Is 'mind reading' possible?

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Reply Wed 22 Nov, 2006 06:50 am
I wonder if anyone has ever had the experience where you can read what other people are actually thinking? Or that other people have had the occasion to read what you are thinking before you ever say anything?

Is mind reading possible at all?

Reply Wed 22 Nov, 2006 06:48 pm
Yes. I think it is possible.

I have on more than one occasion shared my thoughts with and, and had them read by my wife.

I believe the science which will some day make this a feat achievable by all is a science based on vibration, and resonance.
Reply Mon 27 Nov, 2006 08:33 pm
Knowing one's mentality helps too. As do the gentle arts of suggestion and the like, but few people know how to properly utilize these.
Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2006 03:40 am

In my opinion there is nothing in this universe of opposed pairs of creating things, that cannot be known, including the thoughts of others, for in all honesty the thoughts of one are the thoughts of all. It is my faith that thoughts are formed of the very same substance as stones. Until humanity comprehends the art of nature, and the nature of art, much will remain unknown. To quote Walter Russell:

"Great art is simple. My universe is great art, for it is simple.

"Great art is balanced. My universe is consummate art, for it is balanced simplicity.

"My universe is one in which many things have majestic measure; and again another many have measure too fine for sensing.

"Yet I have not one law for majestic things, and another law for things which are beyond the sensing.

"I have but one law for all My opposed pairs of creating things; and that law needs but one word to spell it out, so hear Me when I say the one word of My law is


"And if man needs two words to aid him in his knowing of the workings of that law, those two words are


"If Man still needs more words to aid in his knowing of My one law, give him another one, and let those three words be


-From The Divine Iliad

This quote contains the one law which governs the comings, and goings of all opposed pairs of creating things (the substance of thought, and material) a comprehension of which will give one a fulcrum, which when used can make the once impossible task possible, and the unknowable (thoughts of others) like a book before the eyes of your mind.

These are my thoughts, these are my opinions. Take and do with them what you desire. We were taught that the substance of thought must be extracted from it's source, and imprisoned on paper (penned.) I find this funny. This is not the way. The way is artfully simple....
Reply Tue 28 Nov, 2006 09:07 pm
In my humble opinion, it's really all about how one can think. Mine is an analytical mind. Minds of such do excellently on imprisoning their thoughts, as it is most typical for their thought processes to flow in one direction. How is this 'not the way'? It very well can be.
As another thing; I fail to see how all art must be perfect. I consider verbosity an art, and it is only an art because of its intricacy (and complexity). And must all life be balanced? If you will use the oxymoron 'organized chaos (not balanced)', I believe it works wonderfully too. Let me explicate this. My brain is full with chaos, and I wouldn't have it any other way, because it, in all essence, works. It saves me from tedium, and it fuels me greatly. I let this 'chaotic energy (and mindset)' out into my writings and habits, and I find that, as I said, it works brilliantly. Also, I find that extremes avail me in daily life several times over.
Any comments, good sir?
Electra phil
Reply Wed 29 Nov, 2006 06:14 am
Pythagorean wrote:
I wonder if anyone has ever had the experience where you can read what other people are actually thinking? Or that other people have had the occasion to read what you are thinking before you ever say anything?

Is mind reading possible at all?


I have online connections all the time. I feel an ability to "read energy signatures" of people and other things too.

Isn't everything the product of a good imagination? In my experience, no one truly has 'private thoughts' or owns anything. This is all our exercise in self deception. Isn't the brain more of a transmitter/receiver type of device than an autonomous thought factory?

Isn't 'mind' creating everything and so all you need to do is tune in?

Once, in Taos, New Mexico an Indian read my mind and got rather frustrated I could not participate in a conversation without "mouth words". It spooked me beyond belief, because I was thinking at that moment he looked a lot like a woman. He answered outloud, "no not really a woman...". A lot of things were seen among these people, who I consider to be "more evolved". They had an ability to shift another's consciousness so you could see auras and energetic exchanges quite easily.

I have not found the key to exercising this ability with any control, but I know it exists.

Is not "psychic phenomenon" merely our ability to see more of the Truth, i.e., We are One?
Reply Wed 29 Nov, 2006 09:34 am
Brilliantly put!
Reply Wed 29 Nov, 2006 01:52 pm
Ragnell wrote:

In my humble opinion, it's really all about how one can think. Mine is an analytical mind. Minds of such do excellently on imprisoning their thoughts, as it is most typical for their thought processes to flow in one direction.

I agree that it is during the great restrictions or 'imprisonings' of thought such as those that come from the analysis or meditation upon the physical sciences or logic that mind reading reaches its greatest communicable potential.

