions held by so many as to what God is, if I am understanding what you are asking. You are looking for a belief system when there isn't one. Elaborate a little more on "my not being rational" and "not commiting to a conclusion" if you would. Sometimes I have a hard time understanding what other are asking and saying. Try another way, please. Smile

Reply Tue 21 Oct, 2008 01:06 pm
If a politician talks to you about the need to take out health insurance do you conclude that his taking away free health care ?? If i told you i saw the virgin Mary walk through my living room? If i tell you that i had a revelation?? everything comes with a preconceived opinion about the person relating the experience...cant you understand the difference your faith tells me about your experience? All you have left out is the important bit...your conviction in life but the observer cant..
Reply Tue 21 Oct, 2008 01:55 pm
xris wrote:
If a politician talks to you about the need to take out health insurance do you conclude that his taking away free health care ?? If i told you i saw the virgin Mary walk through my living room? If i tell you that i had a revelation?? everything comes with a preconceived opinion about the person relating the experience...cant you understand the difference your faith tells me about your experience? All you have left out is the important bit...your conviction in life but the observer cant..

I am not trying to convince you of anything. Either what I say will make sense to you or it won't. It really is that simple. I cannot change any "pre-conceived" opinions you may have as to what I am saying, and in all due respect, don't really care what those opinions are. As far as faith, I am well beyond that. Most who have a hard time relating to what I say, for what ever reason, "don't" want to relate to it. That's okay by me. Totally.

My only desire is to share what I know and let the cards fall where they may. I can only hope I can reach a few who can and want to relate based on their personal understanding and experiences and I have absolutlely no idea of what those entail.

I can say it has something to do with a belief some have in a "higher power" and understanding that such a power exists. That could very well be a prerequisite, but that is still speculation on my part for I cannot be "definitive" about that. There is a lot I do not understand for I have come to realize that God is me, but I am not He. I have a lot to learn and in that learning if I can help another reach clearer understanding, I am more that willing to aid in that understanding if I can, such as I have done here with the young man who inititated this thread.

I hope this helped a little bit.
Reply Tue 21 Oct, 2008 02:38 pm
Spiritual experience without the detail to explain its consequence or its meaning... is that being too harsh a comment on what has been described...From the observer it has no message no reason...Do people with no thought of belief have these experiences??Young girls swoon over their young it to them a spiritually deep experience???..
Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2008 01:27 am
I have had a few "experiences" like this myself...

With that said, I believe it is best to not attempt to rationalize or over-analyze this experience-- doing so will only lead to confusion and subsequent problems. Instead, take it for what it is: an experience and a feeling that was real at the time. Remember it (the feeling), and don't doubt its reality. But don't "think" about it or try to explain or interpret it.
Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2008 03:10 am

I can attempt to explain it to you, as you do seem interested. This "feeling" i had was one of the most intense, powerful, real feelings I have ever experienced. The feeling was good, but it wasnt just a feeling. The feeling came as a result of a sudden discovery of the most important thing that ever randomly entered my brain. It entered and felt like electricity zapped me. It was sudden knowledge and the understanding and realization of that knowledge felt like the most incredible loving feeling I've ever witnessed. At that moment, I knew as a fact, 100% that we are all ONE. The person you hate the most, a starving kid in africa, hitler, your best friend, we are all one. Subsequently, we have to treat each other as such. The other feeling was that death is a transition, it is a beginning. It is pure and it is amazing. I think this ties in directly with the feeling of oneness. The afterlife = god = one = us. Imagine when you look at who you love the most in this world and give them a big hug. Imagine and realize all the feelings you are getting from it at that moment. How real it is. It was that real. It was exactly the same as that. The only difference was this was happening inside of me. Because it wasnt something that popped up in front of me that I could put in a jar, many skeptical people easily dismiss it. In fact, I most likely would have dismissed it by now if my friend in the conversation didnt experience it at the exact same time as me and realize the same stuff. That, to me, made it real.

We have debated extensively what it was we felt. I call it God. The more I read in religious texts the more what I felt matches with things humanity has made up the word "God" for. My friend isnt comfortable with calling it god because he hates most religious people, so he referrs to it as "It" (most definitely a capital I though).

Hope this helped explain it a little bit. To be honest, religious people had told me how they "found god" and got this amazing feeling, but I never really believed them.. I just thought they felt good cause they gave up their bad life and chose to live a good one. So I completely understand your skepticism & curiousity. One bit of advice I have for you is to always keep an open mind and never give up on your quest for truth.
Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2008 03:15 am
xris wrote:
Ive had friends visit me at the point of their deaths and they were not illusions

I am interested in this, if you dont mind elaborating
Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2008 08:29 am
My best friend had cancer and he was expected to die...He had a massive haemorrhage at the point of death it was a realy traumatic death. I woke up screaming at the exact moment calling his name out and sobbing Bobs dead......My mother sent a mental message to her family that we should all come to her bed side because she was about to die.......I have dreams when friends or family at their point of death visit me with message or just to say goodbye.I have found them not unusual after many years but still wonder about the what it actually proves...It could mean an after life is possible but as i dont see any evidence of a benevolent god , i leave that question open..It does interest me when others have other experiences and it leads them to make a conclusion without knowing exactly where this experience emanates from..It appears to be a leap of faith..
Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2008 06:30 pm
Does this sort of thing run in your family? You said your mother sent out a mental message to her family, did others feel this as well and realize they had to see her?
Reply Thu 23 Oct, 2008 03:43 am
Yes my three sisters felt compelled to go to her like I.Yes it is a family trait but it appears to occure in our middle age, less so when we are young although my mother always appeared to have strange experiences that on occassions she wish she had not..
Reply Thu 23 Oct, 2008 04:38 am
what kind of experiences did she wish she had not?
Reply Thu 23 Oct, 2008 05:41 am
A victim from a train crash asking her to contact his wife to say sorry he did not say goodbye that morning he left for work and never returned...she never did contact his wife ,she was worried she might think her cranky...It was for her and me worrying that there appears no compassionate god but we have glimpses of something more than we can comprehend...
Reply Thu 23 Oct, 2008 05:55 am
do you still know who his wife was? if this is true, id imagine it would be pretty important to tell her.

I dont understand when you say it was for you and her worrying there was no compassionate god. you mean since an innocent person died in a car wreck?

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