Fun with James...

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Reply Tue 14 Jun, 2005 04:11 pm
Fun with James...
It was recently brought to my attention that a certain chap named [size=117]James[/size] took it upon himself to inform (or perhaps, warn) the other XFamily editors of my membership in what he described as a "pretty demonic cult," based on evidence in my my wiki profile, here.

Astute fellow, I say. Razz

[size=117]THE DIRT ON JAMES:[/size]
Having lived with James in the past, I happen to know a little something about him...

Let the terrible truth be known that James is a Linux/OSS fanboy and evangelist, and even now struggles to defeat our Evil-Monopoly -holding overlords in Redmond.

Sadly, James has fairly effectively weilded The Family's magical keychain in battle against our army of uzi-toting, sewer-dwelling (to add a Vandari twist), evolution-proclaiming monkeys.

Little does he know, however, that new recruits 10,000 strong are now preparing to follow evil-Neo and the principle demons in one fell swoop on both Karen Zerby and Linus Torvalds.

Behold, Armageddon approacheth:

[size=92](All intended in good fun, James. Smile)[/size]
Jack 2
Reply Tue 14 Jun, 2005 04:50 pm
Tsk. Tsk. Monger, you are indeed a poor demonic boy.

That said, I'd rather be a floor-rug outside the gates of your hell then a king among kings in their heaven.
Monger 1
Reply Tue 14 Jun, 2005 07:09 pm
Jack wrote:
That said, I'd rather be a floor-rug outside the gates of your hell then a king among kings in their heaven.

Admit it, you're just after Vampirella upskirt shots as she walks over you, aren'cha?

...Speaking of vampire love, check out the trailers at Vampire Lesbian Kickboxers--The Movie Laughing ...cracks me up.
Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2005 08:39 am
I'm a cranky old fart who wakes up in the morning with achey joints. Getting old is a bitch when you know its a matter of slow decrepitude--shuffling about with a walker, plugging up the incontinence, forgetting not to drool, smelling like mothballs.

Your vitality & irreverence make me laugh. Growing old is tolerable.
Reply Sat 6 Aug, 2005 09:08 am
what about ganesh?
i read that wiki thing and you totally are missing out on ganesh and hanuman!
fisherman 1
Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2005 10:59 am
I found James to be a true Christian and a real missionary. He sacrifices and goes out daily and weekly witnessing by hitch hiking and at his age that isn't easy. So please be specific about the charges you have indicted against him. Knowing that false charges can go against yourself. Just state in plain terms what James sin is suppose to be.
WalkerJ 1
Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2005 12:04 pm
fisherman wrote:
I found James to be a true Christian and a real missionary. He sacrifices and goes out daily and weekly witnessing by hitch hiking and at his age that isn't easy. So please be specific about the charges you have indicted against him. Knowing that false charges can go against yourself. Just state in plain terms what James sin is suppose to be.

James isn't being charged with anything as far as I know. The above article was a humorous piece in referrence to a previous exchange. Both sides had a good laugh and that was that.

Just because a person's name is listed somewhere on the xFamily site, doesn't mean they were/are an abuser.
fisherman 1
Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2005 12:10 pm
I didn't see any humour in the topic, especially when someone's name is being defamed. But if others see it as humouress, so be it.

I would suggest that not all family members are bad, som,e are real live missionaries with good hearts who are working like heaven to give real people in the real world love and JESUS.

Hence having known James through correspondance ONLY for about a year and a half I can vouch for its integrity and sincerity. He will no lonmger write me, cause I backed a website aginst the Family in conjunction with Julius, who brought James into TF, but some things have to be said, and Julius who was leaving needed support, and so I helped him until his departure.

That BB continues on though.... BTNDNPWCACM...

Got to fly... All the best to any and all real missionaries for jesus whether in the Family or out, for we are ONE
Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2005 12:29 pm
Lighten up chums.

