The Family on Hurricane Katrina

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Reply Sat 10 Sep, 2005 05:21 pm
The Family on Hurricane Katrina
In a GN that came out just today, Jesus essentially claims that Katrina was part of America's coming "just judgment", and that it was fulfillment of Berg's "Death to the Cities" dream.

Going even further, Zerby claims the part of the reason for the hurricane was that, well, let me put it in her own words...
Karen Zerby, in GN 1147 wrote:
The persecution connection
54. (Mama:) The Lord also brought out the point that one reason for His hand of judgment on the U.S. was because of their vilification and persecution of the Family in the recent news articles, magazine articles, and TV shows. Although there have been articles in other countries, most of the lies and slander have been spread in and from the U.S., and the Lord was not pleased.

I've not yet read the entire GN so I'm not able to give a full synopsis.

Here's the full document:
- World Currents!--No.103: Hurricane Katrina (GN 1147, September 2005)
Reply Sat 10 Sep, 2005 05:55 pm
Interestingly enough there are those that believe that it is God's judgement on America over forcing Jews to withdraw from Gaza!!
Reply Sat 10 Sep, 2005 06:05 pm
How can they claim that?? It's the exact same Jesus as when I was there, the judging and condeming Jesus. How can they say Jesus is punishing innocent children and destroying a whole city of people simply because the Family got some 'persecution' which was their own goddamned fault?? It's the same God of the Old Testament, the one who allowed and ordered the Israelites to destroy entire cities of people, down to the children and animals. It sounds like the very god they were fighting against whom people threw their newborn children to as sacrifice, what difference is it?

And then they go in and offer their help and comfort and love to the victims?? And are they also telling them that God chose to punish them and their families because the media decided to run negative, yet accurate, media reports against TFI?

They are liars and full of hypocrisy and so is their leaders. And their followers are dumb sheep for drinking it all in and Ado should be ashamed of himself! Does he really believe that he is honest and pure in his volunteer efforts, while at his Home he is agreeing with prophecies that this was all God's judgements against America??

I simply cannot believe it, though in my heart I can believe it, the Family hasn't changed in any way from what it was when Berg was around, they are the same self-absorbed, self-righteous group that I grew up in.
Monger 1
Reply Sat 10 Sep, 2005 11:02 pm
Zerby lists a few more reasons for the hurricane:
Karen Zerby wrote:
68. (Mama:) So as you can see, dear Family, there are several main reasons for this storm and the destruction it has wrought:
1) America is beginning to suffer severe physical consequences for her spiritual sins. As the Lord said, "Just as the levees weren't strong enough to protect New Orleans from imminent disaster, neither were New Orleans' spiritual walls. They were weak--as shifting sand--slowly sinking along with the rest of America under the weight of her cumulative sin."
2) She's receiving the Lord's judgments for the pain and suffering and war she has inflicted upon others.
3) It's another sign of the End for America, that "all things do not continue as they have been."
4) It's the Lord's merciful warning, a call for people to examine their lives and their values and their way of life and turn again to Him.
5) It's the Lord's hand of judgment on a country that has despised His Words and misused His prophets.

Porceleindoll, being in Japan, do you remember the Family's response to the Aum Shinrikyo attack on the Tokyo subway system? If I recall correctly, Zerby claimed that it was orchestrated by Satan for the specific purpose of making people more suspicious of The Family.
Reply Sun 11 Sep, 2005 08:26 am
hurricane katrina
It's amusing, even hilarious how they always HAVE to add themselves into the picture of everything that happens in the world and current events, especially the ones of magnitude. Could it be because they're so sheltered and away from the real world that maybe it's their way of feeling connected to this planet?

But I'd say please be fair to the Family members who will or who are helping those people from New Orleans. Shouldn't we applaud any selfless or even selfish effort there if it helps those devastated refugees? Having grown up in TF, I know most people do have good hearts, and if they're involved in a project like this, they're not going to be telling them it’s because of media persecution. You know what I mean? They really will do their best to comfort.

If they can bring a bit of cheer and hope to ANYONE who's lost their family, homes, etc, more power to them. I don't think it’s our place to criticize someone investing time and love into a very worthy cause, unless we’re doing something even better – even then, not at a time like this. So what if they’re doing it for attention. When they’re with that broken person, hopefully they’ll make a difference.

