Vasska, sorry no. I do not wish them to roam free. A child must learn but it does not take seven years to cover the basics of reading writing and arithmatic. Now if that is the task of primary school I am sure that they can provide enough time to enjoy both worlds. In this day and age where children in a general sense are considered overweight, lazy and marginally physical, the world wants young children to sit and obey lessons in a walled room. Move from one room to another for the entirety of their education. Ever heard the saying healthy body healthy mind.
In Australia we have more spare room than any where else just about and I know that in your world it is limited, so a child will leave the bedroom of a morning, enter the class room and return to the lounge room for the remainder of the day.
I am not trying to promote great sports like soccer, the olympic events and the like rather, what the child considers play. Every parent wants their child to succeed, be it in sport or academically and how often is youth wasted on regimented rules and regulations in a world of competition that leads nowhere. Be the Ronaldo or woods in sport and from the age of five the child is conscripted to this ideal. Be a doctor, a lawyer, a great buisness mind and from pre-school parents are squabling for position in the best so as to give all the advantages at the feet of their child. This is education from parents in the world today and then their is school which is drumming the same beat to children from the age of five until they leave.
The death of Socates is testament to this all being what he detested and Albert was proof that a great mind isn't solely the creation of the education system, he was liberated to follow his dream. What ever else there is, is simply forcing dreams into laps, like musical chairs the game is stacked. It is not education, it is brainwashing.