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d mills
Reply Mon 5 Feb, 2007 07:06 pm
dying for this cause, I pity your ignorance, you only know what you have been told by your leaders.
I left the cult 9 years ago, at only 16 and never once wanted to hurt your precious beliefs or group or spoke ill of it as a whole. I stumbled on this web site and saw your rant, and how you included and grouped all who have left the cult, as if we broke one of the 10 comandments. I've lived my life up till now the best I could following a liffe stlye what I and most deem to be normal and productive. you remind me of that movie the island, you are moved around like a pawn till you are ready to be used for parts. wake up and realize that were there's smoke most of the time there is fire
Reply Mon 5 Feb, 2007 08:46 pm
Re: Fools
Dying for this Cause wrote:
I think I am going to ask God a special favor when we get to Heaven: to be able to stand there and to see the looks on your faces when you found out exactly what you have done. Priceless is the only word I can think of to describe it.

Just imagine baiting a 500-pound bear, empty handed. Now replace that bear with the Creator of the entire universe. Once again, sucks to be you.

That's called gloating. Is this a typical Christian attitude or were you just temporarily out of the spirit?
winter 1
Reply Mon 5 Feb, 2007 11:47 pm
Dying for this Cause, I won't go into arguing each point you seem to be trying to make. Though I do have a suggestion. Why don't you slow down and read over your posts a few times before clicking 'Submit.' You could even wait about ten minutes in between reading over it and posting it. You may come up with something easier to understand.

Now I'd like to point out something that you don't see, and I think it is something that many people are overlooking. Most people talk about their past and how maybe things have changed and TF may be a safer place for children now. Well what about this?

Dying for this Cause wrote:

The people I follow today had nothing to do with the abuse you received. I have a strange feeling it wasnt either Mama or Peter doing it, much less the Lord God almighty sticking his hands in your pants.

I know it's difficult to discuss this as we have the "God" topic. The Family's version of God is what I refer to as J-man. I refer to him as such because of the way Jesus is portrayed in The Family(TF or TFI) is radically different from the way he was portrayed in the Bible and, in fact, the way he was portrayed to me as a child. I read the Bible when I was a child. How would you like it if your father suddenly wanted to f#ck you when you became a teen? OK, well "God" wanting to f#ck you could possibly be worse if you are an impressionable youth. "God" wants to f#ck you. I speak in these terms because for someone growing up in TF, this image of Jesus really is "God." How terrifying for a young man this is. It was for me. You '19 year old' have probably always remembered hearing about your husband. Well, for some of us older than you, Jesus was a father, not man obsessed with our genitals. Who of you think it is safe to teach a child that "God" a man named "Jesus" wants to have sex with them and spray semen all over them and other such lewd things? Anybody think so?

Oh, hey, have you ever watched Equilibrium? I like the way they show "God" in that film. I think you can relate. Think: "J-man is a puppet." Think about that for a while. Perhaps J-man may even be a subconscious puppet of Zerby and the like to express their inner fantasies. Who knows the complexities of the mind?

Zerby insists that the word f#ck is a nice good clean word. It's only the evil "system" that has ruined it's meaning. I guess she hasn't read the encyclopedia much.

Probably the one thing that saved me from insanity was that I wasn't taught that Jesus is "God" when I was a kid. Somehow my parents never taught me that. I never equated the two as the same thing. So when Zerby's J-man wanted to f#ck me. I said no and rejected him. I thought I was rejecting Jesus at the time. Then after leaving TF I realized I only rejected the J-man. Like I said elsewhere, now I can sleep at night without having homosexual nightmares. Through this horror, I starting reading the Bible, The Tao, I Ching, and other scriptures. I learned a lot.

So my suggestion to you, 19-year-old, is that you suck J-man's penis a little longer and and take it deeper, because that is what it says in the GNs. Obey the "Word of God" young man, and stop visiting evil ex-member sites. You should be aware that there are WS people who visit here to see what the evil demon infested people are talking about. They may find your posts, and that could mean trouble for you if they find out who you are. Tsk tsk tsk...

Dying for this Cause wrote:

I have ex member friends. My brother and sister are both ex members. Thankfully they have gotten on with their lives.
I have seen what people are whining about. Oh yes, I knew some of them. I lived with some. Sunny James, for instance. Most of the people from Japan, I have known at least passably. They had the best upbringing in the world, and I mean in the world. And yet, what are they doing now? Trying to destroy what they grew up on. Pitiful.

