Tue 22 Aug, 2006 04:01 am
Channel 4 (UK) documentary "Cult Killer" shown las
Quote:Cutting Edge: Cult Killer
Cult Killer is a powerful and dramatic Cutting Edge film, which goes to the heart of one of world's most shocking religious sects.
Watched it. I believe that it was due to be shown last year.
Hope that TF gets shook up enough to denounce the Berg/Zerby regime!
Here are a few more press clippings about the documentary. I can't wait to see it and I hope it gets some distribution in the US.
TV IRELAND: Death of Family man - PICK OF THE DAY CUTTING EDGE: CULT KILLER C4, 9pm.(Features).
The Mirror (London, England) (August 21, 2006): p1.
Byline: by Maeve Quigley
THE notorious religious and sexual cult The Children Of God, otherwise known as The Family, ruined the lives of thousands of youngsters born to its members around the globe.
Accusations of incest and institutionalised paedophilia filtered out from time to time - all denied by The Family. But in January last year, the world was finally made to sit up and take notice... when the leader's son killed his former nanny before taking his own life.
From childhood, Rick Rodriguez had been groomed to become The Family's next leader by his mother and the cult's founder David Berg, who adopted him as a son. It was a role he didn't want and, after escaping The Family, Rodriguez felt compelled to became a leader for those ex-members who had suffered abuse as he had done.
Before he died aged 29, Rodriguez made a video in which he calmly - but with overwhelming bitterness - explains what had driven him to this point. "Anger doesn't begin to describe how I feel about these people and what they've done."
As his wife and other former cult members describe their own perverted upbringings, this lengthy suicide note is one of the most disturbing elements of a well-researched and explicit expose.
Source Citation: "TV IRELAND: Death of Family man - PICK OF THE DAY CUTTING EDGE: CULT KILLER C4, 9pm.(Features)." The Mirror (London, England) (August 21, 2006): 1. InfoTrac Newspapers. Thomson Gale. Austin Public Library. 22 Aug. 2006
YourLIFE: WE LOVE TELLY! - Death of Family man PICK O F THE DAY CUTTING EDGE: CULT KILLER C4, 9pm.(Features).
The Mirror (London, England) (August 21, 2006): p37.
Byline: by Jane Simon
THE notorious religious and sexual cult The Children Of God, otherwise known as The Family, ruined the lives of thousands of youngsters born to its members around the globe.
Accusations of incest and institutionalised paedophilia filtered out from time to time - all denied by The Family. But in January last year, the world was finally made to sit up and take notice... when the leader's son killed his former nanny before taking his own life.
From childhood, Rick Rodriguez had been groomed to become The Family's next leader by his mother and the cult's founder David Berg, who adopted him as a son. It was a role he didn't want and, after escaping The Family, Rodriguez felt compelled to became a leader for those ex-members who had suffered abuse as he had done.
Before he died aged 29, Rodriguez made a video in which he calmly - but with overwhelming bitterness - explains what had driven him to this point. "Anger doesn't begin to describe how I feel about these people and what they've done."
As his wife and other former cult members describe their own perverted upbringings, this lengthy suicide note is one of the most disturbing elements of a well-researched and explicit expose.
Source Citation: "YourLIFE: WE LOVE TELLY! - Death of Family man PICK O F THE DAY CUTTING EDGE: CULT KILLER C4, 9pm.(Features)." The Mirror (London, England) (August 21, 2006): 37. InfoTrac Newspapers. Thomson Gale. Austin Public Library. 22 Aug. 2006
Cutting Edge: Cult Killer
Channel 4, 9.00 pm
You could easily be forgiven for bemoaning TV’s pursuit of the freakish and finding its incessant voyeurism a little uncomfortable. But every now and then a documentary comes along that’s actually more than an opportunity to prod the unusual with cameras. On January 7, 2005 Rick Rodriguez killed his former nanny, and then shot himself. He left behind a rambling and extremely eerie video suicide “noteâ€
I had no knowledge of TF before I watched this, but all I can say is Im shocked to what I saw and have now read about TF. Its a fucked up world we live in.
