The Gathering of One - Sow the Seeds of Peace

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Reply Thu 19 Jun, 2008 09:41 pm
I'm participating in this, this weekend. Here is the details. What do you think of this?

YouTube - The Gathering of One ... Sow the Seeds of Peace
Reply Thu 19 Jun, 2008 10:09 pm
I don't believe in this coming true.
Question: What is the actual definition of quantum entanglement? I've read it a lot, in Ender's Game for example, and in the golden compass series by Philip Pullman. But the definitions seem to be varied.
Reply Fri 20 Jun, 2008 11:38 am
Reminded me alot of the Age of Aquarius and the Coming of The Indigo Children. Mystic esoteric cataclysm. Although I do feel it is really possible, if we humans are willing to break our habitual instincts of greed, delusion and hatred and opt for a more balanced path. I do really want to witness and be part of this metamorphosis.

Let's wait and see then!
Mephistopheles phil
Reply Fri 20 Jun, 2008 11:43 am
It would be nice to live in a humane, just, fair, tolerant world, but it probably may never happen, sadly. Humans just aren't that great... we aren't noble or somehow superior just by existing. Surely, we possess cognitive capacity astronomically beyond all other known forms of life in this universe, and surely we have nations and spacestations, but we are a hateful, prideful, sick, immoral, disgusting, filthy, greedy, malicious, spiteful, violent, vicious species who kills for pleasure. Until we overcome all of this, we'll never see a peaceful Earth.
Reply Fri 20 Jun, 2008 11:50 am
@Mephistopheles phil,
It might lighten our pessimistic burden of existence by looking through John Lennon's Imagine though... It is really such an inspiring scenario.

"Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people

Sharing all the world "

Do a comparison of conditions between the two, any sane person will choose the Lennon's one. But then again, impressions and real changes are mutually exclusive entities...
Reply Thu 26 Jun, 2008 12:11 pm
@Mephistopheles phil,
Mephistopheles wrote:
It would be nice to live in a humane, just, fair, tolerant world, but it probably may never happen, sadly. Humans just aren't that great... we aren't noble or somehow superior just by existing. Surely, we possess cognitive capacity astronomically beyond all other known forms of life in this universe, and surely we have nations and spacestations, but we are a hateful, prideful, sick, immoral, disgusting, filthy, greedy, malicious, spiteful, violent, vicious species who kills for pleasure. Until we overcome all of this, we'll never see a peaceful Earth.

Speak for yourself. Humanity is all we have and if we choose to see it as, "not that great" and embrace that mindset then what can we expect?

Peace starts within man in order for it to be seen on earth, not the other way around. That's the whole concept behind this.
Didymos Thomas
Reply Thu 26 Jun, 2008 07:32 pm
What more honorable goal can there be, but peace?

Non-violence, peace, love, compassion - which ever term we prefer to use, we better get started. No time to waste. Practice - having nothing but love and compassion is not easy, believe me, I try and fail miserably. Miserably.

Focus, pay attention. That's how we get better.
Ruthless Logic
Reply Mon 30 Jun, 2008 11:32 pm
@Mephistopheles phil,
Mephistopheles wrote:
It would be nice to live in a humane, just, fair, tolerant world, but it probably may never happen, sadly. Humans just aren't that great... we aren't noble or somehow superior just by existing. Surely, we possess cognitive capacity astronomically beyond all other known forms of life in this universe, and surely we have nations and spacestations, but we are a hateful, prideful, sick, immoral, disgusting, filthy, greedy, malicious, spiteful, violent, vicious species who kills for pleasure. Until we overcome all of this, we'll never see a peaceful Earth.

I continually find it rather perplexing that Human Beings cannot reconcile the processes (living, dying, consuming, being consumed) that clearly are self evident in our Natural World. The dysfunctionality of non-acceptance is almost comical if it was not for the pervasive indulgence of fantastical Utopian ideal-isms that if actually were adoptable, the Human Race would cease to exist. The force that drives living is surviving. The apathy from the non-tension of Utopian equilibrium would be the death knoll for all species on this planet. Instead of rejecting what you see, and exposing yourself to the consequential lack of inner-peace, spend your limited time on Earth understanding the wondrous marvel of time-tested interplay that life itself depends on for its very existence.
Ruthless Logic
Reply Mon 30 Jun, 2008 11:53 pm
Justin wrote:
Speak for yourself. Humanity is all we have and if we choose to see it as, "not that great" and embrace that mindset then what can we expect?