I'm gonna have to ask you this: have you ever lived in Japan? If not, then please shut up. If you have, then maybe you haven't lived elsewhere and don't really know what a good standard of living is. I lived in India before coming to Japan. I can say that the houses we lived in and our living standard in India was quite a bit higher than the places and homes I saw when I lived in Japan. Hey, remember good old Midoriko Victor Camp? "Best upbringing?" Sure... "Tape that boys mouth shut! He's being foolish!" "That kid needs to learn to be quite! No talking for a week!" How about drop toilets that you could actually fall into and drown in. Is that really a great standard - not to mention the lack on insulation? I never lived there, but when I slept there one night on a road trip, I was pretty disgusted and scared. Maybe not many people know that Japan has a low standard of living compared to it's economy. It's changing now with new developments, but most of Japan is still old and junky. Unless you have traveled Japan, I don't think it's worth arguing. The Family in Japan has also been known to be some of the strictest. The leadership can be quite overbearing. I have lived in TF in other countries, and so I should know.

Dying for this Cause wrote:

Maybe I shouldnt have been so forceful and insulting in my words, therefore I will apologize. However the feelings that caused those words remain. I hate to see good come to naught because of the lies that are spread by people like: Sam Ajemian, James Penn, Daniel Roselle, Sunny James, etc. That is what made me write that.

Please write them about it then. I don't even know if they visit this site.

Dying for this Cause wrote:

Jesus' burden is easy and light, if you're carrying it with him. It is something you cant do alone. Any questions as to why they were too heavy? Try seeing if you were doing things yourself, or actually asking for his help. Clue?

Yes, I did ask for help - from the shepherds and Queen Mama Maria herself. Of course I prayed. Did I get help from people? No, just a keep fighting ramble and don't the take "Word of the living God" so seriously. That's one of the things that helped me to leave. I shouldn't listen to God? Well, I think I chose to listen - just not to the J-man.

Dying for this Cause wrote:

If the fruit was death, how come you are writing this? Arent you dead? Who in the Family killed you?

Like I said earlier, you should probably take time to read and speak. It wasn't a sudden death. It was a slow strangling of the life within. You should know about these kind of spiritual things. You are into religion, are you not? Life vs. Death? Ever heard about dying before entering the grave. Come on man, there's plenty of proverbs and sayings written about death.

Dying for this Cause wrote:

Are we arguing semantics here?

I am not, but maybe you are. I'm not even going to begin to pick apart what you say. Though I am trying to understand what you are saying as a whole. The picture is coming clear.

Dying for this Cause wrote:

Many pastors and great men of the world have divorced their wives. Look at any rag mag to see the latest: Justin divorces latest flame. ben dumps mary. Yakkity yada ya. That's the latest fad. How can you get all righteous with us, when you dont write Ben Affleck or Britney Spears and get uppity with them for their divorces. Pity. Maybe Angelina Jolie will listen.

I don't know what is happening in Hollywood. I rarely watch films. I don't think it is a good idea to model my life after Hollywood. Do you? What has Hollywood got to do with what we are talking about? I think you missed the point. That's alright though, because when I starting thinking for myself, I found out what adultery and fornication meant. Whether you think they are evil or not, is not the point. If you are a Christian, you are not supposed to do that. Go ahead, read the Bible and find the verses I am talking about. Then find me one verse that says that it is alright to commit adultery and fornication. It has to say it as direct as the verses that say not to. Don't go twisting Paul's, "...against such there is no law." Because you failed to read the previous verses in the chapter.

Dying for this Cause wrote:

Go ahead, I was hoping you would drag Ricky Rodriguez into this. You have no idea how incensed I was by hearing that he had murdered Angela Smith in cold blood. I thanked God he had comitted suicide for his own sake, that's how furious I was. I knew her well. She was an awesome person who had no right to die how she did. Yet, it still happened. Why, you ask? I dont know why. But I can bet Ricky is sitting in his Heavenly mansion wondering the same thing himself. All those choices he made were his own. Seeing as we are taught to love everyone, wouldnt that go against his upbringing. Therefore, David Berg can be aquitted of any charges of accomplice to murder by heritage. Can you blame your Mom and Dad for when you get drunk and puke on the floor? Generally they teach you not to get drunk. Same principle applies.

