Family International Leader Rebuked And Warned

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Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 07:40 am
Family International Leader Rebuked And Warned
Hi guys,

Just wondering if you have read this rebuke someone gave Family International Leader: Peter Amsterdam on the website. Even though its pretty unbelievable, alot of valid points are made in it and scripture is used to show The Family Leaderships treatment of abuse victims is defying Gods word. I sure hope someone would send this to The Family Leadership!

By James Massa

Samuel was also a Prophet, and even though he was raised up as a servant of the Lord by Eli and his household, Samuel was called by God to Prophesy a Prophecy of Doom and rebuke over Eli and his household. I am also like Samuel, and even though I was brought to the Lord by friends I know in The Family, God has called me to deliver a Prophecy of Doom, woe and rebuke to The Family International Leadership. It is scriptural for a Prophet who is brought to the Lord by a certain people to prophesy against them, as we see in the book of 1st Samuel. For TF to say this prophecy is not valid because they brought me to the Lord, they are gravely mistaken as scripture in Samuel disproves this.

Peter Amsterdam is a main leader of The Family International which is a spiritual body that serves God. However Peter Amsterdam is a like a cancer inside the body of believers that is rotting away the body of believers like a cancer, Peter is corrupting the house of Israel by strengthening the hands of molestation and abuse just as Eli’s sons corrupted the House of Israel in the book of 1 Samuel. “Now Eli was very old; and he heard everything his sons did to all Israel, and how they lay with the women who assembled at the door of the tabernacle of meeting. So he said to them, "Why do you do such things? For I hear of your evil dealings from all the people.â€
m 2
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 10:26 am
Yes, I saw it there and it was quite funny.

Of course, James Massa is a total nutjob who seems to be suffering from delusions of grandeur.
He calls himself an "ex-witch" (ROFLCOPTER) who was "saved" by TF. Now he thinks he's a prophet of God.

You can find him preaching on youtube if you're so inclined.

P.S. I've noticed that God's KJV English is starting to wear down. He was better at it in Berg's days, but you can see the influence of modern English in the above text.
Maybe Jeebus is helping him modernize, as he has already mastered modern English (and just think, only 20 years ago he was still speaking in Ye Olde English).
Cookie 2
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 03:44 pm
i think that's such a weird proph.

anyway, it's really Zerby and not Peter so much that calls the shots and that knows better. kelly is a follower of Zerby too.

i'm sure Kelly knows what he's doing, but Zerby is the one in absolute control and ultimately responsible.
Thorwald 1
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 04:16 pm
I consider it pure and simple spam and do not wish to give this guy any time of day. I would propose we delete the above "prophecy" (or whatever it is supposed to be), however, I would also like the world to see how religion produces utter nut-jobs such as this guy.
Cookie 2
Reply Sat 8 Sep, 2007 07:26 pm
nut job indeed.
Indian Joe 1
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2007 11:56 am
Thorwald wrote:
I consider it pure and simple spam and do not wish to give this guy any time of day. I would propose we delete the above "prophecy" (or whatever it is supposed to be), however, I would also like the world to see how religion produces utter nut-jobs such as this guy.

I remember hearing that Peter had a heart attack several years back after he attended a fellowship in Laurel, MD. I guess that he might have another one within the next two years, and it could be fatal could be a matter of hypothesis rather than prophecy.
Thorwald 1
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2007 12:26 pm
Indian Joe wrote:
I guess that he might have another one within the next two years, and it could be fatal could be a matter of hypothesis rather than prophecy.

If you make enough predictions, eventually, you will be right . . . about something.
m 2
Reply Sun 9 Sep, 2007 03:18 pm
As they say, even a broken clock is right twice a day. Rolling Eyes
WalkerJ 1
Reply Mon 10 Sep, 2007 09:47 am
Indian Joe wrote:
Thorwald wrote:
I consider it pure and simple spam and do not wish to give this guy any time of day. I would propose we delete the above "prophecy" (or whatever it is supposed to be), however, I would also like the world to see how religion produces utter nut-jobs such as this guy.

I remember hearing that Peter had a heart attack several years back after he attended a fellowship in Laurel, MD. I guess that he might have another one within the next two years, and it could be fatal could be a matter of hypothesis rather than prophecy.
I've chatted with this guy on MO. He seems intelligent enough and sees through a lot of TF's BS, even in his own friendly interactions with them. According to him, he had absolutely no idea that Peter had any sort of heart condition and was almost elated to find out about that.

