New book 'Not without my sister'

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Reply Thu 1 Nov, 2007 01:23 pm
Most are not guilty
Look, I am an ex member of the Family and chose to leave 15 years ago mainly because I wanted a change in life, not because of abuse of myself or any of my children. I spoke to a couple more ex family members this week who also left round about the time I did (all of us had been in for 10 years or more). Although we came across some who were a bit too heavy handed, none of us ever experienced anything remotely like the stories I have read on this forum, especially when it came to sex and the young.

We just want to put the record straight about the majority of the members of the Family. Just as not all priests (in fact the majority), not all teachers, not all childcare workers, not all scout masters etc. are paedophiles, neither were/are the majority of members of the Family remotely like those mentioned in thes postings.

I guess people are writing these things because they, personally, encountered these problems, but there are thousands upon thousands over the years who did not encounter these problems.

Yes, I admit, there were some strange writings in the MO letters at times, but there was also some very good advice. I (and other ex members that are not antagonistic or did not have the bad experiences that others on this forum have had) are actually thankful for a lot of the time we spent in the Family. We were in it for the right reasons - to witness and win souls, give Bible studies, perform at charity events, give food, clothing etc. to those in need.

So, please remember that when you read this forum. Some may have had bad experiences (and don't forget, there were thousands of different homes in all countries) but there were those who didn't have those bad experiences and are not worthy of being spoken ill about.

There are still Family members doing TREMENDOUS work in various countries. They have chosen to stay on in the Family. One family I know still has all 7 of their children (mostly full grown now) in the Family and 2 grandchildren. They are absolutely lovely people and their kids are the same and well rounded and happy in what they are doing.

One person wrote about everyone getting naked at 5pm and even eating naked, or being topless in front of guests. Others wrote about FORCED sharing, another wrote about children under 16 being raped, made to have sex with older men etc. I was in about 10 homes during my stay in the Family (over 12 years) and never encountered any of that and I was not naive or 'not looking'. My kids were old enough when I left to question them on all this when it started coming out in the newspaper, and they were horrified at the things they read. The only things they said that happened that they were not happy with was with some of the adults who were too strict and some a bit heavy handed.

So, the purpose of this letter? Just to say that you can't make it sound like the majority of Family members were evil and paedophiles etc. because the majority were/are not.
Cookie 2
Reply Thu 1 Nov, 2007 02:33 pm
Guest, i want to ask you something. you said you left 15 years ago. so when were exactly were you in the Family? Because this WAS really widespread at one time for a very long time.

in EVERY home I lived in at that time i encountered something of the sort that i would call negative or VERY negative. granted, the last 15 years or so have been very calm and mostly without the sexual abuse, but most of us who are writing here were growing up at a time when it was happening. and if you were in the Family at those times, you would probably not feel the way you do as much. You never read "Heaven's Girl"? were you in the family when us as kids had to draw over the naked people sleeping with kids during nap time in the life with grandpa books and cut out the pages that were just too much to black out? why did we black those things out? because they wanted to erase the memories of what they had once believed was pure. they did these things, some people did it out of perversion, and some people did it because they believed it was god's way. yes, not everyone did these things, but at that time, it was something that was going on a lot! a lot of the abuse was done in the name of love, because they thot it was good for little boys to be masterbated to sleep, because they thot it was pure love to hit on little girls weather or not it led to sex, because it was showing them god's love, and exposing us to how it was meant to be...that when we got our periods we should start having babies, etc. Did you read the BTH?

i just want to know WHEN you were in the Family. we're not saying that these things happen now. we're saying it happened, and no one in the family in a position to make it better for us now that we've grown, to apologise in any real heartfelt sort of a way ever did. and that is why we still talk about these things. when did WE get any closure? if someone did to my kids what was done to me, i'd call the cops in a heartbeat and get them locked away as long as was possible.

any of us who have an issue with what's going on in the family now have different issues than sexual. they are mostly concern for our brothers and sisters education, feedom to belive what they want to without having the family's philosophy forced upon them two hours or more a day, etc.

you said, "most are not guilty". well, maybe you weren't, but there are a LOT of people who were. and if they weren't guilty of having sex with minors, maybe they were guilty of spanking kids for being "foolish" (what they called a kid cracking a joke, etc being a kid, etc) separating or ruining families, both of which they did to mine with their very ridiculous law of love theories. we know they don't allow these things ANYMORE. but they did and i think you must know that.
Thorwald 1
Reply Thu 1 Nov, 2007 06:06 pm

Let's do the math here. You said you left 15 years ago. That means you left in 1992. You also said you were in the group for at least 10 years. So, you were around in 1982. That means you read the Story of Davidito, Techi's Life Story, and many of Berg's rantings on sex. If you really were a full-member in the early 1980s, you can not claim that you didn't read these or were not aware of them. These were instruction manuals on how to raise your children.