So as long as they do something good for the victims, I'd say we shouldn’t pick on the ones who are helping.
Indian Joe 1
Reply Sun 11 Sep, 2005 08:59 am
Re: hurricane katrina
cookie wrote:
So as long as they do something good for the victims, I'd say we shouldn’t pick on the ones who are helping.

Given the overwhelming evidence on this site alone that this group engages in lying and coverups regarding virtually everything they have ever been involved in, why would I assume that they just now started telling the truth?

Every ex-member I've asked admits to lying to people in order to solicit donations. Saying things like the money was for a school, or to help abused kids, etc.

FCF's website goes on and on about how they raise money to help the unfortunately, yet they still haven't explained the more than $10,000 that they gave to Gordon Melton, an Academic who just happens to publish positive opinions about the Family.

What has changed recently, that should make them trustworthy?

With groups like The Red Cross, The Salvation Army and Habitiat for Humanity out there, would you pick The Family for your relief dollar?
Reply Sun 11 Sep, 2005 09:05 am
Indian Joe, I agree with you on the points about solicitation and lying and the 10,000 dollars for G.M.

I was referring to anyone who is working hands on with the people.

I hope they don't exploit this tragedy for bringing in the mullah or as a photo op. I just wish all the best to the hands on workers who will try to bring hope and encouragement to victims.
Indian Joe 1
Reply Sun 11 Sep, 2005 09:19 am
Cookie wrote:
Indian Joe, I agree with you on the points about solicitation and lying and the 10,000 dollars for G.M.

I was referring to anyone who is working hands on with the people.

I hope they don't exploit this tragedy for bringing in the mullah or as a photo op. I just wish all the best to the hands on workers who will try to bring hope and encouragement to victims.

If there are individual members present and helping, then, I would certainly wish them the best. So far the only evidence we have is Family publications that claim that this is the case. We also have a website from FCF that says this is so.

I keep thinking about an ex-member who told me that she thought she had been sent to a third world country to help, but the truth in the matter was that she was sent there to beg from the poor.

The clear message we are getting from The Family today is that Katrina is our punishment for accurately reporting the facts of the Ricky Rodriguez murder/suicide.

I do understand your point about individual members who may be in the hurricane zone to help. But, at the end of the day, they are working for, and under the influence of an organization that believes that the victims are getting what they had coming to them for living in a country that has a press that accurately reports facts.
Cookie 2
Reply Sun 11 Sep, 2005 09:30 am
I hear ya.
Reply Sun 11 Sep, 2005 10:19 am
Of course they think this!
I am not surprised. Why would they think anything else? That's what there prophet has been telling them for so many, many years. It's as if they are full of glee, their prophecies have finally, finally come true and they can lay claim to something right. Even if they are batting one out of 100, at least they got something right, as if....

I figured this is what they would say and was waiting when one of you guys would get your grubby little hands on the proof - good for you!

I wonder if any of you guys remember just where Berg talked about how TF would be sought after in the last days with people coming to them for help and they'd be so desired because of their absolute superiority and truth - everyone would be depending on them for help. I'd love to find those quotes and compare it to how they are barely even wanted in the shelters for the victims, they had to try and get in. No one went looking for them and scores of people aren't on their doorsteps.
Thorwald 1
Reply Sun 11 Sep, 2005 10:33 am
Cookie wrote:
I hope they don't exploit this tragedy for bringing in the mullah or as a photo op. I just wish all the best to the hands on workers who will try to bring hope and encouragement to victims.

