Wed 4 Apr, 2007 06:05 am
New book 'Not without my sister'
I am pleased to anounce my new book co-writen with my sisters' Celeste Jones and Juliana Burhing.
We were born into The Family-this is our story.
It will released in July 2007 and can be pre-ordered at
Kristina Jones
Congratulations! I look forward to reading it.
Are you sure it won't be released until July 2007? I have seen some book seller sites which say April 2, 2007 (which I assume is the UK release date) and others which say July 2, 2007 (which I assume is the release date outside the UK).
I ordered it from the
U.S. site and they said it would be shipped on April 9th or 10th. When I ordered it, the availability status was "In stock soon. Order now to get in line. First come, first served" but now it says "Usually ships in 4 to 6 weeks" so they may have temporarily limited stock.
may be helpful for finding online book sellers which have it in stock now or expect to soon.
The book is officially launched this year.
I hope that it will become a best seller.
I just signed up to be alerted when this is available on the U.S. Amazon site.
christina, how can i get in contact with celeste?
If Kristina doesn't see this, you might wish to try the contact form on their website: [link updated by a moderator]
thanks monger. heard you had a birthday. happy birthday

hee hee 8)
sorry missed this post and posted on wrong section!!! welldone to all 4 of you for speaking out (even if one of you is no longer here) a truly amazing story that needed to be told i dont believe in any religion but i do believe what goes around comes around, take care xx
Australian coverage
Thankyou for your support. We would really appreciate it if people could write a short review for Amazon and off course spread the word to friends ect..
This is one of the Australian Radio shows. (I have to admit I was very sleepy due to the time difference.)
John Safron on triple j
bought your book today and look forward to reading it. i know julie a bit and celeste very well. i got to speak with them today for a while, which was awesome. glad to hear they're doing well. hope you are too, and best of luck to all of you and the success of your book! i can't wait to read it!
Thank you Cookie, I am glad you could get back in touch with Celeste and Julie.
All the best to you.
Has anyone else noticed that this book is listed in
the number one spot for "Top 10 non-fiction books" for HarperCollins Australia?
read your book in Australia
Hi Kristina,
I bought and read your book in one sitting over the weekend. I'm at a loss as to how to even process the information in it but I am blown away with your survival skills. I cried for all the other children who either never got out, or didn't even know they were trapped.
What terrible terrrible crimes have been committed in the name of organised religion. ANY religion at that.
A a parent, I'm disgusted that I have to share that title with so many freak adults belonging to COG (or whatever they call themselves now) who are too weak to question their authorities and continue to perpetrate horrific crimes of betrayal - on their own kids! It's just wrong that no one is being made accountable. Turning a blind eye is JUST as bad as doing it in the first place.
I have picked this book for my bookclub to read next. As a proud agnostic who works with victims of child abuse, I will definitely do my bit to raise awareness for the sake of your family - and I DO mean biological family. I deeply felt for your mother in the story and hope she has found peace to balance the turbulence in her young adult life.
NB: As an outsider to the family past and present:
I wish eternal unhappiness to the founders of this sick organisation. I'm starting to read some of the philosophies of the group (as written by Berg) and find the whole concept of their belief system ludicrous. I couldn't care less if any current members want to hide in obscurity waiting for the end of time but try not to rape any small children while you're at it.
JK, Sydney Australia
got my book today. looking forward to reading it
The Book speaks for itself..
The Book made me cry from begining to end, I am a Parent of three beautiful children (2) girls and (1)boy. I can't imagine ever being seperated or watching someone abuse them. My first reaction to reading the book was to hold my own children tight and close. Thank you for being strong and speaking for those who can not against such a perverted and disgusting group of sub-humans... God Bless you and keep you and your families safe. Kibbles