@Electra phil,
Hi, Electra. That's a very inspiring poem.
I just want to say that it is easy to believe how the ancient 'calendar' societies, with their dependency upon the stars and the planets would develop an advanced Geomancy. I've never put much stock in astrology related concepts but I do think there's something to it. I once had my palm read by a mysterious old lady and it was strange, the lady really seemed to know me.
There is one thing I tend to do and I have always kept this a secret. I have marked out some dates and times where the sun is moving across the sky so that I know, for example, on certain days in June where precisely the shadows will fall (or the penumbra) in my bedroom. I have done this sort of thing before and I don't know exactly why I am erotically attracted to it. I think that I might be Pythagoras restored (or Anaximander).
I guess I don't believe in 'One Great Universal Soul'. I believe rather in a plurality and hierarchy of 'super souls' many of which may live just behind reality like - as in the movie "The Truman Show" or sort of like Moby Dick or the Dream Tigers of Borges, where the objects which populate reality are in truth card-board cut outs, and artificial props behind which dwells a metaphysical complex of outrageous purity.
I would like to go hiking and find worth-while lattitudes and choice longitudes, so that I might return to them at similiar times on other days. There is nothing so promising as a new day. I believe the day is alive, for I have felt the signs of a persona of quiet days when little stirred.
Hylozoism teaches that things such as afternoons can indeed posess life. And I guess this life comes down from the astral position and the movement of the planet relative to the other astral objects and from the sky down to the forests relative to the various movements upon the ground. I have at times glimpsed my abstract reflection in nature - in a soaring Hawk, or a dead Sparrow where I have found my true emotions mysteriously expressed for me.
I have also glimpsed my abstract mood in television commercials and heard it on country radio stations. Of course, it could just be me, but Whitehead says that human ideas in the aggregate moment can take the form of a living organism which may connect with different things on different levels, and I have found society and the forests alike to posess an interior consciousness. It's most subtle and most uncanny, but I have learned that abstract 'ideas', like tropical fish, are
living things.
And I have come to believe that the days, these cosmological positions, these physical objects, were somehow once people or are in substance the reincarnation of many crowds of people who inform the soul of time.
Anyway, tell me what you like about Geomancy. For instance, is it important to walk the same paths on your way to a sacred space, do you leave your soul behind your tranquil walks? Do you have any secrets that you could tell?
Musick has Charms to sooth a savage Breast,
To soften Rocks, or bend a knotted Oak.
I've read, that things inanimate have mov'd,
And, as with living Souls, have been inform'd,
By Magick Numbers and persuasive Sound.
What then am I? Am I more senseless grown
Than Trees, or Flint?
--William Congreve
--Yours truly,