Don't forget that at least 10% of all the money they get, supposedly only for relief aid, goes directly to Zerby & Co. If I were you, I would send my donations to Red Cross instead.
Cookie 2
Reply Sun 11 Sep, 2005 10:52 am
And while on this vein, let us not forget the additional mandatory percents that go to other unrelated Family purposes, such as a further 3% to be donated to the regional offices for locally administered projects and a community lending program and 1% percent given for regional literature publishing. Additionally, they also ask for supplementary gifts to WS so that God forbid they're not "cheating God".
Monger 1
Reply Sun 11 Sep, 2005 03:22 pm
New threads started so far about this Family publication:

- The Family on Hurricane Katrina
- Katrina caused by persecution of The Family
Cookie 2
Reply Sun 11 Sep, 2005 04:01 pm
Before signing off this Sunday, I want to state that by publishing "54. (Mama:) … one reason for His hand of judgment on the U.S. was because of their vilification and persecution of the Family in the recent news articles, magazine articles, and TV shows. --Karen Zerby, GN 1147", The Family is vilifying itself. Sounds like some terrorist organization admitting their responsibility for some suicide bombing. I find this very disturbing. I love to death my family and friends in The Family, but I feel sorry for their ignorance and they way they compartmentalize. They’re told to just wrap questionable things in a “bundle of faithâ€
Reply Sun 11 Sep, 2005 05:33 pm
Cookie - I really liked what you said - Faith is admirable, but you have to have faith in the right thing. That is so true. I believe t hat is why we have common sense, that is a gift and is always there if people chose to use it. I'm always amazed at the amount of young people that shook off what their parents told them from birth was the only right and true way to follow God. I admire you all.
Monger 1
Reply Sun 11 Sep, 2005 07:22 pm
Re: Of course they think this!
One important thing I forgot to address...
Acheick wrote:
I figured this is what they would say and was waiting when one of you guys would get your grubby little hands on the proof

My hands are soo not grubby, Acheick. Just this morning I even scrubbed under my nails after my monthly shower. You must be mistaking these hands for someone else's (or at least that's the only explanation I can think of).
Reply Sun 11 Sep, 2005 07:48 pm
Ah Monger, I think you have wonderfully grubby hands! They sure manage to dig up some dirty things!
Reply Sun 11 Sep, 2005 10:36 pm
wonderful, grubby hands
Yes, they are wonderfully grubby - but I hope you got the dirt out from under your fingernails, Monger - after handling all that F. shit!!!!!!! Yeeech.......

I sent that pub around to a few people, you should have heard the reactions - ahahahaha Laughing
Jack 2
Reply Mon 12 Sep, 2005 01:09 pm
I would send my donations to Red Cross instead.

The Red Cross is not evil but I would like to encourage people to consider alternatives. I worked in Red Cross' accounting department for a while and I feel that donated money could/would be better spent on another organization. While (at least at the time of my employment) The Red Cross claims 99% of donated money is spent on relief aid, I know over 40% goes to a bunch of salaries for people who are just working up another corporate ladder in what we used to call "The Vampire Corporation." (get it.. because of the blood drives and stuff..)

On that note, I regret that I don't have any alternatives to point you to. I personally don't believe in donating to mass tragedies because everyone else in the world will which causes the many other important non-profit organizations a lot of grief.

I may send a few bucks out to Katrina relief but it's not taking away from the money I'd be giving to the Bicycle Messenger Emergency Fund, Planned Parenthood and the local Gay/Transgender Community efforts. Because, even though things are horrible down in New Orleans, there are still cyclists being killed in the NW and NE. Teenage mothers(and fathers) still need to be educated about their options. The gay and transgender people just get my money because they were the only ones who took me in when I was just a lonely, screwed up little kid.. and because it pisses evanman off Smile
Indian Joe 1
Reply Mon 12 Sep, 2005 01:42 pm
My Mother worked for many years for a charitable fund raising organization that tried very hard to manage the donors money with integrity. They were bought out by United Way, and she went to work for them. She had the same opinion that you arrived at after working for the Red Cross. Too much waste. Too many fancy oak desks, too much thick plush carpet, too many country clubs for the excutives, etc, etc. Not long after she left, there was a big scandal here in L.A. where they found out that officers were getting huge "loans" from donor money that just happened to never get paid back.

I remember being a kid in grade school and United Way would have a fund raising drive, and they would shake down all the little kids for their milk money. The class that raised the most money would get a pizza party or some other prize. Talk about peer pressure. I wouldn't give anything. F-ck 'em.

Which is not to say that everyone else shouldn't give to large organized charities. Just my own personal experience here.

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  3. » The Family on Hurricane Katrina
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