Peace starts within man in order for it to be seen on earth, not the other way around. That's the whole concept behind this.

Justin, the static equilibrium of peace is completely untraceable within the model of our Natural World. Again, be careful of the inherent insanity of Utopian approachments, when in fact the empirical evidence reflects something completely different. The Natural World provides the tempering tools if you are only willing to be rational about your personal conjurements.
Reply Tue 1 Jul, 2008 02:18 am
@Ruthless Logic,
Say Justin, that seems really nice. Although I am not sure how exactly things fold together I learned a lot from a book by Melchizedek. I think this is what the above gathering is all about too.

Check out this website. It may be exactly what you need to see. Perhaps you already know of the sacret geometry though. Anyway, to be more precise here is the background information. Smile
Reply Tue 1 Jul, 2008 08:26 pm
A seed cannot grow if it is over shadowed by the plant's around it, with the plants around it stealing away it's water and the thing's that it need's to grow, hence a seed of peace cannot grow prosperly in such condition's.

There are meany thing's that take away from such peace of mind, and of flesh, it is beyond hard to raise such seed's in an enviroment that is not of peace, but of hate.

(So, the condition's and enviroment around the start/seed would take from the cause and not help the cause, therefore would stunt the growth of the peace)

In the end, only time can tell what fate such action's will bring onto the world.:rolleyes:

Personaly It's best to find a place that has a foundation that peace can be grown prosperly, then transplanted correctly and safly to other foundation's/city/countrie's/world's/people/ect

But to carry out such thing's is best to do such without the people that would stop or hinder the growth of such peace knowing that you are starting such, or they could use there word's to steal away the thing's that your seed need's to grow where you planted it.

(But a defence to all attack's verbaly and physicaly would allway's help the growth of peace, and allso help stop the spreading of slander that attack's peacfull way's of going about day to day life, and business and the way how the world use's the world for presavation of it's self and way's mentaly and physicaly.)'s best to start localy everywhere, then join all the localy planted seed's with a common shared perception of how life should be lived, and how it should be seen.(therefore there would be no conflict due to the fact they would all understand it the same way, due to there shared same perception of life)

But:eek:GL!'s not easy:rolleyes:(due to the people that make it hard for other people to due such..)-->(mainly because it would hurt there intrest's and the perception of how they "want" to live and see life.

There are not that many player's that are openly or activly preventing the growth of peace, most of them are just doing what they are told(aka there just doing there job's)

So it's best to find the people that have intention's of prevetion of such, therefore you could physicaly put them on trail with actuation's of intent of hindering the prosperity of humanity:D and it's over all growth of peace and freedom, and interfering with the prosuite of happeness, hence what the U.S.A was founded on, it's best to use that foundation as a platform to fight peacfully, for the insured right of true prosite of hppeness and hence forth true peace, and safety from those that would take away your peace or happeness.

So a new admendment should be created stating
All people of the nation have full right to the prosuite of happeness and peace, as long as there prosuite of happeness or peace dose not take from another's happeness or peace.( Im still working on the real deal, that will be flawless and not able to be taken advantage of in any way shape or form)-->( And it allso define's in a clause what happeness is and peace is, and what is deemed as not, therefore making it even more flawless:rolleyes:)

But then a second one must be made that protect's the first one, and makes a new branch of goverment to inforce it to the corparation's it's self and the public of the nation Very Happy.

So that would be the last step in insuring the intrest's of the public and nature it's self...

But the world is far from that...time is the path, it's all about what we plant on that path as we go, one side grow's hatefull thing's, and the other side will grow peacfull thing's.

For now I'll chill in the middle netraualy wacthing how each side do what they do, and why they do what they do. (but it's not hard to see what side I will side with:rolleyes:)

U.S.A is at a choice of what path to walk down, each resulting in an path that end's in peace or hate, I would like not to sit endlessly fighting over which way U.S.A should go...