Even I can see through the humour. Even I.

fisherman 1
Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2005 12:46 pm
You might ask James personnally if he thinks it is Monger's posting was funny, because if he doesn't think it is light hearted and humouress, then it might not be very classy., and might even be deemed characher assination or simply foolish. And what we do to others might return back on us.

if we are to speak against the Family, we can't make the same mistakes they have, and we should be using the high ground rather than stooping to thier level.

Besides as Walker has said, James is not automatically an abuser just because he is in the Family. And as I have stated from personal correspondances with him, he is very admirable in my opinion.

Good humor hurts and offends no one. So in my opinion, saying such about one of my previous friends isn't that funny. Would you like this sort of things said about you or your friends. I don't think so... but then again your values are your values, but mine are different.

God bless James.... and all missionaries for Jesus, irregardless of whether in or OUT of the Family
fisherman 1
Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2005 01:26 pm
I thought we all preached, because we are all teachers.

So are people that believe in Jesus not acceptable but the follish or those that mock James acceptable.

If you allow Monger's words, why can't their be an opposing opinion that suggests that James is a good person. Why can't a good person be a missionary. is this an anti-Christian site. Or just a word game site.

Why resort to labeling comments as if preachers are evil. Are all preachers and teachers evil. If that be your opinion, don;t you think it is rather extreme.

Why not just focus on James and whether or not he thinks Mongers posting was funny ?

Would you like James email address. Anyone can ask him personnally, and surely James will respond honestly.
fisherman 1
Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2005 01:35 pm
Thor... can I suggest, you look at James as a person rather than as a FM.

We have to take the high ground rather than stoop to their level to be have credibility with the ****** and with others.

What we do, we have do with the right motivation, not just out of revenge. Just because they pray out of the spirit, doesn;t mean we pray or sue or swear out of the spirit. We can't sink to their perfidious level.

And if you deem that preaching, so be it. I am a Christian and will repeat it. We have to stay sober to fight them.

SEE FC Scam, SEE name changing SCAM, see Sam Perfilio crimes etc....

SEE Mo's literal War mongering POST.

Those are adictments in my opinion made very seriously by me against them individually, but james has done nothing wrong that I know of, so please either accuse him specifically or I would suggest we not drag his name thru follishness or thru mockery.

If you differ, so be it.
Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2005 02:01 pm
To Fisherman
Fisherman - pardon me for butting in,but you are really reminding me of the killjoy attitude that is so prevalent in TF and sorry to say, it's not a happy memory. So, gee, thanks for reminding me - NOT.

This prattle of yours is so typical F. ish. I happen to have some kids (the oldest "kid" being 31) who are quite the humorous ones with a very dry sense of humor. I remember my oldest getting into trouble by F. leaders because he was "foolish" and "vain babbling." It was soooo ridiculous and really trite.

Antoher time he had found a compatriot of sorts and the 2 of them used to have a lot of fun with their sarcastic sense of humor and just being guys. They were separated by F. leaders because of their "perceived" foolishness. I wonder if you understand just how irritating that is. If you think that this sort of Jenny the mule line of thinking is "Jesus" and "God" then you run along and tell the world about your rigid and humorlous straightjacket, colorless, empty icon you worship, because that's nothing like the God I follow.

For a happy ending to the above story - when my children and I get together on holidays we have a grand old time being really foolish and sarcastic with lots of vain babbling.

On another note, one time I chided my son for being a bit over the age at his age and he said, "Give me a break, I was raised in a sex cult." So there you have it. Give these guys a break, will you please?
WalkerJ 1
Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2005 02:11 pm
fisherman wrote:
You might ask James personnally if he thinks it is Monger's posting was funny, because if he doesn't think it is light hearted and humouress, then it might not be very classy.

I wouldn't have said that both parties found the article humorous if I wasn't absolutely sure about it.