You see, you just don't get it. AFAIK, Ricky wasn't even Berg's son. Am I right about that? I wasn't even talking about him. Like I said, take some time to listen and speak. You were incensed? Anger is a bad thing. They don't teach about that much in TF. Though, I can tell you that it is bad. It is a root of evil. The fruit of anger is evil. Therefore anger is a root of evil. Go figure.
winter 1
Reply Tue 6 Feb, 2007 12:07 am
WalkerJ wrote:

Dying for this Cause wrote:
Do you have any idea how many apologetic letters Mama, Peter, Dad, and others have issued, apologizing for the actions of people that misunderstood or misapplied what was said? I think after all that they'd get pretty sick of people harping on the same thing. Think up something new, its getting old.
I challenge you to show me a letter in which Maria, Peter or any member of WS says, "What we did was a crime. We hurt you and we will have to live with the knowledge of that for the rest of our lives. We know an apology will never make up for the hurt we caused you and we know we cannot demand your forgiveness, but we want to do anything we can to help you heal."

Even something close would suffice. Believe me, it would do a world of good to hear them say that.

Unfortunately, they haven't even admitted fault--a crucial first step in apologizing. I think this article sums up my feeling on Maria and Peter's "apologies" to date quite well.

That's not enough for me. They have to renounce Berg and their sexual beliefs in teaching minors to masturbate with J-man. To be accepted by the majority of Christians, they are also going to have to renounce their adulterous teachings.
WalkerJ wrote:

Didn't think so. I knew you couldn't be that heartless.

I think this 19-year-old has the capability of being that heartless if he was applauded and given a title and renown for his great "work" in "leading" and "shepherding" this "rotten apples" of TF. Isn't so much of it about ego? I wonder how many people in TF would be doing the things they do if they didn't have their "brothers and sisters" support, praise, and ego worship.
WalkerJ 1
Reply Tue 6 Feb, 2007 03:09 am
winter wrote:
That's not enough for me. They have to renounce Berg and their sexual beliefs in teaching minors to masturbate with J-man. To be accepted by the majority of Christians, they are also going to have to renounce their adulterous teachings.
To be sure, it is by far not enough for me either. But it is a step in the right direction and would certainly beat anything they've attempted to pass off as an apology thus far.

winter wrote:
I think this 19-year-old has the capability of being that heartless if he was applauded and given a title and renown for his great "work" in "leading" and "shepherding" this "rotten apples" of TF. Isn't so much of it about ego? I wonder how many people in TF would be doing the things they do if they didn't have their "brothers and sisters" support, praise, and ego worship.
Meh, I prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt. He's only 19, so chances are he'll be less likely to misattribute and misapply emotions once his limbic system reaches maturity.

In any case, I'm not willing to judge his character based soley on his rants here.
Thorwald 1
Reply Tue 6 Feb, 2007 03:41 am
I predict he will not answer WalkerJ's "Yes or No" questions with a "yes" or a "no". It is a catch22 situation . . . let's see how he figures it out. Or, will he simply turn tail and run (i.e. ignore them and/or stop posting)?
Reply Tue 6 Feb, 2007 08:00 am
I'm betting he'll cut and run. WalkerJ posed some tough argumentation and questions.
winter 1
Reply Tue 6 Feb, 2007 08:10 am
WalkerJ wrote:
Meh, I prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt. He's only 19, so chances are he'll be less likely to misattribute and misapply emotions once his limbic system reaches maturity.

In any case, I'm not willing to judge his character based soley on his rants here.

True, it's good to give him space. I guess if he really is seeking, he will find. Perhaps I have mis-judged him. I'm not good at understanding people. That's why I make an effort to do so.
Reply Tue 6 Feb, 2007 08:30 am
Who was responsible for the writing down of Berg's teachings? Who edited his visions and messages given when he was in a "trance"?

Who typed them up and sent them off for publishing?

Zerby--That's who!

She is just as guilty, if not more, for the abuses that occured in TF/CoG.

She is more like the Jezebel that Apostle John spoke of in the Revelation:

Rev 2:20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.
Cookie 2
Reply Tue 6 Feb, 2007 04:53 pm
Dying for this Cause wrote:
How were you just like me? Somehow I dont think you were. You didnt have what it takes to stay in it till the end. Big difference between the two of us.
Cookie wrote:
by that, are you implying this is the end of the family? You will only know your final status at the END of the family.

Nope, I know what I am: I am a full time disciple of Christ. Be it in the Family, or out, wherever he calls me that's where I'll be

How do you know that's not OUR status as well? You don't know me or my family that left. Oddly, you said, "Be it in or out of the family," but that's not what we were discussing. We were talking about remaining IN the family.

