A Thread For Fisterman

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Jack 2
Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2005 11:11 am
A Thread For Fisterman
fisterman wrote:
If you gentlemen are sincere in your questions start a whole new thread about ME and first declare my sin as an introduction and then I can answer you not a problem.

You want a thread? Here have a thread. My first question for you is this:

What are you trying to achieve by polluting these forums? You obviously do not support The Family as it currently stands. I for one appreciate this. However, you seem to be on this forum only to preach and/or start fights.

Please keep your answer to under 250 words. This can be easily achieved by avoiding saying what has already been said. Also remember that everyone on this forum has made their final decision whether or not they are going to be an Christian, a follower of Jesus or the Bible so there is no reason to proselytize.
Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2005 11:42 am
I want truths to come out, as I believe healing comes from understanding what really happenned and what really is happenning in the world.

SEE also http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/

I am a teacher, and I don't like tricksters and deceivers, and the oppressive. I don't like word manipulaters and con men. These can be in TF or out

I don;t likie suicide and opeople giving up irregardless of the pain, as I believe there's hope for everyone, and so I am a doer rather than a complainer. So I fought for two whole years against pro-suicide material being forced on Canadian high school students.

I am against fighting and never ending complaining that gets no where. I like progreess and not wasting lives nor time.

Surely you can understand that Jack

And Jack I don;t allow topic threads TITLES that don;t describe the thread that follows, so you should have put ACCUSSATIONS agianst Fisherman, rather than your tricky title. be honest, honesty is healing. Oh shucks getting close to Saturday.... still no moderater has varied from your deny religion healing method..
Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2005 11:47 am
Jack, I like exactness as I am a math type as mentioned, but even in literature it applies. Your Thread Title should have been THREAD AGAINST FISHERMAN.

Your group wants to accuse me, as mentioned on the other thread, so have some balls and say so. That's your intent as you ahve already started the accussation even with your first post...and then other accusers will come. They will fire accussations and demand that I answer, and yet won;t answer my questions back to them.

And then by sheer numbers and group force and intimidation you or they shall surely gloat in your supposed victory of intimidation.

So be it, if only one of you see your insanity, then it worth the effort,

Whoops hope I didn;t exceed your attention span in posting more than 250 words......
Helga 1
Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2005 12:28 pm
Fisherman, your biggest problem is that you're BORING.
Jack 2
Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2005 12:31 pm
I'm sorry. Was there an answer in any of that? Or did you just repeat what you have said in every other post?

While we're at it, here's some more questions for you.

1. Who ever said we're here for healing?
2. Who here has accuss[sic?]ed you of anything?

Don't even b¡tch about exactness and my incorrect spelling of your name when amongst your frequent mis-typing of other's names, you spelt the following words wrong in this thread alone:
    happenned happenning manipulaters don;t (2 times) likie opeople progreess accussation(s) (3 times) agianst moderater ahve
The 250 word limit isn't just for my attention span problem, it's also an effort to keep you from rambling about nothing making it extremely hard to filter out your half-boiled points.
Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2005 12:37 pm
Helga, your biggest problem is that you are a one liner, which could represent your depth.

So rather than accuse someone in a negative subjective manner which causes fighting and bickering, why not learn to be objective and learn to accuse according to principles being violated.

So try again, and do remember you will be asked the same questions back to you, because to find out answers we have to ask ourselves FIRST. To thine own self be true. Helga , are you there, come on girl, you can come up with more than a one line subjective accussation. Think objectively and for good rather than the reverse. Hoping you can do this for your own future good.
Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2005 12:45 pm
Did you correct your inaccurate TITLE yet JACK. try Accussations Against Fisherman, for it will answer your own queries in and of itself.

But for these two

1. Who ever said we're here for healing? (No one, and so I am seeing if anyone is in fact for healing and helping the Exers that have been abused, and if some or any have any idea what method would heal their wounds rather than keeping them open for more infection which will cause more pain. So question Jack does this mean you are not here for healing. Don;t beat around the bush, Yes or No. Don;t be cute and evasive, be honest)

2. Who here has accuss[sic?]ed you of anything? (Read.... Jack Read, I can't read for you... nor give you cvomprehension and if you don;t know human motivation of why people accuse... again exeprience Jack, experience, be honest Jack. For this thread will be full of false accussations against me, that's why you started it, and that's why it is allowed. And yet because I can show motivations and hearts herein, it is worth the time)
Jack 2
Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2005 12:54 pm
eeediot wrote:
..try Accussations Against Fisherman, for it will answer your own queries in and of itself.

