Quote:I have read many intelligent comments in this site and forum and wondered what degree the people who have made such comments do so I am taking the chance to know what degree do you guys do
I'm certainly not one of these people, since I wasn't here in May, but I'll respond anyway
I was really hoping more people had responded.
I'm a student right now. I started university just to get a piece of paper to make it easier to get my foot in the door of the freelance writing venues. As such, I never cared why my degree wound up being in and have just sort of meandered through classes until finding things that "fit" for various reasons. I'm now running out of federal financial aid, so I'm slated to graduate next spring with a philosophy degree with a pre-law emphasis and a political science minor. Quite accidentally, I might add. I just happened to follow a particular phil professor through the classes he taught, and they happened to all be required for either the ethics or pre-law emphases, and then I just happened take a lot of Constitutional Law courses and a periodic other poli sci course until I discovered before this semester that I had just happened to take all but one of the courses required for a poli sci minor.
I sure did get lucky in my meanderings...
Anyway, I at this time have no plans to put any of this to logical use (which is rather ironic, all things considered). I currently do quality assurance work for a couple of substance abuse rehab facilities, and I manage a coffeehouse (we roast our own coffee...let me know if you'd like to buy some
Sorry. Shameless plug. We may not manage to stay in business and we've just begun, so I'm a little desperate). Soooo...I plan to write and keep plugging away at whatever odd-ended jobs come up.