If you were a full-member in the early 1980s, then you watched Glorify God in the Dance (featuring nude children, as young as six), read the regular Nudie-cutie series (which also featured nude children), knew all about the Sharing schedules (which included minors/minors and minors/adults), knew all about Silence restriction, and other forms of physical, psychological, and sexual abuse.

You can not claim to have been a full-member back then and not know this stuff was going on. It was not in a few "homes", it was wide-spread. In fact, I would say it was the rule rather than the exception.

You can not speak for the "majority of members" or the "thousands of homes"; you can only speak for yourself and what you saw and experienced. However, it would have been simply impossible for anyone around back then to not know that this stuff was going on. We have the documents, the pictures, and the videos on this site (some of us on this site are featured in these). We have the dates they were published. You said you were around back when these were published. You know that the "Mo Letters" were required reading by all adult members. That means you read them and you know that your "home" implemented the "guidance" (more like rules).

Go to and read the hundreds of accounts of abuse suffered by minors in "homes" in every corner of the globe. To write that these were just "heavy-handed" is a major understatement; these were criminal acts. You re-victimize these people by trying to downplay what happened. To my knowledge, not a single perpetrator has been brought to justice for what they did. Even witnessing a criminal act and not reporting it to the proper authorities is also a crime. Just "following orders" did not excuse the Nazi's. The current leadership of this group are the main guilty parties, but the adults in every "home" should have known what was happening to their minors.

PS: Yes. They have done some good work. However, even a saint has to pay for the crimes he or she has committed. The leadership of this group has committed crimes. There is no way of arguing that.
Reply Thu 1 Nov, 2007 09:43 pm
to: thorwald
good job! where have you been? Smile
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 03:07 pm
Reply Wed 12 Dec, 2007 02:52 pm
Some of Berg's writings?

Some Good advice?

So many of the Mo letters were couched in sexual language for as long as I was in CoG/TF from 1972-1978. You cannot escape the fact that Berg was a paedophile and an advocate of child sex.

As Christ stated,"a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. " (Mt 7:17)

Berg was sexually perverse, a corrupt individual--the movement that he spawned was the fruit of this corrupt tree--the movement itself can only ever be corrupt whilst they continue to espouse Berg's advice ("Good" or "bad".)

You must know the story of Ahab and Jezebel--well that's how Berg and Zerby were! And she continues today as a Jezebel!
kristina 1
Reply Sun 3 Feb, 2008 07:37 am
Now Without My Sister..
Has reached no. 2 in the UK paperback charts-as listed in todays SUnday Times.
Reply Tue 5 Feb, 2008 09:41 am
Not Without My Sister..
is Number One in the UK Non-Fiction charts this week!

Reply Tue 19 Feb, 2008 09:19 pm
Re: New book 'Not without my sister'
kristina Jones wrote:

I am pleased to anounce my new book co-writen with my sisters' Celeste Jones and Juliana Burhing.

We were born into The Family-this is our story.

It will released in July 2007 and can be pre-ordered at


Kristina Jones

i was also born in the family,i live in mexico i would love to read oyur book.and feel unerstood by some one.getsy
Reply Fri 21 Mar, 2008 01:51 pm
Re: New book 'Not without my sister'



Reply Fri 28 Mar, 2008 04:20 pm
Re: New book 'Not without my sister'
hello to the women that wrote 'not without my sister'
i have just finished reading your book and found it extrodanary reading, i was astonished to find that it was recently written and that these occurances happened in my life time. i would like to congratulate the women on there amazing courage and bravery and for inspiring others to leave the family. i was tough reading at times and usually i take ages to read as i have two young children i went through this book in 3 days. i would like to wish them great things in their lives from here on in
Reply Wed 2 Apr, 2008 11:14 am
Re: New book 'Not without my sister'
i dont really know what to say or write, im still reading the book and finnding it hard going im having to read several hours each evening, i ahd bought the book out of curiosity from asda along with another by cathy glass
uptil now i had never heard of "the family" and never had contact with them, but reading it brought back memories from my own early and teen years, events where no-one intervened or even seemed to care even those within my own family
though i have already sent an email to celeste and the sisters
i wanted to write here as well
to say well done and thankyou for putting it to paper

Reply Wed 7 May, 2008 10:03 am
Re: New book 'Not without my sister'
Just want to add my support and best wishes to the three sisters. Have just finished the book and it brought back painful memories of my childhood. As a boy I was abused in boarding school and at 'friends'. I am now in my 60s but the hurt goes on. Don't let anyone ever say a child will get over it. Sorry I am going on a bit, just want to say everyone who works with children should read this book at least twice!
Reply Mon 26 May, 2008 05:02 am
Re: Now Without My Sister..
kristina wrote:
Has reached no. 2 in the UK paperback charts-as listed in todays SUnday Times.

congratulations kristina,juliana and celeste.fantastic book,loved every minute of it.Very sorry for what you all went through,and am so happy for you that you got through it and have made something of your lives.and also to the thousands of other people that are out there that have left the family and achieved goals that could not have been achieved inside the family...well done and take care x
Reply Fri 27 Jun, 2008 08:38 pm
Re: New book 'Not without my sister'
Wow, I have just read your book and i hardly know what to say. I was abused as a child and so for some reason i feel compelled to read of other peoples experiences. I have struggled over the years to cope with the memories of being abused and i have to say that i am so happy to read your accounts and know that you have survived and are fighting back. I am so sorry for the loved ones that you have lost along the way, i am sure they are smiling down on you, proud at what you have achieved.
You are amazing people and i am very thankful for the insight into your lives.

