Moon Phase Readings

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Reply Sat 9 Dec, 2006 07:03 am
Hello - I am not an astrologer, but a cosmology freak and lifetime student of occultism in its various forms. If anyone is interested in a Moon Phase "reading", I will be happy to check it out and post the excerpt from Martin Goldsmith's book Moon Phases - A Symbolic Key. This is based on Yeats's A Vision (the thread in which I am studying this system). This system is extremely complex and enlightening to me. It might be fun or interesting to do something like this here to get to know eachother a little better in a casual kind of way...

Just a bit o' fun with my friends....

If you are interested, just post your birthday (mo, day, year), time and place in this thread. I will post mine provided there is any interest in such a thing.

Electra phil
Reply Sun 10 Dec, 2006 05:26 am
@Electra phil,
I told someone off group I would post my moon phase here for another purpose.

This is a great system that for me has been very accurate and enlightening to explore...

Phase 28: The Prophet

Third Aquarius Phase: Of the nature of Pluto and Saturn

Image: A bearded man dressed in animal skins approaches a farming community situated at the confluence of two river valleys. Looking into the Sun, he makes out haystacks and buildings. Coming closer, he sees a man reaping with a scythe, while others winnow, plow and sow.

From his vantage point at the end of the cyclem the Phase 28 individual is afforded an awe-inspiring vista of his entire past, and even a few flashes from the future. What was once a confusing collage of unrelated experiences, images and impressions has taken on a distinct shape. He is like a passenger on a train that has just turned a sharp corner. The broad outlines of his destiny are now clear--where he has come from and where he is going.

The Phase 28 individual is no longer able to separate himself from the life around him. He is witness to an old order dying and a new order being born. These changes will effect every one equally: personal goals are being eclispsed by the nees of the situation.

Life is a single organism, an intricate web of karmic connections that is constantly evolving toward greater consciousness and greater freedom. When people acknowledge life's interdependence and work together to solve their mutual problems, then their communities grow and propser. But when human institutions are alllowed to calcify, decay and death are just down the road. There is no tragedy in this. Death is absolutely necessary to the life process. It is the drive gear of change, sweeping away the old to make room for the new. What is most fit survives and multiplies, and over long periods of time the face of the planet changes and evolves, molting its outer forms like a snake shedding its skin.

The Phase 28 individual sees the changing physical surface of life as realities outermost skin-- a mere end-product of countless internal processes. Placing little value on external appearances, he looks through them withe the glazed stare of a passenger at the window of a train. His focus reaches deeper--to the invisible laws of manifestation and change that form the underpinnings of reality.

In the symbol we see farmers reaping and sowing. Through an understanding of natural processes, and especially natural cycles, the farmer manipulates nature to his own benefit. Similarly, the Phase 28 individual studies the cycles of history, economics, astrology or evolution in order to determine if, when and how he should act. At times there is little to be done, for the karmic net behind his situation is rigid and inflexible. In such situations, he may simply take his place among the other players and passively duplicate some internal script, as it rolls out into the future. At other times, the situation is more fluid, due to a momentary balance of power. He then tries to predict where the major lines of force are going to cross, and rushes out to meet the crisis, armed with whatever social powers he can muster: money, political clout, or power and persuasion. If drastic personal measures are required, he will use them. However, such individual actions are rarely adequate to the situation. He therefore tries to mobilize the community, advising them of the crisis in such clear terms that their choice would seem inevitable. It is this clarity of vision, this ability to sum up the situation in some forgettable image, that make the Phase 28 individual such a seminal force in the activation of new social and cultural impulses.

On personal level, the Phase 28 individual is just as much a catalyst. He is like the mysterious stranger thrown inexplicably across one's path at some significant juncture of life. Looking only to the bare bones of the situation, he refuses to acknowledge other people's rationalizations. By allowing their reality to act through him, he awakens others to the limitations of their consciousness, in a kind of psychic T'ai Chi.

He alike might atract people of the same ilk---personifications of his own subconscious complexes, in search of release. By recognizing his karmic connections to these people, and relating to them with clarity and detachment, he is able to rid himself of reality-distorting personality fragments. The images of the soul or "passionate body" are thus unwound like bandages of a mummy, and the soul is reborn into a life of pure spirit.

At Phase 28, the personal ego is disintegrating. Desires, selfish motives, petty ambitions, and subconscious complexes are being sloughed off, as the individual moves into his predestined spot within the historical drama.

At the end of this waning hemicycle, consciousness is becoming impersonal, disembodied, and universal. There is a colorlessness to thought that makes it easy for others to adopt and personalize. Intellectual consciousness is thus passing into the genius of the race. After physical death it will haunt the race---as an angelic consciousness, if the individual was highly evolved. Meanwhile, the soul having shed the physical, astral and intellectual bodies, is free to pass into the Heavenly Vision of Phase 1, to find union with the Light, or to swirl quickly around it, and come once more into the cycle of incarnation.

Will = 28 (The Prophet) Keywords include death of the old to make way for the new (destructiveness); visionary attunement to the future; critical junctures in development; inalterable natural and social-political laws; realistic apprasial.

Mask = 14 (The Vision Quest) Keywords include: courageous pursuit of spiritual ideals (or senseless battles); merging with the higher self; embodying the ideal; drive towards completion; chivalric love; sexual adventures.

Creative Mind = 2 (The Trickster) Keywords include: Impulse and desire; desire to effect the world; mischievous humor (devilishly amoral); reality as defined by words and concepts; new perspectives; inventiveness.

Body of Fate = 16 (The Procession) Keywords include: Spiritual awakening; religious and cultural movements; invisible spiritual forces that shape the historical drama; exploring the symbolic mind; poetry and mythology.

Here is a repost of what those last four faculties mean:

  • Will 'or normal ego' (AV B 83) is described, in A Vision A, as 'feeling that has not become desire because there is no object to desire; a bias . . . an energy . . . the first matter of a certain personality-choice' (AV A 14-15) and, in the words of A Vision B, it 'has neither emotion, morality nor intellectual interest, but knows how things are done, how windows open and shut, how roads are crossed, everything that we call utility. It seeks its own continuance' (AV B 83), and is an instinct for life and survival.
  • Mask is 'the image of what we wish to become, or of that to which we give our reverence' (AV A 15), or the 'object of desire or idea of the good' (AV B 83), and it only has meaning if there is the desire of the Will.
  • Creative Mind is consciously constructive intellect with memory from before birth of ideal or Platonic forms; it potentially 'contains all the universals' (AV B 86) and implicitly seeks to understand through generalisation but needs materials with which to work and create its order, so that if it were isolated from the other Faculties it would be indiscriminate in its impressions since lacking direction.
  • Body of Fate is the internal representation of 'the physical and mental environment, the changing human body, the stream of Phenomena as this affects a particular individual, all that is forced upon us from without, Time as it affects sensation' (AV A 15); it has greater independent meaning since it is the personal, constituent fragment of the general reality, and 'the visible world is the sum of the Bodies of Fate of all living things' (AV A 158).

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