Not a clue what that means.

So question Jack does this mean you are not here for healing. Don;t beat around the bush, Yes or No. Don;t be cute and evasive, be honest

No. Fisherman, as I've said before, I am not here for healing. I'm here to do what I can to prevent anyone from having to live the childhood that I had to live. I can't help being cute, that's just the way God made me.

Read.... Jack Read, I can't read for you... nor give you cvomprehension and if you don;t know human motivation of why people accuse... again exeprience Jack, experience, be honest Jack. For this thread will be full of false accussations against me, that's why you started it, and that's why it is allowed. And yet because I can show motivations and hearts herein, it is worth the time

Boy do you like saying Jack. I kinda like the sound of myself, that's why I chose it as my alias. Maybe Helga just said you were boring and I called stupid but those are simple facts. Maybe you are too defensive. Maybe you have a persecution complex.

Helga said more and made more sense in her single sentence then you did your response to her. Your quantity of words far from makes up for their lack of quality.
Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2005 01:14 pm
good for you for being pro-healing Jack, and so stay open-minded as to how others have gotten healed. For rejection of what you can't see isn't very scientific. And I have already explained what that means.

So there you answered your own question. Someone like you, is why we are HERE, for if only you see another method of healing then it makes it all worth while. Thanks for your confirmation Jack.
Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2005 01:44 pm
Can't you guys see how Jay is playing with you? You're his new playground. He doesn't care about you, he is having fun playing with people's minds. He has some sort of split personality disorder. Look how he's posted twice the same thing, but under guest, then as Fisherman and he does it nearly simultaneously so as to cause confusion. He's the master of confusion! This is his signature - he will do it till the cows come home because he has no life and he will fill up these boards with his incoherent blatther until everyone is begging for him to shut up (which has already happened). He'll accuse, belittle and demean while whining that he's being persecuted. Hello? Don't you have any security measures against this kind of thing?
Jack 2
Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2005 01:52 pm
Acheick you give this clown too much credit and us not enough. I see what he's doing. I was raised around people trained to talk this guy. I'm merely sharpening my typing skills. The one thing he has done is decreased my respect for Christians while increasing my respect for Evanman.
fisherman 1
Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2005 02:31 pm
You doomsdayers are way too fearful.... There's no decpetion, as I just forget to SIGN IN.... this isn;t my board, and si I am not use to the process, and besides my posts are consistent.

This posted by Achieck... and after I say the same thing, I just didn;t SIGN IN. Big deal, follow the principle. If Achieck can make that simple error in not signing IN, then surely I can as well. Why are you so wrathful and accussing ?

Hi Evanman - yes, you can post from any computer as a guest and you don't have to register. Which is what I am doing right now and why I used Acheick on the field because I get lazy to log in. I have calculated that possibly at any given time Fisherman has logged in on up to 3 different computers, thus, the many postings from him. I believe he does this from some university library.

This is his signature style and if anyone is guilty of lying and fraud, it is him.

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 11:45 am Post subject:


I have posted from one computer, and its at home. I have posted as guest simply for the same reason you have Achieck, so if that is an accussation, then it applies to you as well. Come on lighten up and get real, there is no deception in fighting lies and killings. It takes objective truth, and objectively speaking I forget to sign IN. Maybe I didn;t on this one too and it will come up Guest. That's not treachery, that's called not signing IN

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fisherman 1
Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2005 04:24 pm
I'm sorry about making this posting Jack, i didn;t read your previous posting well enough and didn't see your NOT here for healing words. I should have quessed this from your previous messages, but I quess I thought you had a change of heart, and actually wanted to be healed or wwanted to help in the healin g of others.

