"Can't we all just get along?" - Rodney King
This is an
amazing discussion!???!
"I have always contended that the only drawback to nursing is the fact that you have to work with women, and women are the worst to work with." - dnomura (02-25-05)
"Even the men do it..." - rottmommie (02-25-05)
... "My first job my manager told me that working with women consisted of the 3B's ----------BITCHING, BICKERING, BACKBITING." -nursePARKHOUSE (02-26-05)
neznu - multiple posts that I think are tongue-in-cheek? (I can only hope so!) regarding "Nursing Mafia"
"We are all intelligent women..." Wildflower (07-12-05)
... "The men were twice as bad as the
professional women because most of the men were insecure and
incompetent." - JJ (05-03-05)
and on and on and so forth, ad nauseum! Prejudice? Sexual Bias? In the real world these comments will get you and your company sued for liable or sexual harassment,
not to mention that these attitudes might be reason that "they are out to get you!"

Also note the tone of those offended, they are the hard-working cooperative, caring professionals who are "willing to work together" and "practice with integrity"; who go to
their manager and co-workers to tell the "absolute truth" regarding the "backstabbers."
Had the "backstabber faced them directly they would have been aggressive, confrontational, manipultive and "cliquish."

Yet when that person goes to the manager discuss them, they are incompetent, scary, cruel, hurtful, insecure, controlling, unkind catty, disrespectful, lying gossips who are just trying to climb the ladder over your body.

We all make mistakes, but if it was enough to get you fired you might want to take a long hard look in the mirror and see if
you might in reality have at least an inkling of responsibilty yourself.