This is CONNECTIONS not a discussion area, Monger, you above all people should know that.
But seeing I always like to answer real questions, please check out all the references I have made in the other discussion boards that only venting and foolishness is allowed as a means of healing HERE. I wish it was different, but by example and group pressure, and because you leaders here have no other suggested healing method, by example and by ommission and by your attitutes that are all the same, YES you only allow one healing method here, and its called venting, persecution, and even foolishness when your healing doesn't give you answers.
Now do leave this board for CONNECTIONS rather than your oft repeated queries.
But if you have another healingpositive method, do post it on GENERAL.
Thus far, no leaders here have thought up one.
fisherman wrote:Now do leave this board for CONNECTIONS rather than your oft repeated queries.
I have asked you kindly before to leave moderating to us, the Moderators. You do not get to tell people how to moderate our forums. We will enforce our policy on this. This policy is not in writing yet, but you have read it from us before and you should know this by now.
Please respect this. Thank you.
PS: There are no "leaders" here, only Moderators.