So no I wasn;t playing word games with you, I just sincerely didn;t see that you again posted that you were NOT Here for healing,

Anonymous wrote:
good for you for being pro-healing Jack, and so stay open-minded as to how others have gotten healed. For rejection of what you can't see isn't very scientific. And I have already explained what that means.

So there you answered your own question. Someone like you, is why we are HERE, for if only you see another method of healing then it makes it all worth while. Thanks for your confirmation Jack.

So that's my reason for being here, I want to help heal wounds that exers haven;t closed up because wrathful Exers don;t know how to close these wounds and don;t want those that do, to find out how. ?

SEE Saturday possible posting on the healing thread...
Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2005 05:51 pm
Jack wrote:
Acheick you give this clown too much credit and us not enough. I see what he's doing. I was raised around people trained to talk this guy. I'm merely sharpening my typing skills. The one thing he has done is decreased my respect for Christians while increasing my respect for Evanman.

I'm sorry, Jack, I know you're on to him, but there are others who are less aware and who may be caught off guard, not having come here very often. It's those people I worry about.

IMO, Jay is a discredit to Christianity, much the same as Berg was and all other wacko's who use Christianity or any religion for their own means. I've seen this in churches too, people of questionable character will hang out there because it's easy for them to hide amongst the faithful. They know how to act and how to talk and they figure that Christians will be forgiving and merciful and won't call them up on their scam. Sadly, it's too often true. I've known pedophiles who hang out there because they have easy access to young children, take them on outings, etc. Everyone thinks they are stellar members of the community. It sure makes it hard to trust people. Crying or Very sad
WalkerJ 1
Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2005 09:32 pm
fisherman wrote:
I want truths to come out.

That's wonderful, Fisherman. And all this time I just thought that you were here to demand that your own opinions be accepted as truth.

Would it make you feel better if we all just agreed with your opinions?

fisherman wrote:
I am against fighting and never ending complaining that gets no where. I like progreess and not wasting lives nor time.

I'm sure your mature enough to not judge people by what they post on a website. Forum posts are a poor indicator of how much action is going on behind the scenes and it would be foolish to judge anyone by them. Don't you agree?

fisherman wrote:
And Jack I don;t allow topic threads TITLES that don;t describe the thread that follows, so you should have put ACCUSSATIONS agianst Fisherman, rather than your tricky title.

Come again? You don't allow? Can you explain to me how that's supposed to work?

Fisherman, objectivity means giving equal ground to ALL sides and opinions, not just the ones you personally agree with. Is that a concept you're familiar with?
Monger 1
Reply Fri 28 Oct, 2005 10:18 pm
fisherman wrote:
There's no decpetion, as I just forget to SIGN IN.... this isn;t my board, and si I am not use to the process, and besides my posts are consistent.

Perhaps some were a little strong, but it can certainly be confusing to follow a series of posts from the same person using multiple names (i.e. Fisherman and Guest). For the moment guest posting is allowed in order to encourage reader participation, but this may change in the future for reasons such as better controlling spam, etc.
fisherman 1
Reply Sat 29 Oct, 2005 01:41 am
Monger, anyone with half a brain, could see that by style and by content that I wrote the quest writings here it is just another vain attempt to try and accuse, accuse accuse.

I thought Exer leadership and posters would have gone beyond such petty wrath and vile that causes themselves and others such pain.

I was hoping there was a semblance of sincerity at least Here in a research board. But it seems that only Everman has such sincerity and wants to try and heal Exers wounds.

Bye, its so sad that you deny those that want to help and yet won't work together to help close old wounds.

Its so sad. You're so sad..after all these years, you still are not healed.

If you ever want help in fighting the Family in order to help Fm's within or ever want help in helping close wounds of Exers, I'm at [email protected]
WalkerJ 1
Reply Sat 29 Oct, 2005 02:14 am
fisherman wrote:
I thought Exer leadership and posters would have gone beyond such petty wrath and vile that causes themselves and others such pain.

Exer leadership? Where? Can you give me some names so I'll know who to stay away from? Smile

fisherman wrote:
Bye, its so sad that you deny those that want to help and yet won't work together to help close old wounds.

What is sad, fisherman, is that you don't realize how many wounds an attitude like yours re-opens. It is insensetive of you to insist that an emotionally and psychologically hurt person can only heal in the way you prescribe.