These moments of highly restrictive or condensed thinking seem to crystallize and amplify our ideas due to the strict repetitions of the specific ideas and the precise internal connections of which the ideas are constructed...until the ideas become so apparent. (But you knew I was gonna say that!)


Reply Wed 29 Nov, 2006 06:58 pm
Ragnell wrote:
In my humble opinion, it's really all about how one can think. Mine is an analytical mind. Minds of such do excellently on imprisoning their thoughts, as it is most typical for their thought processes to flow in one direction. How is this 'not the way'? It very well can be.
As another thing; I fail to see how all art must be perfect. I consider verbosity an art, and it is only an art because of its intricacy (and complexity). And must all life be balanced? If you will use the oxymoron 'organized chaos (not balanced)', I believe it works wonderfully too. Let me explicate this. My brain is full with chaos, and I wouldn't have it any other way, because it, in all essence, works. It saves me from tedium, and it fuels me greatly. I let this 'chaotic energy (and mindset)' out into my writings and habits, and I find that, as I said, it works brilliantly. Also, I find that extremes avail me in daily life several times over.
Any comments, good sir?
Sounds like what is referred to as a fragmented mind. I understand you Ragnell because I to have somewhat of a fragmented mind. However, I'm learning that this is not as productive as tuning into the one mind that's created all minds.

I've read all these and my response is that yes, one can read another's mind if they are tuned into the one light of all thinking. While we're all very different and autonomous, we are also very alike and connected. Electra mentioned the Indian that read her mind... They believe in the one Great Spirit. This one spirit they believe is the center of the universe. Whether we call the One, God, Spirit, or whatever people choose, the bottom line is there is one and we're all energy.

Now, I like the picture posted above by Pythagorean because it's actually a great description of the Universe. The three points of the triangle could go to represent God (on top), man on the bottom right corner and again man on the bottom left corner. The triangle is all connected as we are all connected. Imagine this triangle as a chain. If there is a break in the chain between man and God and man and man, then one cannot tune into the One light of Universal mind and creativity. With most of us, there is a broken link. Somewhere, something is keeping us from knowing ourselves and 'God' (if you will - I use this word because of it's common understanding).

So, reading mind I would think is more to tuning into the one mind of God... Am I making any sense? I also feel that this is done via Rythmic Balanced Interchange through vibration and energy... We're energy, our spirit is energy, God is energy.

Those are my thoughts on it. ... And no, I have not completely linked that chain together. It seems that if the link between man and God isn't broken then man would recognize the universal oneness with fellow man. So, in my opinion, reading mind would not really be reading mind, it would be like Electra mentioned, "tunning in" and fixing the breaks in those links.

Quickly, my family spent Christmas at my parents and when all the gifts were passed, my mother thought that she would play a guessing game with the last 3 stocking stuffers. She announced that she was going to pick a number between 1 and 20 and each of us were allowed to guess and the closest to the number would win. She started with me and I said the exact number she chose. So, I won... I could see the look on her face. She did it again, and again, I said the exact number and then she looked kind of startled --- I was first both times. The third time she did this, the number that she had chosen was also the one that I had in my mind once again, however I refrained from saying it. When it came to me, I chose another number because first of all it isn't fair that I've already won two stocking stuffers, and I also didn't want to startle anyone in the family. Instances like this one have happened a lot during my life on different occasions, this was just one. I truly don't have an explanation as to why or how and certainly wasn't trying to, it just came out.

Just something I wanted to share.
Electra phil
Reply Thu 30 Nov, 2006 06:15 am
In reflection of the idea of 'restrictive thinking', I can say that on the road of seeking (or executing) 'Truth' (wisdom, enlightenment) there is nothing more restricting and pressure-filled than this whole exercise.

The Eye of the Needle...The Narrow Gate.

In my experience, discipline is more important than knowledge.

It occurs to me often the idea of Diamond Body in Buddhism and how much pressure it takes to create a real diamond in the earth - how much time must pass --

Diamond Sutra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My Elders teach that as we achieve Siddhis, we are to immediately relinquish them, because in this place we can become easily distracted on the road to liberation.

Siddhi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When I have an experience in which I am "filled with power" I try to say to Great Spirit "I give this back to you". In one of these moments it felt as if a heavy blanket was then put around my shoulders.

These are quite false exercises in humility, I think. But it is good practice to understanding Gandhi's words about reducing yourself to zero.

