Thu 30 Jun, 2005 01:56 pm
Victor Program
We really need some help with compiling information on the victor programs.
Can anyone get us started with a stub article?
So, I started an article on this program. It is extremely rough and thrown together.
It would be nice to include a typical daily schedule, testimonies, examples of discipline, locations, numbers, duration, ages, names of supervisors ("Wardens"), etc.
Hosea Berg's Role
Something MUST be said about Hosea Berg's role in the foundation of the Victor programs. The Bergs (as a family) are a bunch of overbearing martinets. All the militaristic discipline that Berg promoted in his own family and The Family is such hypocrisy, given the fact that he washed out of the army in WWII as unfit for service.
I added a stub on "Victor Camps" and moved the locations there. I also did a once-over on the "Victor Program" text.
We need information on specific victor camps.
Can you elaborate on Hosea's role?
I'll write up a brief article about the experiences I had at the Victor Camp held in Switzerland.
First gen victor camps and retraining
are you interested in any stories from first gen members? My present hubby was sent to a victor camp for retraining in Japan and there were also SGs there and the stories he is telling me is appalling. I asked him to write it up, so that's what he's doing now, if you are interested. He doesn't remember the leadership names, but I told him to describe in detail and maybe someone will recognize them from the description.
Also, I was sent for retraining, not to a specific camp, but to another home and split up from my family. People were being sent away from their families for retraining, but not to a specific victor home that I recall. That was in Thailand.
Sure. Feel free to send us whatever you can. It will, most likely, be further edited but certainly not misquoted.
Victor Programs, Macao, etc.
As far as I know, Stephen Kent has done the most extensive scholarly work on the Victor Programs, particularly a detailed history of Macao from Merry Berg. His work is based on interviews with other survivors from other programs, as well. The article that documents first-person accounts can be found at:
Re: First gen victor camps and retraining
Acheick wrote:are you interested in any stories from first gen members? My present hubby was sent to a victor camp for retraining in Japan and there were also SGs there and the stories he is telling me is appalling. I asked him to write it up, so that's what he's doing now, if you are interested.
We received his email a while ago (shortly after you asked, above). Testimony of personal experiences may be better suited for the forum here, as in many cases there may not be much more we can do with it than post it to the forum ourselves. We may be able to use portions or details from it in related articles, when appropriate.
I too am seeking information concerning Macau.
i.e: Location, hosea's time there and what TF were up to whilst there.