Good thing peace happen's localy first ^.^, yet so dose the other..Sad

Thank you all for your time in reading this.
Reply Wed 2 Jul, 2008 08:32 am
Well, I went to this and enjoyed the company at this event. The event was held at the Palace of Swannanoa atop Afton mountain in Virginia. When I went to this, I had very little understanding of what the meeting was or what the gathering was about as I was there more for seeing the place where Walter and Lao Russell resided and skimming through some of the archives.

The organization that joined in this peace thing was the One Heart Center founded by Richard Dulaney who is a board member for the University of Science and Philosophy. It was founded upon the Russell philosophy of peace as sort of a branch of peace. At the heart of it all was peace and it was truly enjoyable meeting everyone and spending some time away from the computer actually out there with people which doesn't happen often... at least for me.

Planting the seeds of peace within communities is a great thing and I can only hope and desire that peace will continue to grow in this beaten and tattered world we live in. We've practiced the Dog eat Dog theory long enough and have we are now reaping the rewards of such... and they aren't good.

Peace on the other hand and the seed of peace must be planted and grown within ones own spiritual being. I think it's important to practice peace and live in peace within oneself and those actions will ultimately effect others. It's difficult to know peace without knowing the peace within us. Likewise it would be difficult to plant seeds of peace and love in other people and places without first planting that seed within oneself.

Our world is slowly caving in without peace. Man has spent many a years trying to change other people to fit their own agendas and ideals spending little time on the most important of all, that seed of peace inherent within.

As I age and take this journey through life, I tend to look at peace and love in a new light. A light that is within every man's soul or super consciousness and a light that is dim in others and shines more brightly in some. So, I think that if a man focuses on that light within himself, (Call it God if you will) and recognize that light and allow that light within to shine in peace, love and harmony then others will ultimately see and recognize that light. So in effect, it's planting and growing that light within that shines outward and is seen by others so to recognize that peace and love within themselves and let their own light shine brightly.

So after all this rambling on and on, the seed of peace planted within self will ultimately effect others but it all starts at home. No matter what we believe or what empirical evidence supports it, peace, love and happiness has an effect that is very positive and very powerful and has an effect upon the entire world.

There's a realization today or a movement because of what man has created that I feel man is looking deeper to understand... We really need to be less concerned with planting seeds in others and more concerned with nurturing that seed within ourselves and finding that inherent light within our fellow man, even if we don't agree with them. Actions speak much louder than words. ... Ok, I've rambled enough. PEACE!

Peace and happiness do not come to you from your horizon. They spread from you out to infinity beyond your horizon. Lao Russell
Ruthless Logic
Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2008 05:10 pm
Peace starts within man in order for it to be seen on earth, not the other way around.

It is simply impossible to create, consider, or conjure something that does not simply exist. Nothing starts with Man, Man is only exposed to the constraints of the Natural World. The concept of peace is simply an ancillary manifestation from our inherent need for self-preservation (survival) and is completely consistent and achievable given the options that are available for short-run survival decisions. But to suggest that the apathetic equilibrium of peace is appropriate in the long-run given the consume or be consumed model of our Natural World is idealistic and dangerous and needs to be tempered with the rational attribute of empirical observation and understanding.

P.S. Dangerous is a moot point given the unachievable idealistic premise.
Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2008 07:30 pm
@Ruthless Logic,
Ruthless Logic wrote:
It is simply impossible to create, consider, or conjure something that does not simply exist.
You could say the same for democracy, for society, for love, or for any other human social construct. But you'd be just as wrong.

Peace is not a thing -- it's a living condition that we ourselves define. If we can define it, and we can live according to that definition, then it does exist.

And if we are natural beings, then the peace we create is natural too.
Ruthless Logic
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 12:19 am
Peace is not a thing -- it's a living condition that we ourselves define. If we can define it, and we can live according to that definition, then it does exist.

Peace is an inherent static function conjured from the minds of careless idealists, while offering ABSOLUTELY ZERO Evidence that it exists in our dynamic Natural World in any long-run permanent integration of human interaction. Peace (lack of a better word) is an entirely short-run self-interest motivation designed to appease your enemy in an effort to maintain your own self-preservation. While humans can define many ideals, the constraints of our Natural World will brutally admonish any overindulgence of fantastical and careless concepts depicting idealistic destinations of conjured human behavior.