C4 Documnetary
Yes it was a very powerful doccumnetary but it was very ond sided in that it did not give the Church's view's at all.
That is not balanced and not fair.
Re: C4 Documnetary
max wrote:Yes it was a very powerful doccumnetary but it was very ond sided in that it did not give the Church's view's at all.
That is not balanced and not fair.
The "chuch" - as you wish to call them - were asked to give their input, but they declined to participate. Did you notice that at the end of the documentary? They were given the opportunity but refused to be interviewed. That only makes it seem that they truly DO have something to hide, wouldn't you think? I know so.
Re: C4 Documnetary
Acheick wrote:max wrote:Yes it was a very powerful doccumnetary but it was very ond sided in that it did not give the Church's view's at all.
That is not balanced and not fair.
The "chuch" - as you wish to call them - were asked to give their input, but they declined to participate. Did you notice that at the end of the documentary? They were given the opportunity but refused to be interviewed. That only makes it seem that they truly DO have something to hide, wouldn't you think? I know so.
I do not think the Church has anything to hide.
It really would not have been realistic for any mebers of the Church to participate in the program and C4 would endorse this.
Jesus and his followers were called a cult.
They have done a great deal of good and continue to do so on a Global basis.
Re: C4 Documnetary
max wrote:Acheick wrote:max wrote:Yes it was a very powerful doccumnetary but it was very ond sided in that it did not give the Church's view's at all.
That is not balanced and not fair.
The "chuch" - as you wish to call them - were asked to give their input, but they declined to participate. Did you notice that at the end of the documentary? They were given the opportunity but refused to be interviewed. That only makes it seem that they truly DO have something to hide, wouldn't you think? I know so.
I do not think the Church has anything to hide.
It really would not have been realistic for any mebers of the Church to participate in the program and C4 would endorse this.
Jesus and his followers were called a cult.
They have done a great deal of good and continue to do so on a Global basis.

"Jesus" would have admitted his mistakes and sins and would have paid "due recompence" unlike you're "church." - sorry dude, you're all wet on this one.
Re: C4 Documnetary
max wrote:
They have done a great deal of good and continue to do so on a Global basis.

How long have you known "them"? Are you speaking from direct experience? What exactly do you feel is the good "they" have done? Have you ever met any of the second - generation ex-members of TF and asked them about their experience?
Re: C4 Documnetary
max wrote:Yes it was a very powerful doccumnetary but it was very ond sided in that it did not give the Church's view's at all.
That is not balanced and not fair.
I agree. I would have liked to see The Family's response to the show. But I know for a fact that The Family spokespeople were contacted on a couple of occasions and asked to give their side and they declined every time.
You said that the Family has helped people. Again, I would have to agree. I spent the first 24 years of my life in The Family, and I believe I did help make a difference in some small way.
But let me ask you this: How many good deeds would The Family have to do before it justifies
what they to Rick and
to so many others? How many pieces of gospel literature would they have to hand out before it blots out the fact that they photographed and published Rick's sexual abuse?
The truth is always unpalatable. it's like certain medicines, it tastes vile!
As you know from the Bible, the message of the truth was likened to a book that tasted sweet, but made him sick to his stomach.
It was such a massive shock to my system when I realised that I had been duped by Berg. For six & a half years I had given myself over to this man's teaching, put up with the abuses, lies, hypocracy, deceit, lying because that's what "God wanted".
Allowed myself to be persuaded that all that we did "in love" was justifiable, however we only saw half the story. We spoke of "God's exceptions", justifying Berg's penchent for fornication and adultery. We overlooked his drinking because it wasn't Berg, it was this mythical spirit called Abrahim drinking through him. Besides it was when Berg was in a drunken stupor that he got his best "revelations".
And we wanted to be just like him because this idea that we were somehow God's elite pandered to our egos. Filling our minds with pornographic images and sexually explicit materials only inflamed our appetites for more of the same! We soaked up Berg's perversions, drank them in like strong wine and became drunk and incontrollably led by lust.
And worst of all we did it all in the name of Jesus! How evil of us!
