equation wrote:there is no such things as moral realities, they actually are spiritual realities. LOVE, FAITH, KINDNESS, HOPE, these are spiritual realities. man specifically RELIGION modified their quantities into something moral. i agree with you that there are moral realities, which actually is the spiritual realities that has lodged into our mind these long. when we mean MORAL, we mean something or someone Judging us.
Show me a spirit. Seriously, it is morals that are most often opposed to physic, as in the French: Morale, as opposite the physical condition of troops. That has the essential meaning of esprit de corp; but to substitute spiritual for moral brings a lot of irrationality into the mix that morals alone does not connote. A moral benefit has much evidence in physical well being, but a spiritual improvement is difficult to demonstrate since many become more holy as their suffering debilitates them, and drags them to death's door. In fact we can only surmise the existence of a moral right from a social benefit, but the chain between cause and effect is as fine as a puppet's string, so every effect is impossible to measure with the finest of scales. All we have to explore moral reality is the scope of insight. Sans that is sans everything.
Morals does imply a certain moral judgement, but this judgement takes place at all times. Morals are what a person is, and they are the foundation rock of every person in society, so we measure ourselves and others by the same rod, and at an early age children learn what behaviors, and what characters are covered with honor and meaning, and which are dispicable. So morals cannot properly be separated from culture, or custom, or character. They cannot ever be correctly percieved out of constext.