Day wrote:Guest,
Oops. That scenario didn't even cross my mind and would, of course, be problematic for some FM's. Have you got any suggestions, ideas or other comments about ex-fam reunions?
Hi Day - there were a few so-called reunions that I attended but they were for the most part a negative experience for me. Probably because currrent members were invited and it was a real downer to say the least. Geeze, even Gary (Paul Papers) was at 2 of them. My friend and I had to go outside because we were wanting to hurl. Some of them got together and started singing their incredibly sappy F. songs - ick, ick, ick. Then one of the current leaders asked my hubby if he and I still believe in "sharing." Aiy yai yai.
Sooooo...that was the end of that. I don't think I'd ever want to do it again. I suppose it might be good for some people who need to revisit their past which has proven to be a way of helping one to move on. I went back to a country where I suffered most of the abuse when I was in TF and it was a strange experience, but it was also a way for me to get closure. So, in that sense, you might get closure by having a get together with former members in your area.
Also, when I get together with some former members we usually end up laughing and joking about the stupid things in TF and the silly things they believe. I found this to be a healthy way of dealing with the trauma. Laughter is very healing. Even the other day I was visiting my adult son and daughter and they started reminiscing about F. songs and were singing something about Pandita Ramabi - then started laughing their heads off.
If I were you, I'd just be real careful as to whom you invite, there are people who have left, but have not really left the ideology or the feel good about TF and Berg mentality and even could be hangers on, and that could be problematic for you. It could be a potential for a lot of tension.
At one time, some of us were talking about a big camp out somewhere in the Rockies or the Colorado river where we could meet and it wouldn't cost an arm and a leg for housing. But it never developed.