On the otherhand, I am currently mentoring young men and women that consider themselves to be "Indigos" "Starchildren", etc. These young people are very advanced. At ages such as 12 - 17 or so, I am seeing a small "evolutionary jump" in the human species. Sri Aurobindo and The Mother (of Auroville) tell us to realize that our whole concept of "human being" will be surpassed through spiritual/physical evolution. Man is not the last rung on the ladder.

I am going through a process that is taught to be "Transmutation". This I am experiencing as a Truth. Part of this passage is acquiring or reawakening dormant abilities (very complex topic).

If, as a species, we were to reawaken to psychic abilities as a common mode of communication ---- say, as we might "imagine" an extraterrestrial to communicate with us --- we can see clearly spoken language and written word is very primitive afterall.

When I have connected in the psychic realm with others, the exchanges are in another language altogether. The language of light, shape, sound and vibration.

Reading the Green Language of Light - Vincent Bridges
The Language of the Birds

There are mystical alphabets that are different from say, modern day English. I recommend looking at Kushner's book about the Hebrew Alef-bait for an example. - The Book of Letters: A Mystical Alef-Bait By: Lawrence Kushner

In my experience on the Initiatic path, I have directly received transmissions from others--on one occasion, enough information to fill a house with encyclopedias. Of course, I could not retain ALL of the information, but the experience of it was overwhelming and actually brought me to my knees.

The above is merely my observation and direct experiences in the realm of "communications".
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 04:30 am
"I am going through a process that is taught to be "Transmutation". This I am experiencing as a Truth. Part of this passage is acquiring or reawakening dormant abilities (very complex topic)."

Please comment further on this. The Russell's speak lightly of this as do the authors of "The Kybalion".
Electra phil
Reply Fri 1 Dec, 2006 05:02 am
RemberingIAM wrote:
"I am going through a process that is taught to be "Transmutation". This I am experiencing as a Truth. Part of this passage is acquiring or reawakening dormant abilities (very complex topic)."

Please comment further on this. The Russell's speak lightly of this as do the authors of "The Kybalion".

Remembering IAM-

Yes I have read Kybalion..............Smile

Transmutation is not "transformation". Transmutation occurs at a cellular level, (DNA) - but is only triggered by "transformation" (in thinking, emotions -- a true HEALING process). In the process of transmutation, dormant abilities such as Siddhis are awakend, for the entire system of a person changes on every level.

In this area, I am very very faraway from mainstream thinking. My experience happened spontaneously. I was not looking for it. I was forced to research for hundreds and hundreds of hours to understand what was happening to me. When I found the pieces here and there, I was very very surprised. It was a strange time of having a sudden awe of my earthshattering realization, that set me on a certain course. Since then, I have found many many people with the same knowledge and insights.

From my personal experience, I believe earth to be a womb planet and we are to prepare for planetary migration here. I believe extraterrestrials to be ourselves in the future -- as all and everything is connected. I also believe this perceived universe to be just one of infinite perceptions of realities.

This of course is connected to our other thread about geomancy, as sacred sites are special portals to activate this process (and more).

Please understand while I have talked with many fringe scientists and New Agers, I have searched with as much SCIENTIFIC inquiry as possible. After all this research and affirmations within my own illuminations, I can only say this is what I have found to be true.

My passage has been very linked to the "starseed" literature--cosmic knowledge. Ancient mythologies that speak of ancestory from the Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus, etc.

This has changed my view on a lot of things. For instance in terms of "psychic communication" and time travel. What is true healing. How societal ills can be fixed.

I am not finished understanding all of this, of course. I think the Russell's work will be of benefit to me in a BIG way.
Reply Sat 2 Dec, 2006 06:32 pm
Interesting that some people would actually say "yes" or "no" to the original question.
I would like to think that it is possible, but in honesty; I do not know.
If I believed it was not possible, and someone asked me if it was possible or not, I would have to say I do not know.
Nobody has offered me significant proof either way, so I can't say that my belief is the right one, therefore my only answer is "I do not know" and that is how it will stand.

Interesting views on this subject so far though.
Good thread.
Reply Sun 4 Feb, 2007 01:49 pm
My opinion is that RememberingIAM and Justin have the right answer and Electra seems to be undergoing transmutation as she says.

The Kibalion, Electra one of the three Initiates is Paul Foster Case the founder of B.O.T.A. or Builders of the Adytum of which I am a member.
Transmutation or the Great Work as called by the Alchemists. This is the next stage of the transformation of man. Jesus and Buddah achieved this transformation, Cosmic Consciousness. This means connecting with Abben, Ab=Father Ben=Son. The Stone ebben, the philospphers stone! Becoming the Son of God, born of a Virgin, healing our body.