But there's no doubt he is completely deluded about his "prophet" status. Still, I give him kudos for stating that if Peter doesn't "repent" or die of a heart attack within the next 2 years, he will check himself into a mental facility.

I'm not holding my breath for any of this.
Cookie 2
Reply Tue 11 Sep, 2007 04:08 pm
is he in TF, or has he ever been? cuz if so, he would know for sure about Kelly's heart condition. they pray for him at every prayer time, like they used to pray for Zerby's eyes
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 05:58 am

Hi there Cookie.

Its nice to see you aswell JohnnyWalker, I've always had intriguing conversations with you at MO.

In answer to your question Cookie, I am not an FD member of The Family International. I have friends in TF and I do visit them on occasion.

I admit I have been diagnozed with schizophrenia because I hear voices and see things that nobody else can see, I have also spent time in a psychiatric hospital. But I believe these voices and visions are real. I encourage everyone to make their own mind up about me, and if you think Im just a schizophrenic and not a Prophet, I would appreciate it if you could just refer to me as a schizophrenic instead of a nutjob.

Thanks for listening.
Cookie 2
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 08:41 am
oh ok.

Hi schizo!

teasing Laughing
Cookie 2
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 08:44 am
i'm sorry about the above. with a license like that, i just couldn't resist. ...

mrj123, could you explain your friendship with these family members to us. because i don't remember having any real friendships with outsiders while i was in the family. i mean, there were "friends" but there was no real honesty on our side, it was a lot of "deceivers yet true" nonsense, so i'm just wondering if maybe this has changed lately and if you could explain the nature of your friendships with members in TFI
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 10:51 am
Cookie, I have had friends who are in TF for about 2 years now.

I met members of TF in my local city, and I befriended a young man about my age and an older man from TF. I took an interest in the literature they were distributing, they were handing out posters about the end of the world, I found the writings and prophecies very intriguing. I explained my interest in the posters and writings to members from TF and they began inviting me over to their homes. I began visiting two homes, one was a FD home and the other was a non-FD home. An FD home means every person in the house is a full time disciple and member of TF, the non-FD homes are made up of some people who are full time disciples and other people who are not members of TF.

I visited both types of homes for bible studies and to just visit my friends in TF. I never joined TF as a member, but they seemed very happy to have me as a friend. TF didn't really tell me much about the allegations that were being made against them by former members, I had to find all that out for myself by visiting

I have sent the above prophecy I wrote to my friends in TF, but they do not accept it. I think there's alot of fantastic young people in TF, and TF has some good qaulities, but after reading the testimonies and documented evidence of the abuse that has gone on, it seems the Leadership has inspired widespread abuse. I really hope and pray things improve and drastically change in TF.
Cookie 2
Reply Wed 12 Sep, 2007 01:52 pm
James, you said "they seemed very happy to have me as a friend". of course that is how it would seem. we always put on our best face when a "friend" came over and made them feel like they belonged...all with the intent and purpose that either:

1: you would become a thither
2: you would contribute in a lesser financial way
3: that you could provide them with goods and services
4: that you would eventually become a full time member and an addition to their "Stats"--an indication of how fruitful their "home" was on paper.

If, like you said, they didn't share with you something that is very much a part of their history and current discussions and prayers behind closed doors (against xmembers who don't like them and don't wish them well, etc) something you could find out on your own, how honest do you think their friendship is to you?

about half of my family is still in the family, and they are good people, so i'm not saying the people you are acquainted are not good or sincere people, but i would say that my family is a good example to me of what the rest of the family is like, and in the more than 30 years they have been in the family, they have not really "let in" to their real friendship circle more than one person i can think of and that was when we were in a very isolated situation where we felt cut off from the rest of TFI.

just something you might want to think about.
Reply Sun 18 Nov, 2007 05:03 am
Cookie wrote:

If, like you said, they didn't share with you something that is very much a part of their history and current discussions and prayers behind closed doors (against xmembers who don't like them and don't wish them well, etc) something you could find out on your own, how honest do you think their friendship is to you?