By the way, I don't know the other people you were rattling about, they don't come on this site, but I do know Sunny James well and feel that she has been misjudged and that she has a right to say how she feels. I lived with her for a couple years in the Family, and kept in contact for about 4 years after she left. sadly, it's been a couple years now since we lost contact (SUNNY JAMES, if you read this, WRITE PLS!), but I can tell you from what I witnessed about her--she's a very special individual who has been deeply hurt and has been needlessly publicly humiliated more than once by leaders and peers who may just have been jealous of her influence or scared of her large personality that they could not cage. Since she has not chosen your line of work where one must keep silent and bend fully in humility to remain, she has every right to say what she'd like to say. And if you weren't personally involved in what happened to her, you are doing her more injustice by making her sound like a heel or persecutor. SHE was persecuted OUT of the family because she had more attention than she should have in order to remain a lowly, humble member. She deserved her accolades, she worked hard for what she wanted, and it was dangled in front of her, and then when she almost reached it, they took it away and left her out in the cold. If you know Sunny James like you claim you do, you might have some love in your heart for her.

as for the other names you mentioned, the only times i've really heard of those people were from GNs, when i was still in The Family. we'd pray vicious prayers against them all. You ask what it feels like to be a loser, well, i don't know. i'm not one. i'm not bigoted, i don't hate someone because he's a homosexual, like you do, i don't pray against people who say things against what i believe or who don't chose my lifestyle.

As as real christian, you should LOVE even your enemies. but how sad that your own ex family brothers and sisters are considered your "enemies". Rolling Eyes
winter 1
Reply Tue 6 Feb, 2007 07:11 pm
evanman wrote:
Who was responsible for the writing down of Berg's teachings? Who edited his visions and messages given when he was in a "trance"?

Who typed them up and sent them off for publishing?

Zerby--That's who!

She is just as guilty, if not more, for the abuses that occured in TF/CoG.

She is more like the Jezebel that Apostle John spoke of in the Revelation:

Rev 2:20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.

Very very true. If it wasn't for her, I wonder how far he'd have gone. That is one reason I bring up his divorce. It is a key issue.

Every time an F member tries to argue with me, I just point out that part of Revelations. It kind of freaks them out. If it's not about an early church, it is about them. Which other church teaches this bile?
Monger 1
Reply Tue 6 Feb, 2007 07:27 pm
winter wrote:
Dying for this Cause wrote:
Maybe I shouldnt have been so forceful and insulting in my words, therefore I will apologize. However the feelings that caused those words remain. I hate to see good come to naught because of the lies that are spread by people like: Sam Ajemian, James Penn, Daniel Roselle, Sunny James, etc. That is what made me write that.

Please write them about it then. I don't even know if they visit this site.

All of them have visited this site at one time or another, but I don't think any are around regularly anymore.

By the way, how did Sunny make the list of the unholiest of the apostates?
Cookie 2
Reply Tue 6 Feb, 2007 09:39 pm
Dying for this Cause wrote:
...I do not see myself joining your crowd anytime soon. Hence the name dying for it. I will die in it, therefore for it.

How do you figure? Your "therefore" seems out of place and maybe just a tad preposterous?

Just because you stay with them does not mean when you die you die FOR them. eh?

besides, i doubt the collective would want you to die for them. if they do, how bizzare. i don't recall anything like that being asked of you in the Bible. Rolling Eyes
Monger 1
Reply Tue 6 Feb, 2007 10:49 pm
...We will live and die for the kingdom
As we give our lives to the cause
Soldiers of the cross...

I forget how the song goes.
Cookie 2
Reply Wed 7 Feb, 2007 01:50 pm
still seems bizzare if you mean it literally.
Reply Fri 9 Feb, 2007 01:08 pm
I don't know if you all remember that famous recording of the sounds of a crowd (supposedly an arena) and the "martyrs" entering singing, "We have come to die for him, David our king"!

Boy were we ever deluded!
winter 1
Reply Fri 9 Feb, 2007 04:27 pm
evanman wrote:
I don't know if you all remember that famous recording of the sounds of a crowd (supposedly an arena) and the "martyrs" entering singing, "We have come to die for him, David our king"!

Boy were we ever deluded!

You're kidding me?! Well that is one of the things I always had a hard time yielding in. I just didn't feel like dying. That and jealousy and homosex. Doing dishes during video night was easier to deal with.

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