Mon 3 Sep, 2007 03:38 pm
The facts of "SHARING" odd concept.
I was in the FI from the age 2 till I was 15 thanks to my mother.Anyway I have always thought of "SHARING" as a weird name for SEX.It makes little sense when all you are really sharing is STD's and SPIT.Then it dawned on me the simple fact that it was called SHARING probably for lack of use of the word since nobody had anything of their own to share.It makes sense to me don't you think?
Here is a good one for shits and giggles.It was so important for all FI members to take or be given a BIBLE NAME and It did not matter what or whoes from Adam to Moses to Endureth,Happiness.Why did"nt anyone take JESUS?The Mexicans do it all the time and the are not even considered extreamly religious.Where does it state in the Bible that his name was not to be used?