I have come to the conclusion that the group is a sex cult that operates using lies and deception. It was a sad thing to realize, but sometimes the truth hurts. When I saw Deb Berg, Mene Berg and Ricky all testify of abuse on television, it couldnt be explained away. Three of the founders children had claimed sexual abuse, that simply cannot be explained away. Its clear there is sexual abuse occurring in the group, and that the whole group continuously lies and fabricates things.

I have decided to no longer be associated with any friends I did have in the group.

God wrote with his finger on the tablet he gave Moses that "we shall not commit adultery." The Family has violated every sexual law that God gave to the people, and they continue to practice and teach you can have sex with anyone. This doctrine is anti-christ and not of God. The fruit of all the abused children proves their doctrine and actions are immoral and wicked. I renounce the group and their teachings.
Reply Sun 18 Nov, 2007 01:57 pm
mrj123 wrote:

I have come to the conclusion that the group is a sex cult that operates using lies and deception. It was a sad thing to realize, but sometimes the truth hurts. When I saw Deb Berg, Mene Berg and Ricky all testify of abuse on television, it couldnt be explained away. Three of the founders children had claimed sexual abuse, that simply cannot be explained away. Its clear there is sexual abuse occurring in the group, and that the whole group continuously lies and fabricates things.

I have decided to no longer be associated with any friends I did have in the group.

God wrote with his finger on the tablet he gave Moses that "we shall not commit adultery." The Family has violated every sexual law that God gave to the people, and they continue to practice and teach you can have sex with anyone. This doctrine is anti-christ and not of God. The fruit of all the abused children proves their doctrine and actions are immoral and wicked. I renounce the group and their teachings.

That is good news! I have found that if you are a true christian or "believer" then all you need to do is read the good ol' Bible and it will show the way and the TRUTH!!!!
Good descision James.
Reply Sun 18 Nov, 2007 11:59 pm
Re: reply

That is good news! I have found that if you are a true christian or "believer" then all you need to do is read the good ol' Bible and it will show the way and the TRUTH!!!!
Good descision James.

Hey teen terror! LOL! your a good man. I totally agree, all you need is the Holy Bible to follow the truth of God. If you start reading some of those MO Letters they actually contradict what Jesus and God the Father actually said. Sex outside of marriage is clearly against God's will, and sex with minors is DEFINITELY NOT OF GOD.

I think your following in the footsteps of Christ teen terror, im glad you terrorized The Family before you left, you terrorized them just like Jesus terrorized all the hypocrites in the temple with a whip! I hope you gave the people who abused you a good whipping before you left!
Reply Mon 19 Nov, 2007 09:31 am
Cookie wrote:
i think that's such a weird proph.

anyway, it's really Zerby and not Peter so much that calls the shots and that knows better. kelly is a follower of Zerby too.

i'm sure Kelly knows what he's doing, but Zerby is the one in absolute control and ultimately responsible.
Yah, but wouldn't it be wierd if Zerby is actually Peter's puppet? That way if he fucks up it's her fault. Question
Reply Mon 19 Nov, 2007 10:27 am
Arssle wrote:
Yah, but wouldn't it be wierd if Zerby is actually Peter's puppet? That way if he **** up it's her fault. Question

I've been getting information that Zerby is actually Peter's puppet. Im not excusing Zerby for what she has done, but I do not believe Zerby is the real leader. If you read the publications and see the Queen Maria pictures, and are told in the publications that Maria is the number one leader, ofcourse you are going to believe that Maria is the number one.

I believe Peter puppeteers Zerby from the information I've been recieving, if men are involved in taking advantage of young girls, its in their interest to have a woman as the leader of the group, its so much more innocent and it makes it less confronting from a public perspective.

I heard Zerby wanted to resign from the group and surrender to authorities after her son commited suicide and killed Angela. But Peter and a group of males are strongarming her, they need Zerby to be their little puppet to hold the organization together. Many of the sex teachings are not even written by Zerby I've heard, even though her name is usually printed on them, but these sexual teachings are actually dictated by older males in the group who want to sexually interact with young girls; these older males dictate teachings that encourage young girls to have sex with older men.

Peter Amsterdam (Steven Kelley) and Paul Peliquin are both recognized as number 2 and 3 on the official TF leadership ladder. I have heard they are actually number one and two, and Zerby is completely controlled and puppeteered by them both.

I dont claim to know everything, but this is what Im hearing.

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  3. » Family International Leader Rebuked And Warned
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