Arssle wrote: Yah, but wouldn't it be wierd if Zerby is actually Peter's puppet? That way if he **** up it's her fault.

I've been getting information that Zerby is actually Peter's puppet. Im not excusing Zerby for what she has done, but I do not believe Zerby is the real leader. If you read the publications and see the Queen Maria pictures, and are told in the publications that Maria is the number one leader, ofcourse you are going to believe that Maria is the number one.
I believe Peter puppeteers Zerby from the information I've been recieving, if men are involved in taking advantage of young girls, its in their interest to have a woman as the leader of the group, its so much more innocent and it makes it less confronting from a public perspective.
I heard Zerby wanted to resign from the group and surrender to authorities after her son commited suicide and killed Angela. But Peter and a group of males are strongarming her, they need Zerby to be their little puppet to hold the organization together. Many of the sex teachings are not even written by Zerby I've heard, even though her name is usually printed on them, but these sexual teachings are actually dictated by older males in the group who want to sexually interact with young girls; these older males dictate teachings that encourage young girls to have sex with older men.
Peter Amsterdam (Steven Kelley) and Paul Peliquin are both recognized as number 2 and 3 on the official TF leadership ladder. I have heard they are actually number one and two, and Zerby is completely controlled and puppeteered by them both.
I dont claim to know everything, but this is what Im hearing.