I wish you well in your efforts to bring healing to ex-Family members.

If I may offer a few words of caution:

- Consider the possibility that you (or your flavour of Jesus) do not have all the answers to everyone's problems. I know it makes you feel good to think that you know the answers to life's mysteries (or, at least, have privileged access to the "Answer Man"). But you will never make a victim of abuse feel like you are trying to help them, when you demand that they accept your opinions as truths.

- Consider the fact that a wounded soul must heal in its own time, in its own way.

- Consider the fact some of your attitudes are causing more damage than healing to the broken and fragile lives the Family has created.

I cannot begin to stress how important these are.

fisherman 1
Reply Sat 29 Oct, 2005 08:14 am
You are the leaders Walker, you are called moderaters when you are extremists, they won;t allow different methods of healing other than DENIAL OF CHRIST and CHRISTIANITY to exers. You say you are fair and objective, but you are only open to exers that agree with you tyo keep wounds OPEN by blasting away at what you agree with. They never get healed just like you moderater leaders. You seethe even years and decades after leaving TF.

What is sad, fisherman, is that you don't realize how many wounds an attitude like yours re-opens. (Yes, some exers were Christians and joined for Christ, so you pretending that some of these do not exist is closeminded...and even demanding that SGA that were forced into Family Christianity can;t be healed by the real Christ is closeminded and hardly objective) It is insensetive of you to insist that an emotionally and psychologically hurt person can only heal in the way you prescribe. (I haven;t even said how they would get healed because you won;t allow it. You won;t allow other methods of healing except DENIAL, DENIAL)

I wish you well in your efforts to bring healing to ex-Family members. (THanks and I shall continue to do so, in a try and proven method that many that you have solenced have experienced.... for there is a balm in Gilead , that you keep silencing the whereabouts of. You not getting healed is your choice, but when you don;t allow FREEDOM OF CHOICE to those that might want to try a different method than DENIAL, then that's a crime)

If I may offer a few words of caution: (YES see the dream I got for you in General Section...as it is true... and is happenning and is a CAUTION SIGN)

- Consider the possibility that you (or your flavour of Jesus) do not have all the answers to everyone's problems. (Exactly and I don;t force it on anyone but you ALL will not allow other healing methods and that's your sin and crime. You are anti-Christ and don;t allow His method to be applied to wounds if an EXER choose it. You are bias against other methods and only allow DENIAL) I know it makes you feel good to think that you know the answers to life's mysteries -or, at least, have privileged access to the "Answer Man"- (I'm not Him nor do I have a special link but I do know from experience wrath and persecution for persecution sake does not cure and heal wounds. Wounds are cured by ********* and ****** and **** but you won;t allow these words to be spoken or written) . But you will never make a victim of abuse feel like you are trying to help them, when you demand that they accept your opinions as truths. (I give them FREE CHOICE [Moderator: Link removed.] I and other Christians like Everman allow free choice, you do not, because you are afraid of others not accepting your choice of DENIAL)

- Consider the fact that a wounded soul must heal in its own time, in its own way. (And choose for themselves without being told they have to DENY., DENY...and the time factor you talk about doesn;t make your impossible method possible. Look at some of these long time exer leaders and posters writing when they have been out for decades and still are not healed)

- Consider the fact some of your attitudes are causing more damage than healing to the broken and fragile lives the Family has created. (Love heals even though your denial love isn;t working and you refuse other methods, and yet you blame those that try to provide alternatives. You are closed minded rather than objective or fair or being concerned about broken lives. Yes, you are causing more injury than help.)

I cannot begin to stress how important these are. (So change, and allow other healing methods and ABOVE all allow exers to see and read alternatives other than DENIAL DENIAL)

Jack 2
Reply Sat 29 Oct, 2005 03:58 pm
fisherman wrote:
Monger, anyone with half a brain, could see that by style and by content that I wrote the quest writings here it is just another vain attempt to try and accuse, accuse accuse.

Style. Content. Heh heh. I think I'm starting to see the satire in this guy's writing. I'm just gonna have to stop arguing and learn from his comedic mastery.

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