Yes mind reading is doable. Not only read but putting something into anothers mind. Also becoming one with another is possible. The clue is in how married couples are able to "know" what the other is thinking or feeling. Merely by answering the phone one can tell how the other feels or is thinking. One can also "receive" a call. Becoming one with another is a double edge sword for then you "see" how another really feels about you or (?). You may not like it as I discovered.

How is this possible? Well as the above said, "we are one."
The Qabalah (Kabbalah) teaches us how God the Limitless Light, Kether, divided into two (as Russell explained). God the Father, Chokmah, and God the Mother Binah. To make it simple Binah is the stuff (overall Subconscience) from which God the Father creates the universe. Ama (Virgin) becomes Aima (notice a Yod is inserted into name) the pregnant Mother. We are all made of her substance and think we are separate but we really are all One. So even at the extreme reaches of the Universe they know how you feel! Everything has a piece of our Mother (substance) and Father (life).

Can I prove it to you? You can only prove it to yourself by advancing on the Path to Illumination. Many of my friends and I have had this experience. It is fully functional when you succeed in the Great Work. The invisible is not able to be measured only experienced.

The Hermit
Mr Fight the Power
Reply Tue 13 Feb, 2007 09:00 pm
I could imagine a future where mind predicting is possible, where the understanding of mental processes is so deep that documenting or producing some sensory perception would grant one the ability to predict the reaction.

But the idea that one can bridge the gap between two conscious entities doesn't strike me as having much merit.

EDIT: That is to say that simultaneous "sharing of thoughts" would be impossible due to the disconnect between two atomic individuals and the resulting delay of observation.

I would like to know what leads everyone to this "one mind". I tend to think that there is an interrelated totality of all, but to say that this totality has a mind seems to overreach.
Reply Thu 26 Jun, 2008 11:21 pm
@Mr Fight the Power,

I believe there is some miscommunication here. I will say that within my "self," I know for a fact that "bridging the gap between two conscious entities" is possible because I live it on a regular basis. But I'm not saying that this "bridge" is something akin to a telephone conversation. No, it is far more subtle than that.

I would use an analogy to describe what I mean by "mind reading" or telepathy:

Nature is mystical. If one were to go to the open seashore at dawn or if one were to quietly observe the deep woods over a long period of time one will not see a series of particular blunt points. What one sees is a progression or a series of progressive activities such as the way sun light operates in the deep woods or the way the waves on the ocean can get so glassy-looking etc.

It is this mystic quality that allows one to receive an impression upon those rare occassions, of what - usually intense - operations of another persons "self" is going through. These are rare and vague, mystically operating impressions and representations that we receive. They are not "simply located" messages.

There are many times that we get an idea of what is going on within other people's "self" without a hard empirical data-substance to identify. And it is this amorphous transmission of "information" that I am referring to.

Thank you. Smile

-- Pyth
Reply Mon 30 Jun, 2008 06:23 pm
@Electra phil,
Something to point out here. Is it really morally acceptable to read minds. It would destroy humanity if everybody could read minds. But who would likely be the one's to first discover how to go about it? Scientists? By whose lead? When we get to that technological point, perhaps evolutionary point (however doubtful it is), I doubt that more than 1% of humanity would be able to access thoughts.
Reply Mon 30 Jun, 2008 08:29 pm
Would anyone care to point out a scientific study in which mind-reading has been demonstrated? If not, does anyone have ideas of a mechanism by which it would be possible? Aside from the extremely weak voltage/amperage of neurologic impulses, and aside from the dependency on chemical mediators (neurotransmitters) to pass information between cells, doesn't it matter that the brain is topographically organized and any sensing being outside your brain has no access to the topographic coordination of your nerve impulses?
Didymos Thomas
Reply Mon 30 Jun, 2008 08:59 pm
I don't buy into psychic powers. However, I do believe that the power of observation, when well cultivated, can certainly aid people in understanding other's thoughts and feelings.

So, I do not think there is any way for you to know if I'm thinking of the number 1 or 2, and that your chances of guessing which are 50-50. But a degree of wisdom and insight into humanity can definitely help you determine how I feel with, I suppose we could say, greater accuracy than most.
Reply Mon 30 Jun, 2008 09:05 pm
@Didymos Thomas,
What if we all had chips in our brains that could take our neuro impulses and compile our thoughts into a recording of emotion and words that could be sent by bluetooth to be registered to somebody else's brain as a message, the receiving brain would register the signals (whatever they may happen to be) and simulate the compilation to mimck the thoughts of the person with the chip in place.
That would of course suggest that everybody would need chips of some sort in our brains or where ever they may need to be exactly to allow this theory to work.

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  3. » Is 'mind reading' possible?
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