Keep fighting and stay strong xxxx

Reply Mon 15 Sep, 2008 10:50 pm
Re: New book 'Not without my sister'
Hi Kristina,

I read your book. I was shocked, saddened, and sickened to the stomach about the abuse that you, your sisters and many other innocent children have suffered. I hope you continue to make public information about this cult, this child abuse needs to stop. These children are the future of this world and we cannot afford to allow this type of genocide to continue.
Your'e a brave woman and I wish you all the very best. I am sorry that you had to endure the childhood that you did.

kristina Jones wrote:

I am pleased to anounce my new book co-writen with my sisters' Celeste Jones and Juliana Burhing.

We were born into The Family-this is our story.

It will released in July 2007 and can be pre-ordered at


Kristina Jones
Reply Tue 14 Oct, 2008 01:39 pm
Re: New book 'Not without my sister'
hey i have jus finished reading not without my sisters it must have been awful for all of u being seperated from ur family i am so glad that u all r back together

i was sickened 2 hear about the abuse that u all suffered and how could the adults have done that to you they must have been sick in the head

keep fighting an speaking up about the cult chid abuse needs to stop xx

well done an take care xxxx
Reply Wed 12 Nov, 2008 03:46 pm
Re: New book 'Not without my sister'
After watching a documentary about the family, I stumbled upon the Dutch version of your book. I think it's amazing how strong you are, and the book gave me a good view on what the family is about. I think it's ridiculous that those people aren't punished for what they've done and that the cult still exists nowadays, and that people are too ignorant to see what it's really about. Keep up the good work!
Reply Fri 13 Feb, 2009 11:56 am
Re: New book 'Not without my sister'
Hey Girls,
I have just got your book Iam not done with it yet but i mst say I can not put it down i spent 3 hours in the bath last night my husband had said dont yu think that reading that book will make you feel sick and things like that i told him no i wont to no what happend to the so called "Family "i have been watching videos and tv and reading all i can about this
"family" it makes me sick to think that there is ppl doing out there doing this stuff to childern let alone over 1,000 of them in a cult who think that itis god work.... but what can i do i have asked my self this for yrs now if the Gov will not do anything to stop it or so i have heard on TV it has stoped somthing i dont no think is true, in anycase the men and women who did this to childern are still out there liveing there lives again doing "Gods work" and notthing has happend to them and no one has step in to take the kids out of "the Family" what the hell is wrong with ppl if i was not to feed my kids dinner cuz we have no food my kids woud be taken away with out me stoping it... so what is wrong and again how can i help...... somthing i think i will ask my self for yrs to come... thank you for writing what you went thought and not stoping in telling the truth no matter how you need to get it out there... if it was not for you girls and many others kids form "the family" then the world would not no anything about it so again Thank You and stay strong...
Reply Thu 17 Dec, 2009 02:48 am
Re: New book 'Not without my sister'
Dear Kristina, I live in Australia & bought your book about a year ago & just finished reading it for the 2nd time. Let me begin by saying that Im so sorry for what you, your sisters & other children went through. Im appauled at what the the adults did to you, the people whos job it was to protect you. They knew damn well it was wrong. Those adults lived in the 'system' before joining the cult & knew that having sex with kids was illegal & wrong and would've known the psychological damage it causes. They chose not to care. As you said in the book, quite a few people left when it was encouraged so the ones who remained there were peodophiles. They were happy to be able to have sex with anyone at anytime and that there were no consequences. I think that some adults in the cult knew Berg wasn't the prophet and only stayed there because they were free to indulge in their sick perversions without fear of persecution. It was heaven on earth for a peodophile. Since reading your story I have researched more on cults & child abuse. I've read books like "escaped", A boy called it", "Broken", all about child abuse & am currently studying to be a social worker so that I can do my part to help and its all thanks to "Not Without My Sister". I hope that I can be that person who makes a difference in these kids lives. I hope the people who abused the children in the Family pay for their crimes. There is a video on here that shows a man, a woman & a boy in Australia telling of how the boy had 'shared' the night before with the woman. That is an admission of guilt & the man & woman should be hunted down & thrown in prison. I know it must be hard with everyone changing their names but lets hope they eventually get caught. I had a look on the Family International website today & was angered at how they described themselves and how good they say they are. I wanted to get on there and tell them everyone knows they horrible things they did & still probably do and they weren't going to fool anyone anymore because we are going to get the word out about your book all over the world. I'll do my part because I dont want to see anyone else subjected to their torture ever again. Im happy to hear you and your sisters are doing well and wish you all the best for the future.

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