We allowed ourselves to be enslaved by Berg and Zerby's wickedness. This is the sordid truth, we cannot ignore that these things actually happened. I know because I lived through these things between May 1972 and November 1979.
Evil things happend in the cult but that was nearly 20 years ago.Cutting Edge would have been more balanced if it had made that clear.It's rather like talking about Germans nowadays as if they were all behaving like they did over 60 years ago.
Anonymous wrote:Evil things happend in the cult but that was nearly 20 years ago.Cutting Edge would have been more balanced if it had made that clear.It's rather like talking about Germans nowadays as if they were all behaving like they did over 60 years ago.
That's a faulty analogy.
The Germans don't continue to look at Hitler as a hero, but the Family continues to look at David Berg as one. In fact, when they were forced as part of the Lord Justice Ward case to say that Berg was wrong, they went back and issued a statement to their followers that they only said that to get "the system" off their back, and that sexually fondling children is not abuse.
The Germans don't deny or minimize the holocaust. The Family continues to deny or minimize the abuse of the second generation, and for that matter they also deny and minimize the holocaust.
German war criminals were turned over for trial. The Family hides their criminals and attempts to cover up their crimes.
Anonymous wrote:Evil things happend in the cult but that was nearly 20 years ago.Cutting Edge would have been more balanced if it had made that clear.It's rather like talking about Germans nowadays as if they were all behaving like they did over 60 years ago.
Really? You sound as if it's all normal now. Having young teens singing love songs to that sick David Berg is still pretty spooky in my book. As long as they follow him and admire him, they are still following his rantings, even if they are more "discreet" about it now.
Quote:Evil things happend in the cult but that was nearly 20 years ago.Cutting Edge would have been more balanced if it had made that clear.It's rather like talking about Germans nowadays as if they were all behaving like they did over 60 years ago.
According to Celeste, "House of the Open Pussy" was the ideal of Zerby's Family leadership home as recently as 2000 in Portugal. It appears that some TFI children are still exposed to a sexualized environment where adult sexual activity is flaunted. As Daniel Roselle pointed out, children who grow up aware of their parents' sharing behavior are hurt and disturbed by this awareness, if for no other reason than adult preoccupation with sexual conquest makes parents emotionally unavailable and inattentive to their children.
I thought some of the things in Cutting Edge were sickening,but I'm quite sure that a number of years ago I saw Celeste on TV being interviewed at Dunton Bassett and she very robustly stated that had never been abused and wouldn't be living there if she had-I dont quite understand. Also,though I think that cults do very little good,the programme was unbalanced.
When we were in the cult we always spoke well of the cult. Even when we were being abused, or abusing others, things were hunky dory!
Children were brought up not to understand about abuse. They grew up thinking that it was all perfectly normal behaviour.
Anonymous wrote:I thought some of the things in Cutting Edge were sickening,but I'm quite sure that a number of years ago I saw Celeste on TV being interviewed at Dunton Bassett and she very robustly stated that had never been abused and wouldn't be living there if she had-I dont quite understand. Also,though I think that cults do very little good,the programme was unbalanced.
Let me explain it to you very clearly. Children in TF (as well as the adults) are given very clear guidelines on what they can say and not say. PR in TF is perfected to a tee. I remember we were given a set of questions and answers that were to be gone over with the children and taught to them religiously (pardon the expression). And that we did. The children were instructed to only give these answers to anyone in authority or they'd be separated from their parents by those nasty, evil, Anti-christ forces. Sound familiar? A classic line from your local pedophile hand-book.
If anything, the previous interview with poor Celeste should show you how controlled she was so as to not be able to tell anyone her true feelings. In TF, saying the truth is tantamount to being cut off from God and next your family and anything good in your life. Fear is the motivating force. One must ALWAYS be happy and ALWAYS find the good in TF, God's endtime army, or face serious consequences. Just thought I'd bring you up to speed on that one.
I watched a recording of an interview with a child in Cog/TF. She was asked when the first time she had intercourse in the "Family". She replied that it happened when she was nine years old.
She had answered truthfully and honestly--she got severely disciplined for saying what she did!