hello, i know this was posted more than a year ago, but i thought i should put in a word. well, more than one word. i just finished reading an article in seventeen magazine about Ricky Rodriguez. after reading it, i felt horrible, so i began searching online for more info and i wanted to see the video. although i am only 14 years old, things like this hit me hard. i have never been in TF, but i have been sexually harrassed by many ppl, including my pre-kinder teacher who still goes to my church and sits right in front of me during church survice. i know how it feels to be abused, fortunately, im still virgin, i havent been too badly abused, but i know somewhat how ppl feel. i may be young, but i do like to help. no matter ur age, if anyone needs someone to talk to, or just vent. just email me.
[email protected]... plz. id love to help. luv you all