Example; approximately 10,000 years ago the modern Human Being began forging an existence on planet Earth. On one occasion, a Human Being felt threaten or simply wanted what his fellow Human Being possessed (food or shelter), so he pick up a substantial piece of driftwood, and split the skull of his rival, thereby killing the Human Being. Fast forward to today, a man is walking down any street in any major metropolitan city, and is stabbed to death by an assailant with a four-inch knife for his wallet containing eighty dollars. I submit to you, there is absolutely ZERO fundamental change in Human behavior and pursuits, as well as the constraints that reign over the consume or be consumed Natural World.

P.S. It is simply impossible to create, conjure or consider something that does not simply exist. Man cannot alter ONE SINGLE constraint of the Natural World.
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 07:53 am
I like the idea of unity but I am not sure about the method that this "sect" I dont know what to call them! Sound to me just like another religion Very Happy You cannot blame humans for what they do! Human, All too human! And at the base of been human lay something very important and UNSTABLE! IT IS CALLED EMOTION!!!!! I like the idea they want to follow BUT, but it is not for people like me! I like peace but I am not fully convinced of the method chosen to it! I we all have different path to the same destination!
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 08:15 am
@Ruthless Logic,
Ruthless Logic wrote:
P.S. It is simply impossible to create, conjure or consider something that does not simply exist. Man cannot alter ONE SINGLE constraint of the Natural World.

It exists and the fruits of it can be seen by those who put it into practice. If one cannot see the benefits of peace, love and balance in both humanity and nature, that is their choice. The fact of the matter though is that it's as real as one believes it to be, just like anything else. It all takes practice. Everything is a practice.

Everyone has a unique perception. Your perception is your truth. If you perceive there has been no change and peace is non existent, then that becomes your reality. What's interesting though is one man can have peace and see it all around him and another man does not, all a reality based on his or her perception of it.

Man can choose within himself what's real and what's not. Man can make peace or man can kill. Man's control of man is limited only by that of which man think and believe, embrace and then put into practice. Whatever plants man chooses to plant within the garden of his mind, soul and spirit is that plant that will eventually grow.

I'm a man that has chosen to plant the seeds of peace and weed out the hate that once consumed me... and it takes practice.

Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 10:55 am
@Ruthless Logic,
Ruthless Logic wrote:
Peace is an inherent static function conjured from the minds of careless idealists
The accusations of "carelessness", "idealists", "conjured", and "static" are in themselves irrationally derived labels, and you're using the word "inherent" mainly as a rhetorical emphasis -- not because there is anything inherent about what follows.

While humans can define many ideals, the constraints of our Natural World will brutally admonish any overindulgence of fantastical and careless concepts depicting idealistic destinations of conjured human behavior.
I think you err by conflating peace as we are discussing it with some unachievable utopian ideal. Indeed there can be a utopian idea of peace. But peace can be both relative and practical. And peace represents, in a sense, a vector movement of humanity. One human can murder another in a time of peace -- that instance is simply an exception to the overall state.

Peace is like health. It's a condition of contentment, equilibrium, and perhaps prosperity; but it need not be perfect.

It is simply impossible to create, conjure or consider something that does not simply exist. Man cannot alter ONE SINGLE constraint of the Natural World.
Thankfully peace is neither constrained nor prevented by nature. Mankind conjured up artificial coloring, artificial sugar substitutes, artificial polymers, and artificial alloys within the constraints of the natural world. Is it so shocking that we should be able to conjure up an artificial social environment?
Ruthless Logic
Reply Fri 11 Jul, 2008 11:14 pm
Peace is like health. It's a condition of contentment, equilibrium, and perhaps prosperity; but it need not be perfect.

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
-Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein had more cognitive processing power for evaluating the axioms of his Natural World in his Ring Finger then most people have period! He would never indulge in the carelessness of conjured ideals.
Reply Sat 12 Jul, 2008 09:27 am
@Ruthless Logic,
Ruthless Logic wrote:
Albert Einstein had more cognitive processing power for evaluating the axioms of his Natural World in his Ring Finger then most people have period! He would never indulge in the carelessness of conjured ideals.
That's exactly what his theory of relativity was until he mathematically proved it.

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