James' comment on it was, I believe, in an email to the editors. If you still want proof, I'm pretty sure I can dig up the email.
fisherman 1
Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2005 02:13 pm
A...... Fisherman - pardon me for butting in,but you are really reminding me of the killjoy attitude that is so prevalent in TF and sorry to say, it's not a happy memory. So, gee, thanks for reminding me - NOT. (Soory A I like good humor, not characher assasination and mud racking. Ask James if this is good humor. I think not. Its mockery, and we should be above that and more mature, and laugh at what is laughable mainly ourselves, but not resort to mocking those that are not here. Surely you can understand this principle)

This prattle of yours is so typical F. ish. (Prattle is demeaning, my words are simple to understand, and so don;t condescend... be mature in this discussion, is that so hard to understand... SEE all my other posts.. Thanks) happen to have some kids the oldest "kid" being 31 who are quite the humorous ones with a very dry sense of humor. I remember my oldest getting into trouble by F. leaders because he was "foolish" and "vain babbling." It was soooo ridiculous and really trite. (WE are not talking about condemnation of F leaders against people having fun and playing and trying to find humor in life. Focus A. we are talking about mockery of a Christian missionary, who in my opinion is very admirable)

Antoher time he had found a compatriot of sorts and the 2 of them used to have a lot of fun with their sarcastic sense of humor and just being guys. They were separated by F. leaders because of their "perceived" foolishness. (Shame on holier than thou family leaders, but James is not a Family leader but a hard working missionary... Huge difference. he is not a kill joy so lets not mock him privately behind his back. Surely you can understand this) I wonder if you understand just how irritating that is. If you think that this sort of Jenny the mule line of thinking is "Jesus" and "God" then you run along and tell the world about your rigid and humorlous straightjacket, colorless, empty icon you worship, because that's nothing like the God I follow. (Yes the Lord has humor and we should have lots of humorm but not at the sake of those that aren;t here and surely don;t think it is humor. Don;t you know the difference A..)

For a happy ending to the above story - when my children and I get together on holidays we have a grand old time being really foolish and sarcastic with lots of vain babbling. ( do ours. and we have five of em four of'em born while in the F. You talk about a hoot.)

On another note, one time I chided my son for being a bit over the age at his age and he said, "Give me a break, I was raised in a sex cult." So there you have it. Give these guys a break, will you please? (Just suggesting they find good humor among themselves rather than bad humour mocking humor to someone who isn;t here. They can mock and jest and chid one another, not a problem at ALL, as they do seem to be a bit ********. but James is not HERE, so lets have some respect for him. As what goes around comes around.....)

(Let's have some standards, rather than the lack of standards the F showed.)
WalkerJ 1
Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2005 02:22 pm
Dude, trust me, you really are making a big deal over nothing here. Why don't you ask James if he found this offensive?

He's been to this site; he's dialogued with the editors. If he thought this was demeaning, he would most likely have told us himself by now.
fisherman 1
Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2005 02:32 pm
Great Walker, if James has enough humility to see it as funny, and he thinks it is humouress and what you have said about him is humouress and not behind his back, then IF that be the case it might be considered OPEN HUMOUR and not mockery. But surely you can understand why I and others would be against behind the back mockery. Your site seemed so down to Earth and research oriented, and serious, this thread just didn;t seem to match your other ones....

So do let me ask James too, I have his email address

Irregardless though, it did give me a chance to mention that I think James is admirable, in being a full time missionary, and giving his life without much thanks from TF, to others.

He is the one that truly does need and deserve more good times, laughs, and a good reward for all his serious work for the Lord and others.
fisherman 1
Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2005 02:35 pm
Ha, it seems James does have a sense of humor... I found this on his site.

Surely it wil be good humor...
Jack 2
Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2005 06:24 pm
Bwaha. Ha ha. Fisherman R teh adds hummor wid teh exlent Engrits.
Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2005 08:16 pm
Ha, let me also congratulate James of Japan for searching while in the Family. He has a true Christian's heart in trying to understand what is really happenning in the world via current events and prophecy, which is how we originally got into communication. James searches and seeks out a matter and this most exers don't do. For similarly James is not afraid of going where most family members would not dare to go, and that's in discussion with outsiders like myself and you here. For even if outnumbered immensely here, it seems he was able to keep his cool even though surely he was attacked for F sins and errors. So again, I would have to say we should congratualte him for being so bold and honest. Oh that more F members had his courage and oh that more exers had such a spirit of searching and standing up for what they know. In my opinion

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